Trust, Part 1

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Ariana Grande

Colombia has to be one of the most beautiful countries I've ever visited. I'm sat on the balcony of this lovely hotel we're staying at and the view we have is incredible. Harry's off doing promo, Danny's off with him, and Mia's sat here on my lap watching cartoons on my phone. I was reluctant to let him go without me, but only because of the crazy amount of paparazzi that seem to follow Harry everywhere. His reassurances eventually won and I was somewhat okay with him being off without me.

I picked Mia up and walked inside, wanting to get dressed and maybe walk around the city a bit. I did my makeup first, my hair second, and put my clothes on last. Mia wasn't in the mood to sit down long for me to do her hair so I just put it in a messy bun on top of her head. I picked out some sneakers, overalls, and a 1D shirt Harry had gotten her as a joke. I grabbed one of my larger bags and put in an extra change of outfit for her and Danny, after our walk of the city we would be joining the others at the stadium. I called security and let them know we would be on our way down.

Through the glass doors, I was able to spot a few fans still lingering outside the front doors. I held Mia at my hip and smiled at them as we exited the building, grabbing her little hand and encouraging her to wave. She started laughing when a few people waved back.

As we walked out I decided to do them a favor, telling them that it wasn't worth it waiting in the heat since the boys wouldn't be coming back to the hotel. They thanked me then asked for a photo, leaving right after.

We ended up going to an art museum right after that, Mia doing her best to copy the facial expressions some of the paintings. There was a yogurt shop near the museum and as we were finishing up, I quickly snapped a photo of her, chocolate all over her mouth. I smiled at it and sent it to Harry.

I left her with her chocolate mustache and tried video chatting with Nono, he didn't pick up, but I did end up leaving him a voice message on his home phone.

On the car ride to the stadium Mia had fallen asleep with her mouth wide open, causing me to laugh. She slept just like Harry. I reached into my bag and wiped her mouth clean, startling her a bit. A few minutes before we arrived I called Harry's cell, asking him to meet us outside when we pull up so that he could carry our daughter in. Her weight plus the weight of our bags being too much for me to hold.

It was like she sensed him though, once the car door was open, her eyes opened and lit up at the sight of him. His grin matching hers. Since she was awake I suggested she walk, but he scrunched his eyebrows and picked her up anyways. Placing kisses all over her face, his excuse being, "but she's my little princess."

I rolled my eyes playfully and walked next to them.


Rehearsals were starting and Harry was M.I.A., probably off causing trouble with the twins. I was sat in one of the seats, watching as they just stood there, waiting for someone to find H. I rose my hand to my forehead to cover the sun from my eyes,

"It's just rehearsals, right? You don't really need him, just someone to test the mic? Y'all can do that, no?" I asked them. Niall looked over at me and spoke into his mic, "We need someone to hold his place so we know how much space we have."

I shrugged my shoulders, not really having anything to respond back with. Niall said something into Louis' ear and they both ended up nodding, causing them to walk down the runway, closer to where I was seated.

"You can stand in his place? Just say random shit into his mic so they can get the right volume and just walk around when needed. We don't really have anything choreographed."

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