Chapter 6

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A/N Hiii sorry I havent updated ... I was excited about the concert and ommmgg theey were AMAZAYN <3 i love them soooo much .... enjoy c;

Valeria's Pov

Aileen , helped me walk to the bathroom. "Here you go " , she said . "I'll be in your room ", she said. I nodded . I turned on the shower and took off my clothes and got in.

*15 minutes later*

That , was refreshing . I got out and grabbed a robe (?) and put it on and put a towel on my hair. I grabbed my clothes I wore to the hospital and looked through the pockets of the jeans . I found the white piece of paper Dr.Wi- Issac gave me. Should I give him a call ? eeeh ... maybe later . I put the paper in the closet . I put my clothes in the laundry basket. I got out the bathroom and saw Aileen sitting on the bed on her phone all smiley and stuff. Bet , shes looking at pictures of Niall . She looked up and turned a shade of red. I laughed. She then said " Here's your clothes" , she said pointing to to black highwaisted shorts , a blue crop top , and white toms. I like it I grabbed the clothes and went to the bathroom. .... who knew she chose my under clothes. It was a tanish colored bra and the under wear the same. . . awkward. Oh well I shrugged it off and put them on and the clothes. I got out and Aileen was up all excited and stuff. Whats going on? "OMMMMGG , GUESS WHAT !?", she yelled with the biggest smile on her face. She looks like she could die in any moment. "What?" , I responded with a smile. "NIALL FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER!", she said shoving the phone in my face. It read "Niall Horan Follows You" .. well well well Niall . I looked back at Aileen she was smiling like crazy ! Her cheeks were bright red , with the hugest grin on her face ! she looks like she could pass out. I waved my hand in her face and her eyes got teary " Oh My God , Valeria Niall followed me and omg" she said while crying . but she was smiling like crazy. "Take a chill pill its not like he's going to send you a tw-" , my talking got interupted by a loud "Beep" from Aileens phone. She looked at her phone and her smile got bigger . "VALERIA ! He TWEETED ME OH MY GODD! " , thats funny cause I thought they dont tweet fans. I'm still intrested in what it said and I said " What did he say ? " , trying not to sound excited. I mean hey maybe the curly one could follow me . . . What was his name again ? err ... I dont remember . Aileen interupted my thoughts by saying "He said that he just followed the most beautiful fan ...... " she said holding in her giggles then continued " He called me beautiful !" I started laughing " You are so weird , your lucky I cant remember all of the stuff that has happend before because I wouldve strangled you by now. " She gasped and " Not if Niall saves me " . " My arse , hes gonna save you " , I said laughing. Her laughing faded away slowly and she said " Your so mean" she stuck her tounge out at me . I did the same , then I said " Can you help me with my hair and tell me about you and well about myself because I feel lost ". She smiled and said " Of course " . I sat down on the bed, she asked me " How do you want your hair ? " . Hmmm. How do I want it . I looked down hmm... should she straighten it , curl it ? curls ? I looked up at the poster with all the boys on it and jumped off the bed and said "Curly !" I started jumping down . Why ? Am I so hyper !? "Woah , Valeria I know you want Harry but come on he's not that ho-" I stopped jumping and glared at her " He is Hot , For your information ! I mean look !" , I said pointing to another poster of Harry .. yaaay ! I remember his name ! I shook it off and looked at the poster he was wearing red swimming trunks with white , yellow , and blue stripes , some necklaces , a braclet in his hand , his what use to be curly hair wet , his abs noticable ... "Valeria , you got a little something right there " , Aileen said giggling and pointing to my mouth. I touched my mouth and it was wet . eww I was drooling. My thats attractive. I laughed . " But come on he does look attractive " , I said fluttering my eyelashes . She laughed and shook her head "Okay , fine he is but Niall's hotter" she said. If I agree I bet she'd kick me and I'd land in America. I laughed and she motioned me to sit on the bed . I walked over and sat down. "So , Mrs.Styles "... Aileen said in a Irish accent. I laughed . "Styles ? " , who has a last name that .. aahh oops I take that back . " Nevermind ! " Aileen laughed , " Dont tell me you dont know your future husbands name ! " ... I blushed " Ha , thats never going to happen ! " ... "Whatever you say " , she said smirking. She turned the on botton of the wand curler and sectioned my now dry hair in three sections and worked her magic. . . There was just silence and then Aileen spoke " .... want me to tell you about yourself ? " I nodded . While doing my hair she said " Well from what I know your the best cousin in the world , your funny , loud , shy at times ONLY with strangers. " That made me laugh ... if she only saw me when I saw Dr.William. She continued smiling " You are some what of a dirty minded girl " . I laughed " No wonder , I thought of Harry as Ya no " , I said with a wink . "This is what I mean " , she said laughing. We finally stopped laughing , she continued " You are amazing at almost everything , you love to dance thats for sure , you were never put in dancing classes - well because you never needed them ".... she continued and talked and talked. I didnt even know I am like this. About 10 more minutes she finished my hair , she added some hairspray. I got up and looked in the mirror the perfect brown ringlettes flowing on my back looked amazing. I smiled " Thankyou " , I told Aileen . She smiled and said "Anytime " . . .

*that night *

Aileen , and I just talked and talked about how my life was back then and well I was tagging along not so much but I was. I suddenly yawned . "I think you should get some sleep its been a long day," Aileen said. I nodded. "Well I let you rest , goodnight mrs.Styles," I blushed and laughed. I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her and she caught it before hitting her face. I smirked " Goodnight , Mrs. Niall whatever his last name is" , I said. "Its Horan , Aileen Horan the one and only - " , she said and I interupted. "Shut up and go sleep" , I said laughing. She rolled her eyes and smiled"Goodnight" , she said. She closed the door . I got up from my bed and went to the closet and found some plaid pajamas and a white shirt. I took off my clothes and put them on. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I headed back to my room and removed the covers and slipped in . I brought the covers back up and my eyes slowly closed and I fell into a deep sleep.

*2 months later* August

"Valeria , come on ! Get up ! " ,Aileen has been trying to wake me up for the passed 10 minutes and I pretended to sleep. I groaned " If you dont get off of me I will make sure Niall wont see that cute pretty face of yours" , I said. She gasped and glared at me "You wouldnt dare ". Dont tease me I will I opened my eyes and pretended I was going to punch her and she started laughing which caused me to laugh. " Dont tease me you douche" , I said smiling. I got off the bed and went to the closet and chose some tanish skinny jeans , a navy blue tanktop , and a navy blue jumper , and my red converse. I turned around with my clothes and saw that Aileen disapeared , hmph thanks for helping. I put the clothes on the bed along with my shoes. I took off my pajama pants and put on the jeans and took off my shirt and put on the tank top and the blue sweater over it. I put on some blue socks and my converse. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back to my dresser and curled my eyelashes and applied mascara , and black eyeliner. I decided to straighten my hair . . . Damn 10 minutes passed and I'm still straightening it. I have such long hair ! but im not complaining I love it but its quite irratatating. . . My last piece ! Yes , I finished ! yaay ! I fixed my hair a little bit. I smiled in the mirror I liked how I looked. "VALERIA , LETS GO SHOPPING !" , Aileen yelled from her room . I laughed and decided to ignore her and I plugged in my phone to the speakers and blasted what makes you beautiful and with that she came running to my room going crazy. I joined along too! It was fun going crazy with someone thats pretty much like you.. . Did I forget to mention this but guess who got tickets for a One Direction signing ! I know I cant believe it either . I can finally see Harry. I kept jumping around and going crazy until Harry started singing his solo. His voice got me the chills it was like an angel it was perfect. A smile crept on my face . "Ooooooh , someones in love ! " , Aileen said . I felt my cheeks heat up. I smacked her on the head "And?" . She laughed and put her arms up in surrender. "Lets go ", she said. I nodded I grabbed my phone and went downstairs . "Mum , me and Aileen Are going shopping see you in a bit !" , I yelled . My mom responded " Be safe ! Have fun !" . Aileen was following behind me and said " Can you drive ?" . I really dont know ... " Yes , I can my license should be in the car" . With that we got into my black range rover , my parents bought me it when I got my license . . . And Harry Styles has one too . We put on our seat belts and we drove to the mall. Along the way I turned up the volume and it was One Thing what a coincidence dont cha think ?

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