Paparazzi and Family

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Ariana's POV

It's been about a week since the whole thing with Macy went down. The interview about my upcoming album and me joining the 1D tour came out yesterday. Of course, the main thing people were talking about was that Harry Styles showed up, which of course led to a couple of his "fans" to send me every insult they could possibly ever think of. According to my publicist, apparently "All publicity is good publicity." I hadn't told her about what was going to be in the next issue of Cosmo Pop, I figured I'd rather give the news to the main man himself. Which is the reason I'm at his office today, nervous as hell. I was told that Simon would see me now, but I went to use the restroom beforehand and when I came out, I heard someone arguing with Simon's receptionist.

"I don't care who he's having a meeting with, what I have to tell him is bloody more important."

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Styles, but the person he's with right now said the same thing. I can only squeeze in so many people."

That's when I rounded the corner and the clicking of my heels caught both of their attention.

"Uh, hi." I said, awkwardly waving my hand.

"Ariana, what are doing here?" He asked confused.

"From what I've heard, I'm assuming that it's the same reason you're trying to see him."

He simply nodded his head, so I just told him to follow me into Simon's office.

"But we're not allowed in, he's in a meeting with someone." He said.

"No. That meeting is with me, I had to use the restroom so I never went in." I said. He just stood there staring at me so I said, "Well come on then, he's not gonna wait all day."

I entered his office first and left the door open thinking Harry would walk in after to me.

"Ah, Miss. Grande. What a surprise, so you were the one pestering my receptionist to come and see me?"

I nodded my head. He then asked why I was here to see him, but before I could answer Harry walked in.

"Harry, what are you doing here? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" Simon told him.

"I'm with her actually. It's something we both have to tell you." He seemed nervous now, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. Well, that's not making me feel any better. Simon then took a look at the both of us and made his own assumption.

"You two are dating? You didn't have to waste my time to tell me this, you're free to date whoever you want."

"No! Where'd you get that from?!" I said, meanwhile Harry had said, "You really wouldn't care?" Which just made Simon even more confused. He then asked what it was we both wanted to tell him.

"You know how I have two kids?" I asked. He responded by nodding his head. "Well," I continued, "I never did tell you, or anyone really, who their father was."

"Okay, but what does that have to do with Harry here?" He asked, obviously not getting the hint.

"You see, umm. I kind of am." Harry said, and since the look on Simon's face still held confusion, he continued, "I kind of am their, umm. Their dad?"

That made Simon surprised. He asked how it was even possible if me and Harry had barely met this year and that the kids were already toddlers. Harry explained that we had actually met when we were kids, leaving almost all details out. Simon still didn't understand and asked for the entire story of how we met. I told him it would take a while and he said he would cancel his next meeting.

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