chapter 59

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Valeria's POV
"What you didn't expect it to be me ?", She threw her head back , laughing.
I didn't know what to say , my throat went dry .
Her heels clicked against the floor , crouching down her face was dangerously close to mine. " How come she has no bruises ?", she spat -looking at one of the men in black.
They seemed to have ignored her , she glared at me. Suddenly, I felt my stomach throb in pain as she kicked my side . I gasped in pain , as all the air was sucked out of me.
" You're a fucking - bitch ", I breathed. Grasping onto mg side.
" I've been called that , so it doesn't really affect me darling ", she smirked. I wanted to hit her , kill her to be exact.
" Why are you doing this ?!", I groaned as she hit me again . Her hand , went across my cheek with all the force she had.
" Because , if I can't have Harry you can't either ", then it suddenly clicked.
What the fuck ? how did she fucking know . Millions of thoughts were going through my head , my stomach ached in pain. As I looked to the right , Zayn was watching me.
" Why did you have to get Zayn ? he has nothing to do with this ?", I looked up at her as she grinned
" Oh , just for fun " , she smirked.
" Fucking bitch , " I stood up and charged at her. The chains holding me back , my wrists began to hurt. But I didn't care.
" Calm your fucking crazy ass down , the more you do this the punishment for you and him will be worse ", she shrugged crossing her arms.
" I could care less of what you do to me , let him go ", I yelled.
" No thanks , Ed come and take care of her I'm tired ", she turned around one of her men looked at me up and down.
" Aren't you a pretty thing ", his voice was low as he caressed my cheek. I flinched back , as my back hit the wall.
" Leave her alone ", Zayn spoke.
Ed looked down at him , " No thanks bro , is she good in bed ? Because I heard you two fucked ?", I could see Zayns hands turn into fist.
Ed smirked , and looked at me. " Oh man , I guess you are good ", he moaned. I was in shock , and frozen. I didn't speak , as he pressed his lips onto my neck. I pushed him away , bit only caused him to pin my hands on the wall. I kicked and shoved , " Quit being a bitch , let me show you what its like to get it fucked", my eyes began to water as one his hands went up my thigh.
I kicked him , his gaze was hard . I felt a sudden blow on my face , causing me to fall on the floor.
" Valeria ", Zayn cried. I began seeing black spots , and my eyes closed.

Zayns POV
I began to squirm around , as I saw Ed straddle Valeria's unconscious body.
" Awe baby we could've had so much fun ", he cooed as he ran a finger over her cheek , down and over her breast. I tried to free my wrist , or go over to her but they were on the opposite side of the room.
My eyes began to tear up , A lump in my throat was forming as Ed took off Valeria's spandex and he took of his pants.
" Leave her alone !", I yelled with all my might.
He looked over at me , smiling.
" Just because you had her doesn't mean I can't , she's fucking hot can't you see ", he taunted pulling off her sweater.
No , no .
I looked away in disgust. Valeria , why . out of all people it had to be her. Words cannot describe how I feel right now. The room began to fill with moans - his moans , I cried into my hands for being helpless. I'm a fucking asshole , why did I even take her out of her house.
A couple minutes later , I heard him zip his pants up. I gulped as he dragged Valeria toward me, he put her spandex back on .
" Eh she was alright ", he shrugged and walked off toward the door.
I looked down at her and saw the hickeys he gave her , she had bruises not only from Kendall... I cried , I brought her unconscious body into my chest. " I'm so sorry ", I cried into her hair.
" Why did they have to do this to you !", I spoke as If she could hear me.
I need to escape with her . She has a daughter , as well as I have a son. We need to get out of this.
I feel scared , that was discusting . He raped her and she didn't even know.
I grabbed her sweater , as my hands started to shake , and I put it on her slowly. I let her head rest on my lap , looking down at her.
Harry's going to fucking pay , because I know he's in on this. I didn't think he'd stoop that low. I scoffed , and wiped my tears away. Valeria's going to be okay , I reminded myself more than once. I tried closing my eyes , but images of what just happend appeared. I cried , again . I've never felt so weak in my life. He took her weak vulnerable body , just like that .

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