Show time

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As I'm walking towards the stage I feel myself getting more and more nervous. I have to give my all in this show. Everyone I love is going to be there.

"Ariana are you ready?" One of the stage crew asked me.

"Yeah, can't wait to give this my all." I told him.

"Great, we're gonna start walking under the stage to get you to your spot."

"Alright let's do this." I said with a smile.

My dancers were making there way to their spots on stage as well. They see me and give me a thumbs up. 'Okay' I told myself, 'it's show time.'

I was on my correct spot, waiting to be leveled on stage. The crowd was so loud. I think it might be the loudest show I've ever played. Suddenly the beginning of my song "The Way" started to play and right as I was pushed up from under the stage the beat to the first word started to play and I began singing,

"I love the way you make me feel
I love it, I love it
I love the way you make me feel
I love it, I love it.."


Harry's POV

Wait- that girl looks very familiar. I swear I've seen her before- is that? -no, it can't be. Ariana? She looks so different now. I mean, she has the same face and all, but her red hair's gone, she looks thinner, and what are those? Tattoos? She was always so scared to get one and was so shy to sing in front of people, what happened?

*later on during the show*

Ariana's POV

" I just wanna thank y'all so much. You guys don't know how much this means to me. This has always been a dream of mine and I'm glad I get to share it with all of you tonight," I said to the crowd, getting very emotional. "I love you guys, you know that right?" So many screams and I love you's erupted from the crowd.

"Aww thanks you guys. I am so sorry to say, but this night is almost over. I only have a couple songs left, but I promise to put my all into them and make this a night you'll never forget." More screams erupted. "This next song is for all the kids who bullied me throughout high school and tried being my friends just because my song was popular." On that cue Popular Song began to play and my friend MIKA came out and joined me on stage,

La la, la la
You were the popular one, the popular chick
It is what it is, now I'm popular-ish
Standing on the field with your pretty pompom...


The show was now over and we, the dancers and I, started to head out to the after show dinner. It was just going to be our closest friends and family.

As we arrive, we notice that there are paparazzi out in front. I'm guessing some major celebrity is also here tonight.

We had a room in the back booked so that we could be as loud as we wanted and not disturb other guests. As we entered the room, there was no way I was ever expecting to see who I saw, sitting there next to my brother. Harry Styles. I was wasn't ready to see him, why was he here? He had no business being here. I looked at Gemma and Anne, they must be the reason. Once I looked Gemma in the eyes I knew it was on them. Harry looked shocked to see me as well. I'm guessing they didn't tell him what this dinner was for.

I guess I was too much in shock because next thing I know, Brian, one of my back up dancers, grabs my arm and pulls me along with him to sit down. Which just so happens to be right across from Harry. Great. I didn't want to make eye contact or even speak to him so I kept my head down. Next thing I know, I hear two high pitched voices running towards me screaming, "Mommy, Mommy" This is going to be one hell of a night.

Harry POV

Once I saw her enter the room I was surprised. Why didn't my mother & Gem tell me this? First they lie about going to the concert and now about how this was a dinner for her and her dancers. What is going on? I'm guessing Ariana didn't know I would be here either since she looks just or even more surprised then I am. Some guy grabs her arm and sits her right in front of me. This couldn't get any more awkward. That is until I heard and saw two toddlers running towards Ariana yelling Mommy.


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