chapter 10

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---- Harry's Pov

My mum opened the door and smiled and brought me into a hug. " Harry ,how are you baby " , she said while hugging me . I laughed " Good mum ". She let go of me and looked behind me. "Anne ! " , Louis said smiling . "Louis , How are you ? " , my mum said. While Louis and the boys got through the door and hugged my mum. "Good , and you ? " , Lou asked her. " Great " , my mum said smiling. "Harry Gemma is in her room if you'd like to see her " , I nodded. " I'll take care of the boys " , she said. I smiled and grabbed my suitcase and went upstairs.


"Harry!" , Gemma said while I knocked on the door. "Hi , Gemma " , I said smiling. She jumped up from her bed and gave me a tight bear hug. We let go " I've missed you so much " , she said. " I missed you too " , I said. Well its true touring for 7 months is tiring , and well I cant really see my mum nor Gemma. She smiled " So , are you going to look for Valeria ? " , Gemma said raising her eyebrows and smirking. I smiled " Yes , Yes I am." "Oooooooh " , she said still smirking. Gotta love her.


After I left Gemmas room , I put my suitcase in my room and went downstairs . I went to the kitchen and saw my mum cleaning. . . I want to know about Valeria . I mean has she contacted or anything ? "Mum ? " , I asked. "Yes ?" , she responded while turning to face me. I went to sit at the table and asked "Has er ... Valeria contacted you ? " , I said unsure. My mums eyes widen , and she sighed and came to sit next to me " Love , you see dont get mad " , she said. Whats going on ? I felt my self tense up . What happend ? What happend to her ? "Harry , Angy called saying Valeria got in an accident", she said softly while holding my hand. No , no , no shes not gone, shes not . "She's not gone " , I said softly . I felt my eyes water. " Harry ,no shes not gone . She um she lost her memory " , she said softly. I sighed of relief I dont know what I could do without her , but she lost her memory . . . " So , wait - she dosent remember me ? " , I asked. "Not exactly , she dosent remember stuff from the past " , she said. I sighed and looked down and started fiddling with my fingers. " But guess what ? " , she asked with a smile. I looked up " What ? " , I said and gave her half a smile. " She's going to the signing tomorrow , AND she says her favorite is you " , she said smiling. Yes ! I had to hold myself from doing the happy dance and laughed. " Thats my boy , now if you want to see her go get some sleep " , she said while messing my hair up. This is why I love my mum , shes amazing. I I gave her a hug and whispered " Thanks for telling mum" . She smiled " I had to tell you , knowing you love her " . I smiled and let go of her . I smiled and felt my cheeks heat up. "Thanks , Goodnight " , with that I went upstairs and heard snoring. Ugh , the boys . I chuckled softly. I went to my room and took off my clothes and decided for once in my life to put on pajama pants. I put them on and threw my clothes in the laundry basket. I made it ! score ! I slightly chuckled. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and added some water to my face.


I got out and plugged my phone to charge and got under the covers. I smiled I'll get to see her . But the fact that she lost her memory makes me sad. How will I tell her ? Or should I start fresh ? Ugh this is confusing. I'll ask Louis tomorrow. I sighed and felt my eye-lids close and I fell into a deep sleep.

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