Awkward confrontations

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Ariana's POV

Ignoring Harry was all I could do. I couldn't let him ruin my night or let him find out. I mean, sure he deserves to know he has two amazing kids, but he's the one who forgot about us. Forgot about me. He didn't even know they existed and I really didn't feel like explaining it to him soon.

"Hi babies, did you guys have fun with grandma?" I told Mia and Daniel, completely ignoring Harry's stare.

"Yes, Mommy. We were good too, huh Mimi." Danny responded. I loved the nickname he had given his twin sister, it was adorable.

"Yes, we ohways (always) are wit grandma." Mia agreed.

"Oh really, and you guys aren't lying?" I asked, teasing them.

"No!" They both screamed.

I looked around the room and noticed they had caught everyone's attention. "Sorry everyone, you guys know how loud they can get." I said to them all. They all laughed it off, agreeing with what I'd just said. I nervously looked over at Harry very quickly, and noticed him still looking at us three, very confused might I add.

"Okay, you need to sit down, the food is gonna come and you need to be ready. Did grandma wash your hands?" I asked them.

"Yes I did, don't worry Ari. They're all set." My mother said as she walked up to my seat, smiling.

"Thanks, mom."

"Anytime, sweetheart. Oh, hello Anne, Gemma." My mother said as she caught sight of them across the table from us.

"Hello Joan, lovely to see you again." Anne said amused. They had just seen each other yesterday. Gemma had only waved. My mother then went back to her seat, as the meal was just about to be served. That's when I looked over and noticed there was only one empty seat next to me, instead of two. I guess one of them could sit on my lap, we've done it before. Daniel was very attached to me so he was always sitting on my lap or holding my hand.

"Mia, baby, could you sit there please. There's only one empty seat so Danny's gonna sit on me, okay?"

I was just about to pick up Danny when Mia spoke up, "Mommy! Mommy! How come I no sit next to grandma?" I looked over and noticed that every seat surrounding my mother was filled.

"Mia, it's all full over there." I told her gently.

"No, silly! That grandma." She said pointing across the table. Sure enough, there was an empty seat next to Anne. "Auntie Gems mommy." She further explained.

"Uh- sure. You have to ask her, though."

"Grandma, can I sit next to you?" Mia asked Anne.

"Of course, baby girl. You know grandma loves helping you." Anne responded with a smile. Mia then got up and ran around the table to get to the seat right next to her. Anne bent down and helped her sit in the seat properly.

"Thanks, Anne." I told her.

"No problem, I love to help. Especially when it's my favorite girl." Anne said redirecting her attention and began tickling Mia. Her laughs were one of the most wonderful things to hear, along with Danny's.

I was about to start a conversation with Gemma when I remembered Harry was there, sitting right next to her. He saw the entire thing. I just hope he doesn't start asking things until this dinner was over. He kept staring at Mia, then Anne, then Danny, then me, and continued this rotation.

"Mum, what does she mean by grandma?" Harry asked his mother as he finally found his voice to speak. Anne gave me a worried glance, and I returned the same to her. If Harry was the same as I remember, he was not going to just brush this off. He was going to get to the bottom of this. Anne's response was short and vague, which I appreciated.

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