chapter 62

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Itzels Pov
"Don't you love my masterpiece , Harry ?", Kendall crossed her arms smirking. I couldn't speak , I didn't know what to say. My face drained color as Valeria spoke.

" W-why does it hurt ", she groaned . Kendall's stupid smirk was still on her face.

" Oh , Ed just wanted to have some fun " . My heart dropped . What the fuck . Did Zayn have anything to do with this ? Oh dear lord , help us.

" What ?", her voice came out shaken. As Ed came closer to her ,
"You were good , babe ".
What ? The fuck . I was feeling beyond pissed . She was fucking raped. This didn't seem to click.

" You fucking raped me ! ", she yelled , hitting him .
He wouldn't budge , " Oops ?"

" You Fucking dick ", Harry lunged toward Ed but was stopped by one of the guards.
" Awe poor baby , I'm pretty sure you dont mind since you fucked Zayn too , right ?", Kendall smiled. Oh hell to the fuckinng no.
" Enough ! ", I yelled .
" Calm down , " Kendall spat.

" Shut the fuck up , you fucking let him rape her ! " , I felt my blood boiling with anger .
" So ?" , Kendall shrugged.
" I know we talked about this - but I had no intentions of you doing this . She's still going to be my wife ", Harrys voice echoed through the room.

Kendall spoke , "You told me you didn't love her ".

"But I'm engaged to her- regardless Of what I do ! I was mad and I shouldn't have said that but I do - and you can't do anything to change that " , Harry said.
Kendall whispered something to Ed , he handed her a shiny sharp object.
"No , no, no you said you were tired of her doing this shit to you ", her heels clicked against the floor. My heart dropped , my hand began to sweat as she approached Valeria.
It was silent , Harry didn't even speak .
Kendall got closer towards her, and bent down , putting the knife in her back pocket. I wanted to kill her. Zayn glanced toward me , and looked at a vase that was right next to me.
" Hold out your wrists " , she demanded Valeria.

" Stand up " , she ordered. She slowly stood up .
"So you want this piece of shit ? And not me , huh ?", she said looking at Valeria then towards Harry.
" She's not a piece of shit , she's going to be my wife ",Harry spoke through his teeth . He reached into he pocket , and pulled out something shiny.
Their engagement ring.

" Not if she doesn't make it " , my mouth went dry.
" What do you - ", Harry's were cut off as she took the blade and slashed Valerias arm. I pushed the man that was holding me , but he wouldn't budge. Valeria fell onto the floor as Kendal plunged the knife into her stomach. I gasped , holy shit no. I tried to fight back the tears as they started to roll down my cheeks.

Kendall was on top of her and took out the knife and pushed into Valeria's stomach again.

I kicked the man hard on his balls and he let me go , I grabbed the vase and ran towards them and clanked the vase above Kendall's head. She fell onto her side unconscious .

"Oh my god , oh my god oh my god " I said panicking a bit .

"Let him go because I'm not afraid to hit you ! " I threatened the big man that held Harry . Harry hit the mans balls , punching him - finally the man let go - groaning in pain .
Harry rushing to Valeria's aid .
"Itzel go call the boys - I'll - I'll stop the bleeding " he said nervously . I started sprinting as fast as I could to the car and I saw the boys were just talking in there .


"Lou please this is serious! We need your help! Valeria got stabbed and Zayn is still locked up ! " I said sprinting towards the warehouse again. Their expressions changed and they were right behind me . They all gasped when they saw the scene .

"Itzel - call the police " Harry said and I nodded .
"Boys please go either help Harry or Zayn or watch to make sure Kendall or the fucking bodyguards don't get away" I said grabbing my phone and dialing the police .

"How may I help you?" The operator answered on the first ring .
"Hi - I um - there was an accident and my friend got stabbed twice and she's loosing a lot of blood - but we're gonna take her to the hospital right now - but the person who did it is still here- she's unconscious because of self defense purposes but she's not dead - and I wanted to give you the address so you can do whatever you want with her" I said confused by my own story.

"Very well the address ms" she asked . I proceeded to give her the address and hung up . I looked over to see Liam helping Zayn . I ran over and proper Zayn on my shoulder with Liam with Niall and Harry had Valeria .

"Itzel - I'm so glad to see you " zayn said trying to give me a kiss .
"Zayn - don't fucking kiss me . It's not the time or place " I said a little more harsh than I intended , I could feel the ache in my chest as I saw his expression. Harry somehow managed to get out before us and I heard the police sirens . I turned around and saw one of the body guards trying to escape . I let all of zayns weight onto Liam .
"You as fucking move another muscle and I swear you'll end up worse than they are " I said motioning towards the other bodyguard and Kendall . He held his hands up in surrender when the cop came in .
"FREEZE" he said scaring the crap out of me . Liam stopped with zayn on his shoulders .
"Not you Liam ! Keep walking ! They know what happened !" I said motivating Liam to keep walking . I ran over to zayns aid and helped him out the door . I could see the car and I felt a rush of hope come through .
Liam put Zayn into the front and I hoped along in the back with Valeria and Harry . The scene was bad . Valeria was dazing between consciousness and there was blood everywhere .
"Itzel - it hurts so bad " I heard Zayn say as he tried moving it .
"WHY ARE YOU FUCKING MOVING" I basically screamed . I wasn't really that mad I was just freaking out .
"I'm sorry " he said making me soften up a little . I was gonna start when I was interrupted .
"Itzel - she's loosing a lot of blood -" Harry panicked looking back down at Valeria .
"We're almost there - just calm down ." I told Harry .
"But - she's not breathing right " he said choking on his words , seeing Harry cry made my heart break . I shook Valeria a little trying to get her attention .
"Valeria - look at me . You can't fucking do this to us - don't . Please " I begged as my tears brimmed at the corner of my eyes. She responded but it was a faint whisper and her eyes started closing . My heart dropped with each second that was going by . My best friend - here she was in front of me - smothered in her own blood . I shook her , as I screamed she cant fucking do this . Harry cried , even harder at my attempts to make her breathe again , suddenly stopping me as he sobbed . No , no , no , no. I felt hopeless , my heart ached as I saw her.
Her life slipped away , and all I did was watch .

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