Meeting the Family.. Again

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Ariana's POV

"Well, since you're here, Ari, we were going to get together with my side of the family and have a little picnic. Why don't you join us?" Anne told me.

I looked down at the bouncy boy on my lap then denied the offer. "I really only came here because Harry and I had made plans, if you guys are busy I could just go home."

Through some more convincing from everyone in the Cox-Twist-Styles household, I finally agreed. Mostly because the kids had heard and got excited at the mention of a picnic. Robin and Anne went to go and get dressed while we waited for Gemma to arrive. Before she left up to her room, I had asked Anne if I could borrow some hair supplies so that I could fix Mia's hair. Mia was stood up on a stool in front of the bathroom mirror that hung above the sink.

"Mia, stop it. Stay still, babe." I told her. "I'll give you candy," I tried convincing her, and it worked. I had just finished her first bun when Danny ran into the bathroom with Harry trailing behind him, saying he had to brush his teeth. He got his toothbrush and stood on the other side of the sink as I finished up her hair. He rinsed his hands when he was done and sprinkled the water in my face making me flinch. My reaction must have been funny to them because all three of them started to laugh. His hands were still wet and he gently did it to Mia, making her squeal. I told her to tell him that he was silly and she did.

"You're silly." She said laughing. She then wet her hands and did the same to him. We all started to laugh at that. Gemma showed up at the doorway and said, "Woah, is there a party in the loo? Why wasn't I invited?"

Danny then ran up to her and she picked him up, giving him a kiss on his cheek. We met Anne and Robin downstairs and were on our way. That's when I realized that I didn't have their carseats. I told them that, and Harry gave me a sheepish grin and shyly said that he had bought them some.

"I was going to buy them a pushchair as well, but I didn't know which one to get. The woman tried explaining the differences to me, but I just couldn't get it."

I laughed then raised my arm to pinch his cheek, and teased him, "Awe, you look so adorable when you get all shy."

He told me to stop it and moved my arm back down to my side. Me, Harry, Gemma, and the twins went in one car, and Anne and Robin went in another. The entire car ride me, Gemma, and the kids were singing 'The Wheels On the Bus,' along with other children songs. Anne's family was already there when we got there and it made me a whole lot more nervous. Of course, I've met them before, but that was years ago, before everything had happened. I doubt they even remembered me. When we got to them Anne had introduced me to them again, and introduced the twins. I was holding Mia's hand while Harry held Danny's.

"Why do I feel like I've met you before?" His cousin Matty asked me.

"Yeah, we probably have. Except I might have had red hair then." I responded. He nodded his head then said that he knew I looked too familiar. Harry then went to introduce me to his other cousin, Bridget, and her toddler, Micah.

"So Danny, Mia, this is your cousin Micah. Can you say hello?" He asked the kids. Danny quietly muttered a hello, and Mia kept fiddling with my bracelet, not bothering to say anything. I apologized and said that she's usually not like that. Having a toddler herself, she said she understood.

To say his family was shocked was an understatement, of course they had read the magazines, but they all believed that they were just rumors. They asked me questions, wanting to get to know me better, while Harry and his cousins played soccer. Mia and Danny got bored just sitting down, so they went up to go and play with them. I was about to get up and bring them back, but they said that it was fine and that they would go easy and let them play. That made them so happy, and Anne got the photograph to prove it. She showed it to me, and they looked beautiful.

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