Instagram, Fans, and New York City

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Ariana's POV

"It's 3 in the morning over there Ari, why are you even up?"

"I miss you." I answered.

"Yeah, I miss you too."

"I'm sorry for calling. I know you're busy, I just wanted to call and tell you how much I miss you and that I love you and that I'm really upset that you're business trip is taking so long."

"Sweetie, you know I would rather be over there with you. I'm really sorry I have to stay one more month. How have you been?"

"Tour starts soon, a couple more days. I hope you can make it to at least the first show."

"Ariana, are you okay? Have you been taking care of yourself? I'll be on a plane tomorrow if you're not feeling good, you know that."

"I-I'm sorry for worrying you. Have a good night. I'll see you Thursday. I love you, mom. Send Nonna and Nonno my love. Bye." I told my mother over the phone, before she could respond I hung up. Truth was, I wasn't feeling well, but I couldn't let her know that. She'd worry too much. My mom's been gone for about a month now and I've been missing her like crazy. Usually she wouldn't miss anything, but one of her business partners had kept postponing their meetings and my mom was stuck in New York until then. Since it was 3 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, I took a couple of pills and went to go and cuddle with my dog Coco on the couch. It's always like this when my mom's away. Me, Coco, a couple DVDs, the early morning silence, and the couch.

I was woken up by someone knocking on the door. I grabbed my phone, tried to fix my hair, and opened it without checking who it was.

"Anne, what are you doing here? Did we have plans?" I asked her.

"No, no, nothing like that. It's just, your mum called me this morning. Said she was worried about you. Can I come in?"

I let her in and we went to the kitchen. She asked where the kids were and I told them that they were still in bed. She then asked me if she could make breakfast for them, and I let her. Anne has been over my house so many times so she already knew where all of the supplies were. It was silent for a while before she finally spoke up.

"She told me that you called her very early in the morning sounding stressed."

I rubbed my face with my hands and nodded. "She's overreacting. I don't know. I'm sorry if my mom worried you."

She simply nodded her head.

"Harry's been home a lot more often." She said randomly said.

"Yeah, I've noticed. Every time I go over and try to visit my best friend I end up in the living room talking with him or something. And Gemma ends up not even being home!"

Anne gave me a look and playfully swatted me shoulder with a rag.

"I'm just kidding. You know you're my best friend not Gem." I told her laughing. Before she could answer me her phone rang.

"Speak of the devil." She said, showing me that it was Harry calling her phone. Since she was cooking she put her phone on speaker and left it on the counter.

"Hello, love."

"Hi, mum. Where are you? I woke up and you were gone."

"Oh, I'm at Ari's. Just came to catch up with my best friend and spend some time with the kids." She said, winking at me as she said the 'best friend' part.

"Oh okay. Well, that's actually why I sort of called. Do you have Ari's number? Would she mind if I stopped by in a couple minutes or something."

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