chapter 48

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Harry's Pov

* Mid November*

It's mid-novemeber Thanksgivings coming up , Christmas , Louis Birthday , Zayns Birthday , Valeria's Birthday , and then Mine , and then Darcy's and Itzels. These months are going to be huge. I've been thinking l alot lately. Its nothing bad , honestly . In Valeria's room , getting Darcy's bottle. My phone vibrated in my pocket . "Zayn"

I picked up , " Hello ? "

" Hey , Harry "

" What's up ? "

" Just here at Itzel's - Anyways I was talking to Itzel and she said that her dad rented a hall for us . for thanksgiving... " , he trailed off.

I sat down on the bed , " That sounds cool " , as he continued.

" Its for all of us , including our parents - BUT "

" BUT ? "

" Its in the states... I dont know how you guys feel about that ; I called the other lads and they said they agree on going . "

I smiled , " Well it sounds perfect , I mean we've never really had a huge family meeting , So yeah - I'll just ask Valeria to see what she thinks - Let me get her " , I spoke.

" BABE? ", I yelled whilst getting out of her room , and running downstairs. To where Valeria was with Darcy as - Darcy sat on her lap.

She peered over at me , " Yeah ? "

" Zayn called , asking if you'd think its fine to go for thanksgiving with them ? '" , I spoke quite fast. Earing a nod from her.

" Sure , But - I kinda wanted to have our parents together..... " , Valeria spoke trailing off .

" OH , I forgot He said that its for all of us and our parents to go , Itzels dad has this huge house where we all fit to stay .. and we'd be staying there until New Years "

" Oh , Its fine I guess - I'll just ask my mum and then we'll tell them for sure " , she smiled.

" Alright , Zayn ? Hello ? "

" He's so cute ! - Just Like Me ! " , I heard on the other line - I laughed.

" HELLO ? " , I spoke louder .

" Oh sorry ", Zayn chuckled.

I let out a laugh , " Its fine - but Valeria said its fine shes just gonna ask her mum "

" Sounds good , See you guys then Take care! "

" Alright , you too take care of the little one " , I smiled.

" Yes , we will Bye ! "

He hung up , and I slid my phone back in my pocket. I turned back to my two favorite people in the whole world and sat down , beside them on the couch.

Valeria's Pov

He sat down with Darcy and I , smiling. As I looked at Darcy , who was playing with my necklace .. she looks exactly like Harry. I mean she literally does , her chocolate brown hair , her piercing green eyes, her dimples , and everything honestly . I dont even know how shes my child.

" She looks so much like you " , I looked up at him who was already looking at me . His lips curved up in a smile, " Well duh ,the dad is just as beautiful as her " , he cockliy spoke.

I rolled my eyes at him , " Whatever , loser " , I stook my tounge out at him . Earning a giggle from Darcy. She looked at Harry and I and giggled.

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