Breakfast conversations

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"Hey, babe."


"You know your brother probably thought he was defending you in some sort of way. He wasn't trying to embarrass you, Ari."

"I know, mom. I know, but he can be so difficult. And he needs to understand that it's my business. Being a mature adult doesn't mean I instantly forgave, Harry. Sure, I'm being decent and having light conversation with him. That's all part of being mature isn't it? Being the better person." I feel my voice crack and my throat get dry. Next thing I know a few tears are falling from my eyes.

"Oh, Ari," says my mom before pulling me into a hug. "I can't say I know what you're feeling, but I just want to let you know how proud I am of you. You raised those two babies on your own and are about to start your dream career. You've been so mature and handling everything so well for someone of your age, and if you decided to forgive Harry for all that he's done, then that's your choice. We're not one to judge you, we love you."

"That's the thing. I never forgave him. Two years of pent up anger and betrayal doesn't go away just because he decides to sweet talk me. I'm not an idiot. It's just that, this isn't a topic to discuss at a party. If he wants to talk about everything, then there's a time and place for it all, my celebration party isn't it."

"I know sweet heart, but just one question. Are you sure you're ready to talk about it all?"

I never thought of that. I've been thinking that it's up to Harry if he wants to talk, not me. But now that I think it over, I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk with him.

"I'm not sure, mom. All I know is that if he wants to be in their lives, I'm not gonna stop him. He has that right. But having them get to know him doesn't mean I'm opening my heart to him again. We have to be, friends, acquaintances, or something along those lines if we're going to make this work."

We sat there for about 15 more minutes until my mom decided it was time for us to head back home. If it wasn't for the fact that it was my party, I would have gotten Danny and Mia and went straight to bed.

When we returned, I noticed that Frankie wasn't there anymore. Who knows where he went. Everyone else seemed to be minding their own business, but I knew that some of them were still keeping an eye on me. I also noticed that Harry was still at the same spot as before I left, but this time his bandmates Zayn and Liam were sat with him. Once I noticed his gaze turn towards me, I looked away. I decided to sit with my family instead, and that's how the rest of the night went. Me avoiding him in all ways.


It's now been a week since the party. I was actually quite surprised that Simon hadn't dropped me from his label after the whole incident. Instead, he told me that he hired some people to help me finish my album. I even got a few messages from celebrities asking me if I wanted to collaborate with them on a song. Things were looking up for me.

I was helping my mom set up the dinner table when I heard the doorbell ring. My mom ignored it, so it was me who had to go and check who it was. I was surprised as to who it was.

"Umm, hi. You're the last person I ever thought would be at the door." I told Harry.

"Oh, well I can leave I guess."

"No, I didn't mean it in a 'get off my property' kind of way. I just meant that i'm surprised you're here."

All he did was nod his head so I took it upon myself to invite him in. Once in the living room, he took a seat and I sat across from him. He kept looking around, as if looking for someone. Then it clicked.

"Frankie's not here, if that's who you're looking for." I told him.

"Oh, okay. Umm, where is he, is he coming back anytime soon?"

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