chapter 13

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Guys 142 reads ! I can't this really means a lot , thank you so much and if you'd like to follow me on twitter it's: @itzelbieber99. Thank you guys again. Please share, vote and COMMENT! We'd love to hear from you guys.! Well, here's the next chapter. Xx (: -Itzel

On our way to the signing I was partly dieing from excitement and I was also mad. I just couldn't get over the fact that Harry did that to her. When we arrived at the building I decided to give her Harry's bracelet.

"Valeria, here give this to Harry" I said giving her the braclet.

"Why? Why don't you give it to him?" She asked curiously.

I mentally slapped her for being so noisy.

"Because, err, well I have something else for him" I said stuttering hoping she didn't notice. She took the bracelet. We walked into the building and I started hearing "what makes you beautiful" and started freaking out. I grabbed Isabel's arm .

"Isabel! I can't ! They are right thereeeeeeee! OMGGGGG." I said making hand gestures.

"I know. If I fall catch me." She said falling back a little. I moved and she fell flat on the floor. I started cracking up. She got up and gave me a death glare. I honestly didn't care. I smirked at her. She playfully punched me. We were talking when I realized Valeria had gone up to the boys already, and it was almost my turn. I took the boxes out of my bag and prepared myself for the miracle that was going to happen. The security ushered me forward. I saw the order of the boys. Louis, Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry. I happily walked up to Louis and gave him my cd to sign. He he was wearing a white with blue striped shirt , his brown hair touseld to the right , his amazing blue eyes on me.

"Hello love, what's your name?" He said. Okay guys, I'm dieing. Tell my family I love them.

"Itzel, and it's a pleasure to meet you." I said smiling.

"Lovely name. And likewise." He said smiling and signing my cd. I took out the box that had Louis' bracelet in it and handed it to him. He looked surprised .

"For me? *he asked dramatically*Oh you shouldn't of have!" He said. I laughed.

"Thank you so much Itzel. I will put it on soon. Thank again love." He said.

"Your welcome ." I said smiling back.

I then moved on to Liam. He was wearing a plaid black and white shirt , his wavy light- brown hair like Harrys styled to the side. He looked down at the CD and looked up at me .

"Hello Itzel!" He said smiling at me.

"Hi are ya? " I said smiling.

"I'm doing great, thanks for asking. How about you?" Liam asked.

"I'm great. Here's a little gift I brought you." I said giving him his little black box that contained his bracelet while he signed my CD. He opened it and smiled.

"This is beyond the best gift I've ever received. Thank you so much." He said while grabbing my hand.

"It was no problem, Im glad you enjoy it." I said smiling.

"Well, I have to go, take care." I said

Sadly scooting away.

"Aww. Well thanks again sweetie." He said giving me one of those to-die-for smiles. I moved on to Niall and he was wearing a red polo his brown- blonde hair all over the place. His blue eyes popped out more than ever.

"Hello Hun. How are you doing?" He asked while smiling at me.

"I'm doing great. How about you?" I asked.

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