Anywhere With You

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-unedited, but you all deserved an update x

Harry's POV

I checked the time on the clock that was placed on the dresser. This is the fourth time this past week that she's been home past two in the morning. She came out of the closet and was surprised to see me sat up against the headboard.

"Sorry I woke you." She said, coming to sit near me on the bed.

"I wasn't asleep." I lied.

She pouted, fully aware that I was not awake when she arrived. "You're a shit liar, but I'll take it. Let me take my makeup off then we can cuddle? Please."

I nodded and pecked her lips, her hand reaching up to take off the lipstick that was probably smeared on my lips. She came back out with her hair loose behind her, tapping on her phone with an annoyed look. She plugged it in to charge then slipped into bed next to me, resting her head on my chest.

"Danny threw another tantrum today." I told her quietly. "Mum said I shouldn't tell you, but I figured I should."

"Your mom's a saint for flying in a few days before we planned. I didn't think Scooter would overwork me like this after I told him about going with you on tour. I'm fucking exhausted, but at least I have a late start tomorrow, umm, today? I don't even know. Maybe since I'll be here for breakfast he'll behave while I'm gone. I've barely seen them this past week, it hasn't been like this, ever. But I'm doing this for them, I'm working all day, all week, so I can give them those few weeks with both me and you."

After Ariana had a chat with her manager, Scooter, he told her that they needed to do promo for her new single. She agreed to doing it, as long as it was all done within a week. He scolded her for making decisions like that without consulting him first, but he made it work. It was Sunday, well, Monday now since it was past midnight, and the first show on tour started on Thursday. She had to squeeze two months of interviews and performances into one week, of course it was taking a toll on her. We called my Mum in as soon as we heard her schedule, knowing that we'd both need help watching the kids. Her mum had already taken so much time off while Danny was in hospital as well as when he first got released, she had a business to run and couldn't afford to take more time off. My mum didn't have to call in for work while everything with Danny was going on, she lived in England and the commute wasn't that long, Ariana's mum had to come all the way from New York. She heard us out and was more than happy to get a few more days with her "favorite babies, and well, Harry," as she put it.

I gave Ariana a light squeeze, choosing not to respond to her with words. No matter how many times I told her that it'll all be worth it, I couldn't help but feel that I was to blame. If I would have told her about the tour when I first found out, she could've scheduled something earlier. This all had me thinking about how it would work when we were both doing our own tours. She already cancelled her tour for Danny's sake, but she is going to release an album, a tour coming right after that. How would we do it? The twins stay with her while she's on tour? But what about me, I'd like them with me as well, though they are more attached to their mum. Plus, she's always been the one to fly out to me, yes, it'd be difficult for me to travel so much, but I've done nothing compared to what she has. This is all one headache waiting to happen.

Her breathing evened out, letting me know that she had fallen asleep. I ran my fingers through her hair once more and moved into a more comfortable position.

I woke up alone in bed, when I made it to the living area I saw my mum and Ariana sat across from each other, each having a mug in their hands. I gave them both a questioning look, asking where Mia and Danny were. I sat next to Ariana as she answered that they were still asleep, I noticed my mum's smile as she looked at us. I've yet to tell her anything that's happened between us, emotionally of course not physically, that'd just be awkward for the both of us.

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