Chapter 24

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A/N Hiiiiii guuuuyyyyysss sorry for updating so latee i blame school >.< (: .... so ITS LIAMS BIRTHDAAAYYYY OH MY GOD THE TEARRSS & Zerrie is engaged <3 thats really , really , really cute but their too YOUNG i always thought Louis would be the first to get engaged .... but no . . . hmmmph BUT DID ANYONE SEE THE TODAY SHOW ? OMGGHSJKAOKNZBUIKMS HARRY <3 THE FEELS. Question to all of you ! should itzel and i write a pov for Aileen , Isabel and Niall ? And the other boys ? Please comment . (: heres your story

Valeria's Pov

"Can we start over ? " , he asked pleadingly.  

I dont know , I just want to sort things out .  

"Harry , we can b-but as friends " , I said looking away , I dont want to see him get upset. It hurts , I know I know . I love him , these past few days have been hell. I just dont want to move so fast , I just want time. 

He stepped away from me , I heard a loud sigh.  

" I guess we could . . .  I looked up at him , "Harry- Please ? dont say that right now lets just be friends and remember old times ? " , I said softly. I just think this is the way . I need a breather. He ran his fingers through his curls.

He sighed , his frown turned into a small smile "All right then , only because you said so .... but if I end up kissing you dont get mad" .

Please , dont.  I dont know what would happen if he did. . . I thought it was going to be harder than this. I walked over to him and engulfed him in a bear hug. He hugged me back.

His scent overwhelming. I know I love him alot . Like I'd die if anything happend to him but I just need time. "Thankyou , but if you kiss me I'll hurt you , Its just a breather Harold" , I mumbled in his shirt.  

I heard a small chuckle. He smiled as we let go.  

" I know , I know , Lets go sit " , he said pointing over towards where the lake was .

I smiled we walked over to the grass and we sat down. I sat across from him , I'm so glad we got over this , I was such a jerk . I feel bad for getting mad at him .... and the boys.  

My thoughts got interuptted when the wind picked up and my hair went in my face "Oh My god " , I said moving my hair to the right side of my neck. Harry let out a laugh.  

"So what do you want to know ? " , he asked , his green eyes looking into my brown ones.  

"Hmmmmm ....... everything " , I said with a thinking expression. He laughed.  

"All right , so I guess you know this well you moved here from America , and we met by the most embarrising thing ever " , he said laughing a bit . Oh god what did I do.  

He told me everything , we were laughing the whole time. Oh my god so turns out we met because his mum made him go say hi to me and that I looked cute as ever . He shouldnt do that. He said we were always together he would help me , he wouldnt let anyone pick on me , and we were inseperatble. I guess we were bestfriends.

" .... I also know a this little secret " , he said smirking and getting closer to me. "Oh my god , get away " , I said he laughed , I then felt hands starting to tickle me .  

"That you dont like getting tickled " , he said laughing and tickling my sides. "HAROLD STOP ! " , I yelled laughing. "Nope " , he said popping the 'p'. He kept on tickling me for what felt for ages. He was on top of me tickling me until I finally got up and pinned him to the grass. "You douche " , I said my hair all over him. He chuckled .

A grin placed itself on my lips . heheheheh. "My turn " , I said. He cocked an eyebrow and smirked . I laughed as I brought my hands to his stomach as I started tickling him.  

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