*itzel p.o.v*
Furious didn't even begin describing how I felt towards Zayn and Valeria in the particular moment . I paced around my hotel room in my heels . My phone . Where the fuck is my phone ? Just then I heard a knock at the door .
> "If you're here to interview me , then just leave " I said , my voice coming out weaker than anticipated .
> "Itzel , it's Chelsea. You - you dropped your phone when you ran away " she said softly.
I walked toward the door and opened it . She had a look of pity when she handed me my phone .
"Thank you" I said trying to hold myself back from letting the tears fall.
"We are all gonna party - but I'm totally here if you wanna talk " she said smiling sincerely .
"Thanks Chelsea . Go enjoy yourself . I'm gonna just stay here." I said softly .
"You sure " she asked . I smiled and nodded reassuringly . She then gave me a quick hug and left . As soon as she left I picked up my phone and called Zayn . No answer . Just fucking great , I thought . I swear I'm going to beat his ass as soon as I see him again . Thoughts of hurting Valeria came across my mind as well . I can't , she's my friend - but yet she fucked your fiancée my subconscious answered for me . I grabbed a pillow and screamed in it . Just then I remembered I didn't end the 7th call I had with Zayn so I left him a voice mail .
"Let's put the fact aside that you did this . You have now publicly embarrassed your son and I . Think , Alex has to grow up with people asking if his aunt and daddy are secretly going behind my back to do anything - do you know how fucking stupid I feel Zayn !? This is the SECOND FUCKING time this has happen . Not the first , the SECOND . And I swear it's gonna be the last . I put the blame on my self too . Here I am in a middle of a fucking interview trying to explain to people how much "we" fucking love each other- or at least how much I love you. And then suddenly breaking news of you and Valeria brakes out . DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW FUCKING REGRETFUL I FEEL OF LETTING YOU BACK INTO MY LIFE ZAYN ?!? You're fucking pathetic . Can't even get a whore from the street . You HAD to have my best friend didn't you- " I stopped myself a little because my eyes were tearying up .
"You fucked ruined whatever kind of bond that she and I had - and even if you were the sole responsibility of whatever the fuck you two did together , she had part in it as well and I couldn't believe she would stoop that low . I - I - if you didn't love me . You could've just fucking told me . It would've been hard but it would've been better than going through this shit . Don't fucking talk to me for the next couple of days because I swear to God Zayn , I will physically hurt you and you know damn well I'm not like that , and I have to be the good example of a mature person to Alex . And as far as you seeing him , we can figure that out later and I hope you have fucking fun and you're happier with her " I said ending the voice mail . My voice was dripping with rage and I felt my makeup was smeared . I went into the bathroom and sure enough it was . I threw my phone across the room wanting to get all this rage out , but it just fell on one of the couches by the wall . I looked at myself and started re-doing my makeup. I needed something - ANYTHING, to get rid of this feeling inside of me . I felt it eating away at my insides . After fixing my makeup , i proceeded to look at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked composed . I noticed my ring was still on my hand and I quickly took it off. I then walked out of my hotel room without my phone and only with my wallet . Hoping no one would see me, I walked around until I finally found what I was looking for . A bar - this was awfully unlike me but hey - there's a first time for everything right? As I walked in I noticed some wealthier older guys and a couple females with some of them . I felt their stares behind my back and immediately regretted coming in here . No Itzel - you're going to be able to rid yourself of this feeling inside of you. My subconscious was seriously the worst subconscious ever . I quickly found my seat and the waiter came over to me .
"How can I help you beautiful?" He said smiling .
"Can I have a couple shots of vodka please?" I asked .
"That's strong for a little women of your size " a man said sitting next to me .
"Well let's hope that works" I said taking down the first shot . Holy - that burned . I sucked on the lime that was provided and shook it off . I twirled around to see the man trying to make conversation with me .
"Hi - my names Itzel ." I said smiling while shaking his hand . He was actually very attractive . He was tall , muscular , but not too much , his hair was styled like zayns with a little hint of highlights in it . He had patches of facial hair, and hazel eyes. Okay I had to face it - this guy was smoking hot , and familiar all at once .
> "Hi my name is Nick - Nick Bateman" he said smiling . His teeth were so white and straight I think I died a little inside . I stared studying his face for a while . Why was he so familiar ? I hate the fact I can never remember people from places I've been. I seriously think something is wrong with me because of that .
"You like what you see ?" He said bringing me back to reality . I felt my face heat up .
"Sorry - I - have we met before ?" I asked curious . He chuckled and nodded .
"I work the runway for the fashion show that you do makeup for ." He said . It clicked . He's a model. A model that worked with me. I smiled "No wonder " I said smiling .
"Seriously , you guys did great and I'm so proud of you guys " I said .
"I wanted to come and meet you after the show because I wanted to congratulate you on your amazing work ." He said explain himself . I smiled at him .
"But then I was standing by when the interview happened , and I didn't wanna disturb -" he began . My face dropped
"How much did you see ?" I asked after another drink .
"All of it ..." He trailed off .
"But- you have no idea how stupid he is for doing that . If you were mine , that thought wouldn't even come to me for a heartbeat " he said making me blush .
"Thank you- but" I began .
" I know , I know you're not looking for a guy . But I have this instinct - to help those when going through tough times . Plus you're too beautiful to be sad " he said as I smiled .
"Thanks " I said .
"Don't mention it . You can repay me by going to dinner with me right now, I never see you eat and you might get sick with all the vodka on an empty stomach " he said standing up .
" do you know how much of a hoe that'll make me seem ?" I looked at him while he laughed .
"Alright. How about we order room service at my place " he said all too sly .
"Look , if this is a trick just to take advantage of me - don't waste your time bud " I said all too honestly .
"Itzel - you must've mistaken me for the wrong kind of person - like I said - I just wanna make sure you're okay . Please let me feed you at least . " he begged . I laughed , maybe these drinks were getting to my head .
"Fine . But conditions have to be put . One we go to my room because if I do get sick , I don't wanna ruin yours with vomit. And two , I'm changing . So if you want too to that's perfectly fine with me " I said happily . Seriously!? How much did I drink . I looked down at the cups . 7. 7 shots of vodka . I'm pretty sure I was gonna regret this in the morning . The bartender came over to clean up the cups as Nick left and I was rummaging in my wallet to find my card .
"No worries babe . I understand your situation . Your drinks are on the house " the bartender smiled . Oh no, as lucky as I would've felt before, I wanted the pity of no one. No way I was just gonna free-load .
"Well - if you don't let me pay for my drinks- here's for tip" I said smiling while slipping him a 50. I hurriedly walked away so he couldn't give me back my change . That man was very nice and I couldn't take advantage of that . Just as I was leaving the bar I heard the bartender.
"Thank you beautiful " he called making me smile . I took babysteps while trying to walk to my room . I don't like taking off my heels because I feel it's so trashy - but yet again being drunk is too.... Ehh oh well . I was still walking when I heard a door close and a chuckle .
"Let me help " I heard Nick say emerging from his room . My legs were lifted as well as my body . I wasn't even gonna fight it , I was extremely drowsy .
"Take a right at the end of the hall and it's the second one from the last " I said tiredly .
After I woke up , I was in my room on my bed . The lights of the bedroom were off but the living room and kitchen weren't . I saw a shirtless Nick sitting on the couch watching tv .
"How long was I out ?" I said taking my heels off and throwing them .
"Like 45 minutes - you're food is in the fridge . And I was a bit hot , sorry " he said looking for his shirt .
"It's fine - and thanks " I said smiling a little . My eyes were still halfway closed because my headache was starting to kick in . I walked over to my suitcase and took out a pair of spandex and a pullover sweater from pink . I headed to the bathroom to remove my makeup , cleanse my face and brush my teeth . I took my contacts out and put my glasses on . My eyes adjust a little better to the lighting when I walked out the bathroom . Nick had took the food out and heated it up for me .
"I really didn't know what you wanted so I guessed " he said handing me the plate . It consisted of a breast of chicken , salad and a loaded baked potato. I chuckled .
"This looks great " I smiled as he handed me a water bottle .
"It helps getting sober " he laughed as he sat in front of me at the table .
"And you know this whyyy ?" I asked laughing a bit .
"Let's just start with the fact that I went to college . I think we both know what that's like " he said making me laugh . Either the chefs at this hotel are amazing or I'm seriously starving .
"It actually makes me happy you're eating . I hate when girls are like 'I hate eating in front of guys and blah blah blah' " he said mocking a girl . I almost spit my water up when I heard him trying to impersonate a girl . I burst into laughter as he looked at me strangely.
"Your girl voice ! It's hilarious ! " I said controlling myself as he laughed along .
"And you should've seen me during my pregnancy then . " I said remembering how much I would eat . Alex was and will always be a boy with a big appetite . We continued the conversation and thankfully Zayn hasn't popped into my head once .
"Well I'm glad that I made you happy for a bit, but I'm gonna get going . Rest well and I'll see you tomorrow " Nick said hugging me as I was at the door . He was much taller than me . He wrapped his arms around me and lifted me off the floor . I screamed a little making him laugh .
"Thanks so much again Nick and goodnight " I said as he let me go . I saw him leave as I closed the door . I slowly went back to my bed and turned off all the lights . Jesus, has this been a long day . I laid in bed thanking the God almighty that up to this point I haven't thrown up yet . Let's just keep praying that karma takes revenge on me tomorrow morning .
The next day was reserved for the models to take a day off , and what not but I basically slept the whole day . I just wasn't feeling social whatsoever so I fell asleep early and I couldn't be more happier with myself .
The next day surprisingly , I woke up early and refreshed . It was early so I decided to go to the gym . I prefer going out , but I really didn't feel like getting attacked by paparazzi. I put a gray sports bra from pink , a neon pink sweater , gray leggings and my white and pink roshes . I put my hair up in a ponytail and headed to the bathroom , I brushed my teeth and face . I left my glasses on and grabbed my phone and wallet and proceeded out the door. I pulled my hood up hoping no one would recognized me .
I walked around a little lost trying to find my way towards a gym but finally I found it . I walked in and minded my own business and proceeded to the treadmill . After about 45 I was exhausted . I wasn't even thinking about anything , but I just wanted to run . I got off the treadmill and walked around the gym for a bit . My eye was caught by a big shirtless man hitting the punching bag in the corner . It was Nick . I smiled as I walked towards him .
"Well someone's a little annoyed this early in the morning" I said leaning against the wall . I took my sweater off leaving me in my sports bra as I started wrapping up my fists .
"Good morning to you too" he said smiling . I caught a glimpse of him looking at my body and shift uncomfortably .
"Sorry - it's just " he started .
"It's okay , listen , I just wanna thank you again , for last night . I needed anything to feel better and I feel bad that you were responsible for me " I said my head hanging low as I started throwing and ducking away from the punching bag.
"You seriously are apologizing ? "He said chuckling as I nodded .
"I had so much fun though!" He said getting my attention . I raised my eyebrow curiously .
"I mean , you're so fun to be around and I'm glad I got to actually meet you" he said stopping me .
"Aweee " i chimed like a little girl .
"Thank you " I said smiling .
"You're welcome - and hey I hate to leave you, but I have to start getting ready . I'll see you in a bit " he said smirking .
I looked down at my phone to check the time . Almost noon . Shit I'm going to be late . I grabbed my sweater and sprinted to my suite . I stripped of my clothes and got into the shower quickly . After showering , I only had half an hour to get ready . Looks like I'm not gonna look fabulous today . I got out the shower and wrapped a towel tightly around my body . I towel dried my hair quickly and started to blow-dry it . I left my straightener to heat up as I changed . I put my black nike leggings that had a little swoosh on the hip , a gray and black nike hoodie , and my black roshes . I quickly straighten my hair and started my makeup . I quickly contoured my face and filled my eyebrows in lightly . I finished by just putting mascara on my lashes and tried looking for my Black nike hat with a white swoosh on the front . I ran out my door and threw my wallet and phone in my pocket. By the time I got to the main lobby , everyone was frantically looking for me to start makeup . My kit was open and I started as soon as possible . I would run back and forth between people taking cosmetic off for a new outfit or adding on . By the end of the night I was exhausted . My body was sore from this morning's workout and running around . Thank goodness I wasn't wearing heels . Just I had just finished packing everything up I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around me . My instinct was to relax thinking it was Zayn but I knew for a fact it wasn't him, so I turned around quickly .
"And that's a wrap for both of us " Nick said smiling . I smiled along with him .
"Thank God it's over " I chuckled along .
"Wanna do another night like yesterday's ?" Nick said . I thought about it , I look even further up than usual . Mentally thinking of the consequences if I agreed . Just then my phone rang .
"Hello?" I answered .
"Hey babe , it's Trisha " Trisha's voice rang in my ears .
"Hi mama how you doing?" I asked . "Pretty good , but Alex isn't " she said catching me off guard .
"Wait what do you mean?" I asked getting worried .
"I mean , Zayn left him here a couple days ago and he wasn't very well , and we brought him to the clinic - but they need parent consent to run some kind of test on him ." She said weakly .
I didn't know if I was more upset or scared shitless for my baby .
"You're telling me that Zayn just left him to you and now he's ill and in the hospital - and - and Zayn can't be there to help!?" I almost screamed in the phone .
"Sweetheart, don't get mad just try to get here as soon as possible " Trisha said ending the call. I can't fucking believe this .
"What's wrong " Nick said as I started making my way towards my room .
"The father of my child never fails to let me down . He dropped my child off for his grandmother to take care of and now he's not even answering and my baby is sick " I said grabbing my initial suitcase .
"So that means you're leaving?" He said sadly .
"I am extremely happy I met you and I don't wanna leave but- my child needs his mother because his father is a piece of shit- so I'm sorry but yes " I said just throwing all of my stuff into my luggage . He stood quiet for a second .
"Let me at least take you to the airport" he said .
" Really?" I stopped and looked at him He nodded and then proceeded to help me resume throwing all my shit into my bag . I didn't even give a damn what I looked like .
In under 20 minutes , I was checked out of the hotel , found a ticket back to the UK and on my way to the airport .
"And your phone number issss?" I asked Nick .
"Is this a sly way to get my number ?" He asked smirking at me and looking back to the road .
"Sort of . I don't wanna loose you. You're a great person and you've helped me this much . I can't just cut you off " I said chuckling .
"Very well" he said as he proceeded to give me his number . About 10 minutes later we had arrived at the airport and this is where I had to say my goodbye to Nick .
"This isn't a goodbye , it's just a see you later " I said in his arms as he was hugging me .
"Exactly , and text me when you get over there beautiful " he said smirking I chuckled and waved goodbye as I proceeded to catch my plane .
I arrived in my seat before the plane took off . I didn't even say goodbye to my manger or team or anyone . Not even Mario or Chelsea , and for that I felt extremely horrible . After about an hour of thinking and writing I finally sent an email to the both of them thanking them for everything , to stay in touch and the reason I had to leave so abruptly .
After what seemed like an eternity , I finally had gotten back to Bradford and was finally at the hospital .
"Malik, Alexander " I told the receptionist .
"Room 103 down the hall" she said . I practically sprinted into the room .
Alex was on the bed with Trisha and the girls beside him . Yazer saw me outside the room .
"Sweetie you made it " he said happily while embracing me in a hug .
"Yeah, what - what's wrong with my baby" I said sad as ever .
"He got a virus . The doctor ended up giving him medicine because he was getting worse by the second , and we couldn't wait" he began .
"And - and you guys couldn't have told me sooner " this was all my fault . My tears were at the verge of falling out .
"Itzel - we - we wanted to tell you but didn't wanna upset you more than you probably were " he said referring to the Zayn situation .
"I don't even wanna begin with that, I'm gonna go inside " I said getting into the room .
"He's doing much better now . So please relax " he said behind me . I didn't even give the girls their usual greeting I walked straight to the bed and sat by my baby .
"Alex honey . Mommy is here " I said rubbing his arm , I couldn't stop it . My tears fell down on the bed . He opened his eyes and smiled at the sight of me .
"No cry" he said wiping my tears away . So much for that . I could hear the girls sniffling behind me
"I'm so so so soooo sorry baby- I promise - this - this will never happen again " I said trying to calm down .
"It's okay momma . I should've ate more greens " he said . He made us laugh all while crying at the same time .
"The doctor said that they'll need him under a 24 hour supervision and then he's free to go " Trisha said . I got up and hugged her and sobbed a little in her arms . How the fucking hell would a grown ass man let this happen to his child, I was so mad I didn't even know where to start .
"Thank you girls so much " I said greeting the rest of the girls .
"No problem " they would respond .
After a while longer Yazer and the girls volunteered to bring my bags up and Alex had fallen asleep . I guess my anger was sitting in now .
"I - I don't wanna get into too much detail . And what he did was horrible . But - he's still my son . And I'm worried " Trisha said breaking the silence .
"With all due respect , he can fuck off . How could he just leave Alex with you guys without me knowing !? And to not answer when I'm trying to figure something out or when we trying notifying him that his son is ill." I said quietly but still mad .
"Honey , you have every right to be mad - but just because of that reason I'm worried - he's not answering anyone . At all . Please if there's just a little love left for Zayn . Call the boys to see if they know where he is " she said crying . Yazer came in with my suitcase and broke the conversation .
"We have to go honey" he said talking to Trisha . She wiped her tears away and gave me a big hug .
"Please" she whispered as she left with Yazer .
It was a little after midnight when I called Harry . Even though I was beyond pissed at him , I had to admit I loved him . And for that I felt like a complete and total idiot , and what do idiots do when they're upset ? They cry . I had just calmed down when Harry answered .
"Hello? " he said groggily .
"Hey Harry- I'm sorry - it's late but I just wanted to know if you've gotten in touch with Zayn or Valeria " I said
"Hey hey hey - what's going on? " he said softly
"It's a long story but - basically Alex is in the hospital " I said trying to fight the tears
"Oh my god . Is he - is he okay?" He asked "we still have to be here tomorrow , but he's doing better " I said looking over to my sleeping Alex .
"I'm so sorry to hear - and I'm sorry to say this but no . I haven't talked to either . But how about I swing by the hospital tomorrow and we talk?" He said .
"Thanks Harry and I think we will be back to my house by 2, at the latest if you wanna swing by instead " I said
"Sounds good , see you tomorrow - and Itzel get some rest . I promise Alex is gonna get better " he said
"Thanks Harry . See you tomorrow ." I said hanging up the phone .
*the next day *
Around noon the doctor let Alex out and Trisha and Yazer were at the store getting some stuff for my house . I helped Alex and we left to our house . Alex was very sleepy by the time we got home so I let him take a nap in his room while I prepared lunch .
"Hey babe , you go fix yourself up . Relax take a warm bath . You're probably exhausted - I'll make lunch " Trisha said relieving me of some of my stress .
"Thank you so much " I said going upstairs to the bathroom . I took a shower quickly and as soon as I was out I started blowdrying my hair and curling the ends . I did my usual makeup but just coverage and no contouring . I did a winged eyeliner and applied a pink frosty color to my lips . I ran to my room to change . I picked out a nude bra , a pink chiffon shirt that was silver studded around the collar , black skinny jeans and pink heels . I put a pair of silver studs on and different silver rings . I walked downstairs and Alex was down there .
"Baby!" I said walked down the stairs quickly .
"Mommy " he said basically jumping in my arms . I hugged him so tightly I might've took his breath away .
"Sorry" I said laughing as he sat back down on the chair .
"I missed you so much bubba " I told him messing with his hair .
"I did too mama " he said giving me a kiss .
"You feel better ?" I asked .
> "Much" he smiled as he ate his bowl of soup .
"You drank your medicine ?" I asked . He nodded and I gave him another kiss .
"That's my big boy ." I said smiling as he finished his soup .
"Lunch is on the table - sweetie " Yazer said as he started playing with Alex . Just as I began to eat there was
A knock .
"Come in" we all yelled at once . Harry walked in with a smile .
"Hi guys " he said greeting everyone.
"Thought you'd like this because you were so brave at the hospital " Harry said handing Alex a toy .
"Uncle Harry- thank you!" He exclaimed as he threw his hands around him , Harry smiled from ear to ear . I got up from the table .
"Hey - glad you came , you didn't have to do that but thank you" I said as I was engulfed into a hug . Still with heels I was shorter than Harry . I will forever be a midget around these people .
"It's my pleasure " he said smiling as he sat at the table .
"Want some lunch ?" I asked referring to the plate .
"That looks amazing , yes please " he begged as I laughed . I served him and we both say to eat lunch . We made casual conversation as we both avoided the topic on both of our minds . When we finished , Harry helped Trisha put Alex to nap again and I washed dishes . When he came back down , we all sat in the living room to talk.
"So to start off - I would like to state that I haven't had contact with one or the other " Harry said .
"Thank you for helping us anyways " Trisha stated .
"I found out during an interview . It was horrible " I said .
"I was at a bar" Harry stated . We stayed quiet .
"And you guys don't know where either of them are ?" Trisha questioned . I shook my head no and Harry thought .
"You know where they are ?" I asked him .
"No - but - do you still have that find my iPhone things for zayns phone on yours ?" He asked . I unlocked my phone and looked through my apps .
"Oh my God, I do" I said surprised as I handed my phone to him . I used Harry's phone to contact Liam , Niall and Louis. They quickly arrived . After an hour or so .
"I - I think I got it . " Harry said . My face probably lost all its color .
"What are you guys standing around here for !? Please go - I'll take care of Alex " Yazer said as Trisha nodded in agreement . I grabbed my keys and wallet and zoomed out the door with them.
"I'll drive , you navigate ." Liam said to Harry , I there my car keys to Liam. Piling in the back Niall on my left Louis on the right.
Minutes turned to hours , and my nerves were getting the best of me. Even though I honestly hate Zayn right now , he still is the father of my child. And Valeria is the mother of my niece. No matter what I still care for them.
We pulled up somewhere , I was confused because they're wasn't any hotels or clubs around . Just old-looking warehouses . They were into the woods Liam parked my car and Harry and I got out .
" Want me to go with you , guys ?", Niall asked.
" No stay here ", Harry spoke his face was pale. And I saw that this was affecting him more than what I really thought. Niall nodded , as Harry and I began walking toward the houses.
"What the fuck" he mumbled .
"What?" I asked confused .
"It says they're around here but I don't see any sign of them . " he said looking around . I walked closer to the building that supposedly held Zayn and Valeria and noticed an opened door with light illuminating from it .
"Wait up Itzel " Harry whispered behind me . I could tell he was scared because he was close to me .
We walked into the dimly lit building .
"What the fuck are you two doing here ?" A deep voice said behind Harry and I . Suddenly I was lifted off my feet .
"What the - " i started .
"Let her go" Harry said as he was being held back from another scary looking man .
"Let them both go , they wanted to join the party" a familiar bitchy voice said . The figure stepped closer to the light .
"Kendall?" Harry asked just before I could .
"That's right sweetheart" she said smiling . What in the literal fuck was going on .
" I said let them go" she told the men .
Harry was let go and I was dropped into the floor .
"Fucking idiot " I snapped at the guard .
"Follow me for a surprise " Kendall said making us follow her . We walked slowly and Harry held me close to him , scared he was going to be separated from me again . Kendall opened a door and smiled .
"Surprise " she said motioning towards the door . Slowly we walked towards the room . Bright lights were turned on from nowhere . As soon as my eyes adjust to the light I shuddered in fear . There he was the man I so called hated , laying helpless and almost lifeless on the floor . He was bleeding from his face and bruised from everywhere .
Valeria sat beside almost hiding behind Zayn . I couldn't even move , I felt paralyzed and wanted to help but my legs didn't allow it . Just as I was about to react Kendall started laughing "Don't you love my masterpiece Harry?"

Our Moments
Fanfiction"things happen for a reason , that's why we live our moments now or never "