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Today was the day. It was the last show of my UK Tour. The show I should have played last year, but had to cancel in order for me to get help. The show that might get me a record deal. The show where all my friends and family could make it to. The show where I get make them proud, to show them how far I've come. The show in London.

This show means the world to me. I get to entertain my incredible fans and show them how thankful I am. They got me a #1 single in the UK when I'm not even signed to a record company. I can't even put it into words how grateful I am for them. I mean, they were there for me when people I considered my friends weren't. They understood that I needed to get help. They understood that my children came first. They understood that I wanted to be a better mother and better role model.

So here I am, a few months later, making it up to them. I rescheduled my London gig and it sold out in less than 10 seconds. We were in demand for more tickets so we just decided to boost up the gig to a different arena. We took a huge risk in deciding to play at the O2 Arena. We weren't sure if we would even sell half of the tickets, but then my fans surprised me again. I got a phone call the day after we announced we would be playing there and they told me it sold out.

I. Sold. Out. The. O2.
Me. Ariana. Grande. Sold. Out. The. O2. Talk about dreams coming true. So here I am, an unsigned recording artist with a #1 single, about to play at my sold out O2 Arena show. I couldn't be any more blessed and thankful.



"Mum? Gemma? What are you guys doing here? Are you guys staying over?" I asked skeptically as they came into my home with bags hanging on their shoulders.

"Hello, darling," my mum said, " We're actually going out to erm, explore London -um, yeah exploring London for the day, that's what we're doing.We just thought we'd get ready here then we'd go and get out of your hair, we know how busy you are."

"Umm, that's fine I guess. What made you guys want to 'explore' today hmm?" I asked suspiciously.

"Well we uh, woke up this morning and thought, 'what a beautiful day lets go visit Harry really quick then have a -umm adventure together' " responded Gemma. I just stared at them trying to guess the real reason as to why they're here. A few moments later, they just decided to walk around me and go and get ready.

*A few hours later*

"Thank you again Harry for letting us stay for a bit after we just unexpectedly showed up."

"It's fine. You guys are family, you're always welcome here. Are guys sure you want to go out still? It can get pretty dangerous once the sun goes down."

"No we're fine." Gemma responded a bit too quickly. I raised an eyebrow at her, but she just shook it off.

"No. You know what? I'll join you guys. I would feel awful if something bad happened to you two out there. It's not safe."

My mum and Gemma gave each other a nervous/worried look. What's going on? What are they hiding?

"N-no darling, I'm sure you'd rather hang out with your friends then your mum and your sister."

"I'm actually free tonight. Zayn, the rest of the boys, and their families are going to some show at the O2 tonight. They say a new up and coming artist is playing there. I have no idea who though. He or she must be amazing since almost everyone I know will be there. Anyways are you guys ready to go? I just need to grab my coat."

"Okay, umm, heres the thing Harry. We didn't actually come here to explore the city. Me and mum are going to that concert at the O2 as well."

"Okay, then why didn't you just say so? You didn't have to lie?" Again, I'm suspicious as to why they would lie about that. "I could still join you guys, I mean, not to brag or anything, but I am Harry Styles. I'm sure there's some way I can get in."



Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Ariana's going to kill me. She's definitely not expecting to see Harry today. The way he forgot about her, I don't blame her. He's the last thing she needs to worry about.

One of the best nights of her life and her career might be ruined cause of us. She's in for a surprise tonight. If Harry wasn't a suspicious little shit everything would be fine.


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