Itzel's POV
Days , turned to weeks , and today was the day Valeria was getting married. I never felt happier than seeing my Bestfriend happy. Currently, I was getting ready putting on the bridesmaids dress whilst doing my hair and makeup, helping the girls along the way. Valeria looked stunning & I kind of envied that . She has a perfect guy , and a perfect child. And after all the bullshit , there back at it. Not only that , but I envied the way Harry looked at her. That's how Zayn would look at me. The way Harry smiles at her , That's how Zayn would do to me. There were bits & pieces and honestly I feel horrible. I don't know , the pain of not being able to have those things kills every cell in my body. I guess people are right , when they say you don't appreciate the things you have until you lose them. And mine being that I was with Zayn , and things got out of hand and now I'm here where I am. Watching , Valeria walk down the aisle , got me emotional she looked stunning like I said. Looking around , I could've sworn I saw Zayn but that's just my imagination. The little ceremony closed , and Harry and Louis planned the party and organized it all. I don't know but a part of me hopes to see Zayn , like not to be close to him but just to see him. I may not be able to talk to him , but as long as I see him I'll be fine . Things are so difficult and I don't even know what to do. A part of me longs to be in his arms again ,and happy. And a part if me wishes he never exsisted in my life. I can , maybe start things off slow. No , I get he hit me. I get it. And I would never let anyone do that. But.. The heart wants what it wants , and my heart wants Zayn back. Whether I be making the wrongest decision in my life , I do. And that's because I'm still deeply in love with him. And the constant bickering I have in the back of my head with myself about if I should forgive him or not doesn't do any justice.Just like that we all piled back into the limos , with the newly weds . Both with the biggest smiles , and my heart warmed at the sight. We got out , and quickly went to change . However , Valeria and Harry had plans of there own as they took longer than expected..
" How much do you want to bet there fucking ?", Louis smirked at Liam.
Liam shook his head , " Louis , let them be ".
Louis scoffed , " What If I just barged in there , would they have a threesome ?"
" Hey , you horny prick calm down ", Liam shook his head . Making me laugh , shaking my head.
" But seriously-", Louis continued.
" Shut up ." Liam glared at him.
" Don't you look gorgeous , " Liam looked at me eyeing me up and down. His brown eyes meeting mine , I felt my cheeks heat up a bit.
"Thank you" I answered sheepishly.
" So you do think you're gorgeous ?" , Louis spoke while eyeing me.
" I - Uh .." I started not knowing how to react.
" Louis , Im gonna fucking punch you". Liam said annoyed
" Damn , okay, okay . "
The conversation ended at that , we chatted for a bit and just then Harry and Valeria came down the steps.
"About bloody time " I said in a fake accent making everyone laugh .
"We had to take care of some things " Harry said slyly thinking I was completely oblivious .
"Y'know I find it insulting that you think I'm gullible enough to believe that " I said cracking up while Harry and Valeria's faces turned a bright red . We walked outside and the party bus was already waiting for us . As a surprise we would take Valeria to the ceremony and to take her there , I got Harry and her a party bus . It wasn't that much of a deal but I wanted to help out with at least something small to make them happier than they already were . We all packed into the bus and everyone started partying like crazy.
"I was kidding about earlier - you obviously do look lovely" Louis said making me crack a smile .
"Thanks Lou. I appreciate it" I said smiling as he gave me a small hug . He tried pulling me to the middle of the bus were practically everyone was humping and grinding on each other . Respectfully , I declined and went to go sit at the back of the bus and look on my phone . I sent my mom a quick text to make sure Alex was okay and sat back a little to relax . I'm not gonna lie , this was a stressing day , that is -for me - I can already imagine how the couples feel . I sat back to watch everyone started dancing and messing around with each other . Almost everyone had a dancing partner or just a friend or in Valeria's case , she had her husband . And here I am all alone wondering why the hell I was alone .
"Itzel ! Come dance !" Liam said trying to eel me in . I laughed a little and shook my head no .
"Why don't you wanna dance ?" Liam said as he made his way towards me .
"I don't know , I just feel... Out of place " I said as I took a quick glance at Harry and Valeria . Liam getting the hint I was trying to send him . "Hey - don't beat yourself up! I already told you , you look amazing , you can't be mopping around ." Liam said sitting right by my side and tucking my head into his chest in a protective manner .
"Here drink this - it'll help loosen you up" he said handing me a small shot glass filled to the rim with strong tequila. I could already smell a scent of it in his breath.
"Liam" I laughed a little .
"WHAT!? It's a celebratory shot for Harry and Valeria " he said laughing as he passed me the glass . I looked at the small glass and I could already see my empty sorrows that were to come if I had a bountiful amount of these .
Thinking about it - I probably should lighten up a bit . I pinched my nose to avoid smelling the alcohol and chugged it down . I put the glass down and quickly looked for a lime or something I could use to get the taste out of my mouth .
"Here " Louis said out of no where handing me a lime . I grabbed it and squirted a little into my mouth . The boys both laughed as my face puckered into a twist because of the line .
"AHH. Well that was strong " I said making the boys laugh . One after another Liam and Louis started handing me off drinks . It's kind of pathetic that I have to drink in order to feel more like myself when everyone's around , but I made a promise that tonight was the last night I would do that .
That ride from the house to the venue was all somewhat of a blur but once we got to the venue I started feeling somewhat better . I felt the cool crisp breeze against my skin as I stepped out of the bus. It was kind of windy but it felt good consider the dress was long and I was getting hot flashes from the alcohol and the body heat getting off of the bus . Everyone started walking inside but I waited for a while outside while I was drinking a water bottle . I waited as I watched more and more people come in and then I greeted people so they wouldn't think I was in a bitchy mood or something . I finally walked inside after about 15 minutes and I was left speechless . The venue was terrific and the scenery was to die for . I give the boys props for this . I walked in and greeted the people I didn't get to say hi to before hand. I saw all of Valeria and Harry's family and I had to go say hi . I ran over to Valeria's mom as soon as I saw her .
"Angy!" I said hugging her
"Itzel ! Hey sweetie I was wondering where you were " she said giving me a tight hug and letting go of me . I let go and hugged everyone while I continued my conversation with her .
"I was outside - just needed .... Sometime " I said laughing .
"I see I see.... You look drop dead gorgeous " she said making me smile as others around us agreed with her .
"Awe thank you guys, means a lot " I said as they smiled .
"Where's the little one, I've been dying to see him !" One of Valeria's aunts asked as she made me laugh a little .
"He's with his dad" I said quietly as they all nodded .
"Yeahhhh... So it was a lovely chat with you guys and later we will catch up a little bit more but I have to go help the bride not loose her mind " as said as they chuckled and let me walk away . I walked over to the table where everyone was sitting by Valeria and Harry .
"You good Itzel ?" Liam said as I sat right next to him .
"Never better" I said sarcastically as he laughed . Suddenly we were interrupted as static was echoed throughout the room . I'm not even going to lie , it kinda made me jump.
"Oops- my bad - but I just wanted to announce it is now time for the couples first dance . Everyone please put your hands together for the newlyweds! Mr and Mrs. Styles !" The MC blared as everyone started cheering and clapping for them as they made their way to the dance floor. A thousand years by Christina perry boomed over the sound system as they started slow dancing . It was honestly such a lovely sight .
"My heart - my soul " I said as I faked the pain of the cuteness .
"Same " Niall said jokingly as he wiped a tear from his eye . I laughed as they kept dancing .
"Our toasts are coming up - so get ready " Liam said fixing his suit and tie . Ugh I totally forgot about that. After they finished the song , they went to cut their cake .
"Itze - someone's calling you" Liam said handing me my phone - when did he get it ? He must've noticed my expression because he answered with "you have it to me on the bus" I shrugged it off and I looked at the missed calls . It was Nick . I quickly unlocked my phone to call him back .
"Hello?" His voice rang in my ears
"Hey nick! Sorry I was busy with something" I said walking towards the exit so he wouldn't hear background noise over the phone .
"No worries Hun,- I landed a few hours ago and well I took a nap and I just got ready ... But I just wanted to make sure - are you sure Valeria and Harry are okay with me going tonight- I mean " he started .
"C'mon! I asked and they said yes ! And they're more than happy to see you again ! Please , so you won't be stuck in your hotel for your visit ? Pretty pretty pretty pleaseeee " I said mocking a 5 year old . He chuckled .
"See you in 20 minutes then " I could hear his smile through the phone . I smiled and responded with a quick "okay " as I hung up.
I stepped back towards the crowd and I saw that the boys were already starting the toast .
"I'm so nervous " Niall said as he stood in front of me . I laughed and straightened his tie quickly .
"You'll be fine my Irish friend " he laughed as I smiled at him . I give him a little push so he could go up on the stage as Louis and Liam stood by my side . Niall was talking when I heard a faint "what the fuck " come out of Liam's mouth .
"What ?" I whispered . Liam was gazing in one direction as was Louis . I looked up at Niall to see if it was him they were looking at but it wasn't . Even Niall was caught off guard from what he saw because he was stumbling a little. I followed their gaze to the door and couldn't believe my eyes . Maybe I'm still drunk I thought . There I saw a face I could never forget . It was Zayn ,I gulped. His jet black hair perfectly styled into a quiff , and a stray hair falling and adoring his face. His cheekbones , and jawline covered with a little bit of stuble. My eyes traveled down to his attire , handsomely dressed in a black suit , he shrugged it off giving it to a man beside him leaving him now in his black dress shirt. His sleeves were rolled up , his legs adorned with black dress pants , and black shoes. I couldnt get my gaze off him. The hot- handsome devil yet had some blonde with her . Wait I remember her - isn't that the girl - it was Perrie and standing behind them was Alex . Well fuck me .
"C'mon babe - it's your turn " Niall whispered helping me up the stage .
"Don't pay attention to them" Liam muttered .
I looked away quickly as Liam said that and walked into the center of the stage and flashed a big fake sarcastic smile . I grabbed the microphone and quickly cleared my throat .
"Good afternoon -I first wanna start off by saying congrats for finally making yourselves the perfect family . Two people happily in love with a beautiful child - that's everything everyone asked for . That doesn't mean it was easy . Let's start off with the groom - Harry . I'll admit I wasn't too fond of you when I first met you but Jesus how you grew on me . I went from not being able to speak to you to never ending the conversations between us . You're the guy everyone loves being around because you're charismatic and let's be honest - that hair is to die for " I said pushing my hair back as if I was jealous and everyone laughed .
" But in all honesty - you're a great person with a heart so big that you could never stop loving Valeria. Now let's move on to the bride . I've known this girl for quite some time . We've argued and laughed and cried together and we still don't get enough of each other . She's a good person to have a fun time with and an even better friend . Valeria - you know exactly how I feel about you. It's been one hell of a ride we've gotten on together but I'm not ready to get off just yet . I love you like a sister and I hope you know that . " I said looking at her as I started to tear up a little . It just kind of hit me and I had no idea why I was so emotional .
"I admire your guys love for one another because it makes everyone's day a little better . I seriously love you guys with all my heart , thank you for always being there for me -" my voice cracking a little as I wiped a tear away .
" I will always be there for you and with the bottom of my heart and probably everyone in here - I seriously wish you guys nothing but the absolute best" I said smiling behind the tears . I saw Valeria start crying into Harry's chest and I started walking off . I was looking towards the ground to make sure I wouldn't bust my shit coming off the stage in heels . Someone offered their hand to me and I looked up and my heart skipped a beat . Why was he trying to help me ? I just walked past him and made my way to one of the exits where I would meet Nick . I passed the bar and quickly got one more drink before I went outside . I quickly chugged it down and shook the nasty taste out of my mouth . Once I was outside I saw a familiar face leaving against his car as I walked over to him .
"My my , don't you look amazing " he said examining me .
"Thank you - you don't look too bad yourself " I said as I stepped back to examine the black suit he had on . Damn he looked good in it .
"I've missed you " he said hugging me tightly while giving me a kiss on the forehead .
"I've missed you tons too Nick " I said clinging onto him . He lifted me up a bit. Damn stronger than I remember .
"So - shall we ?" I said leading the way after he let go .
"We shall" he said holding onto my arm as we walked towards the venue . We walked in right when everyone started dancing . Somehow we managed to get into the center where Valeria and Harry were . Nick kindly greeted them and gave them a card as a congratulation gift with a gift card to ikea . The night was going really well - Nick was making me completely forgot Zayn was there . Which reminded me ........ Where's my son ? I stopped dancing for a bit and looked around and couldn't find him . I stopped nick and we started walking towards Zayn and the blondie . Then Alex appeared out of nowhere .
"Mommy!" He cried as he ran over to hug me .
"Baby !" I said reaching down and picking him up as I gave him kisses.
"Hey there little buddy " Nick said shaking his hand . I laughed and totally forgot about zayn and Perrie until Zayn cleared his throat loudly .
"hi " he said awkwardly.
"Sorry to interrupt- I just wanted to check up on Alex . Making sure he was okay " I said looking back at him . I tried my best to keep a cold face but it was very hard to not show my anger building up on the inside .
"I understand - he's still staying with me right, until tomorrow afternoon ?" He asked
"Not to intrude but - I mean she doesn't have a choice does she ? At least you're not giving her one as I can tell " Nick said surprising me. I could tell he was in shock because so was I .
" I don't think we've introduced ourselves. I'm Zayn and you are .?" He said rhetorically
"Trust me I know who you are and Nick ." He said bluntly .
"Well Nick , with all due respect . This is in between Itzel and I , so please butt out" he said hotly . Wow was he being a bitch .
"Well if it was then why have you let her around him ?" I put in quickly as I scanned her up and down .
"Excuse me - Zayn and I -" she started as I quickly cut her off .
"Number one I don't remember asking about you and Zayn . I asked why you were around my child if I don't even know who the hell you are " I said boiling up a bit .
"Look Itzel - this is Perrie . Perrie helps me take care of Alex. She's a public figure and she would never do anything to hurt her image or Alex in that case. There that was all you needed to know ." Zayn said coldly . Oh so he was trying to show her off to me . Okay - I see how it is .
"Can't even take care of your own kid right " I mumbled walking away from them with Nick behind me .
"Don't work yourself too much sweetheart . He's being an ass" Nick said . He was right . The rest of the night consisted of dancing and partying and more drinking . I mean it just kinda happened . Not on purpose but we were all having a good job celebrating with the guys and I was way too happy for Valeria and Harry to let fucking Zayn ruin my mood . How that night ended was completely questionable . I remember getting home with Nick and not knowing how the hell I got there. He insisted on sleeping on the couch but I wouldn't let him and he came to sleep in my room . I remember not being able to take my dress off and asking for his help - afterwards everything was just happening so quickly I kinda forgot . All I remember though is the pain I felt the next morning after . Not only was my head pounding but my body ached and clothes were scattered around my room . As I got up out of my bed I realized I BEARLY had any clothes on and Nick didn't either . All I could do is try to remember what I did and didn't do and what the hell I was going to do about it .

Our Moments
Fanfiction"things happen for a reason , that's why we live our moments now or never "