A/N sorry for the short chapter but the next will be alot more interesting.
Harrys POV
The days were passing by , and really slow. I was getting a bit worked up as Simon kept pestering me about the whole leaving Valeria thing. And I've had it. I'm not going to anything he says , if he wants he can take my money & kick me out of the band but I refuse to leave my girls alone. Currently , as I scroll through twitter . Seeing many things that I wish I hadn't seen , I lightly chuckled at was being said. I wonder why the fans are like this. I stopped at a post that looked familiar. I opened it , my eyes widening as I saw Valeria in a gold gown , along with Darcy. They looked so beautiful , I liked the post. Immediately , my mentions went crazy. Some nice some mean , but the means ones didn't seem to faze me. " Harry , mate can you uh help ?", I heard a voice yell from outside the room. I through my phone to the side as I got up , I went out the room to see who called me and it was Louis. He sat on a stool with a pale face. " Hey , man what's up ?", I asked as I went to the fridge for a water . " I'm fucked ". I turned to look at him , " What did you do ?" " I fucked this girl ... And she's pregnant at least that's what she tells me ... " My eyes nearly popped out , " What ? Are you sure ?" " Harry , I'm sure . I just management is going to kill me ". " I doubt it ", I scoffed bring the water bottle to my lips . Louis eyebrows furrowed , " Why ?" " Because they'll be like oh that's good because of the whole thing of us being together you know ?", I pushed my hair our of my face. He huffed , then chuckled " I'd rather be with you than have a kid Harry , I'm not ready ". " I'll take that as a compliment , but the baby has no fault in this Lou ... just make sure that the girl isn't lying". " We hooked up once . Once. " I didn't reply , just looked at my mate as he sulked with his head in his hands. " I'm sure you'll work things out ". I patted his back , he gave me a small smile saying , " Thanks ". " So are you going to do what Simon told you ?", he questioned and I leaned against the sink. I folded my arms across my chest , " Of course not ". " What are you going to do then ?". " I don't know , I'll pay him money- something but I'm not leaving her. " " .... What if he kicks you out the band ". I frowned , " Then he kicks me out ". I felt myself sadden , my career is everything to me . I've worked so hard to be here. But you have to sacrifice things , and if there's one thing I learned its that my family is before anything else. " I don't think the band would work anymore ...", Louis started , slouching on the counter top. I shrugged , " Its up to Simon ", I tugged on my bottom lip with my fingers. " But I will not leave Valeria , I think we've been through enough for it to keep repeating ". " You're right , have you talked to her ?", I nodded. " Yeah , I text her but I haven't called her in a while." I wonder what she's doing. " You're whipped ". I shrugged , as a cheesy smile tugged its way to my lips. " I'm not going to deny it , she's everything to me " , I spoke licking my dry lips. Louis smiled at me , shaking his head . " I wish my relationships were like that ... You know .. I thought Eleanor was for me .. But I just I don't know ", he sighed standing up leaning against the counter. " I mean .. its taken us a long time to be at the point that we are in right now ", I started but he cut me off. " But the thing is that , Val never gave up she came back for you even when you were being an ass ", he grabbed an apple from the bowl , taking a bite. My hands went through my hair , realizing that his words were true. I'm just a lucky asshole. " I was lucky , man like really lucky because I know that if it were any other girl they would've left me right away but she's different . " Reallydifferent. " Do ever think about things.. If they were different like ...what if she decided to stay with Zayn ? When everything happend". I held in my breathe , releasing it. I hadn't realized that I gripping onto the edge of the counter top. I never put thought into that , call me greedy but she's mine , and has always been mine. " ... I dont know. " My eyebrows furrowed. " I didn't mean to make you upset ". " No , its alright its just that at the point where were at right now Im happy that she's with me , and I wouldn't want to change anything ". " Well at least she gives you good head", he winked. My eyes widened , as I lightly coughed. " What ?". " These walls aren't soundproof mate , I can hear you talking or let me say moaningin your sleep " , I felt my face pale and flush at the same time. He simply grinned at me , throwing the apple away and giving me a thumbs up and walking towards the couch. Plopping down , my jaw was literally open. Shaking my head , my face felt hot as I rubbed my temples. You can tell that being away from her has really affected me. I chugged down my waterbottle throwing it in the garbage can. I walked back to my room , Plopping down on the bed. We didn't have any plans today . Sighing , I reached up to grab my phone. Frowning , I didn't know I had turned it off. As it turned back on , I grabbed the remote control and turned on the telly. My phone turned back on , a nonfiction popping up saying I had a voicemail. I looked to see who it was and noticed it was Valeria. I smiled ,putting it on speaker. I pressed play , " Harry ", her cries were heard. My smile falling . " I - I need to talk to you - what Itzel told you was a lie please answer me , I love you ", she sobbed then hung up. My alertness rose , and I felt my heart break as she spoke . What is she talking about ? I quickly called her back , my heart accelerating as it rung but quickly got sent to voicemail. " Valeria , baby what's wrong please answer me ", I tried again and again and failed. I was going to call Itzel , but went against it. I got up from bed , and paced around the room like a maniac for a good 30 minutes. As I tried to figure out what was going on . I sighed in frustration , I decided on calling my mum. As I brought my phone to my ear , I tapped on the dresser with my fingers. Her motherly voice was heard in an instant , bringing me to let out a sigh in relief. " Hello , Harry ", I could almost hear her smile. "Hey , mum ", I rubbed my temples. As I leant onto the dresser. " How are you son ?" . " Not so good actually "... I went to sit on the bed. Rubbing my temples. "Why what's wrong sweetie ?", she qusetioned. " Valeria called me crying and I don't know what's going on and -". "She's here ", my mum whispered. I sat up straighter , "She's there ? Can I talk to her ?" "She's sleeping right now , sweetie ", a sweet voice spoke. I sighed. " She was really upset ", she whispered. " I guess I'll wait until she wakes up , and she calls me ". "No Harry you will talk to her , and listen to her she's really beating herself about it.". I felt an ache in my chest at her words. We were quiet until , I heard I noise. " I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you ", my mum apolozied. " No , no its okay ", I heard her. Valeria. Her sleepy , voice. Just then I didn't hear anything , I herd a door slam shut. I frowned . " Are you alright ?" , my mum asked asked . My alertness rising. " What - what happened ?", I rasped. " She's vomitted " , my mum yelled somewhat shakingly. " What , mum go in there !", I yelles. " Sweetie are you alright ?!", she asks again. " I'm fine ", Valeria's voice strained. " Valeria ?", I spoke through the phone hopi g she'd reply to me. When my mum , spoke, " Honey , you're pale do you want something to eat ?". I sucked in air through my nose. She didn't eat. God damn it. " Harry , I'll call you later I need to help her ", without giving me a chance to speak she hung up My heart dropped , what the hell. I can't do this anymore I need to go back to her . And take care of her . I don't even know what happend. God . This is so frusturating.
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