Hospitals Pt 2

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Harry's POV

"Dad?" I heard her say. I looked at him with disgust. After what Ari told me, I have no respect for the man in front of me. I walked over to her and pulled her to me, away from her brother. For once, Frankie was right, it wasn't a good idea that she saw him, especially not today.

I slid my hands from her shoulders up to her neck, having her look at me as I spoke. "Let's just go back, okay? Today's not a good day for this."

She glanced over at the man who abandoned her in her time of need. I did the same thing, I guess, but I had no clue she was pregnant. If I did, I never would have left her alone. She looked back at me and nodded her head. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and led her to the cafeteria, we both needed some food in our system.

"Ariana, please." The man spoke. "I'm here for you."

That's what broke my silence, "You're here for her, really? A little too late, don't you think? She doesn't need you anymore, she has me."

"And who are you exactly?" He asked in despise.

"I'm Harry, not that it's any of your concern."

"Well, Harry, as far as I'm aware you weren't exactly there for her either."

"Because I didn't know!" The fact that he brought that up angered me. "The minute I found out about them, I've been apart of their lives ever since. Can't say the same about you though. You have no right throwing that in my face you fucking prick-"

"Hey." I felt her squeeze my hand. "He's not worth it. Let's go get something to eat."

She pulled me along, the only thing I could do was follow after her as I glared back at her father. She got us both a bottle of water while I picked up two salads, the other meals containing either meat or dairy, Ariana was vegan and couldn't eat either. We sat down at one of the empty tables and ate. We ate in silence, not really knowing what to say to one another, her confession from earlier still ringing in my mind.

She still loves me.

And I her.

I wonder if she'd believe me if I told her. I doubt it, I mean, I literally told her I loved her then went on a date(?) if you could even call it that. I thought we were hanging out as friends, but at the end of the night when she tried to kiss me, I didn't know what to think. How could I possibly want any one else when Ariana's all I need. She's a kind heart, she's beautiful, she's funny, she laughs at my jokes, and she's an amazing mum. My family already adores her, probably as much as I do. Speaking of family, I need to meet up with my dad. We still haven't spoken since Mia and Danny's birthday. No matter what, he's still their grandfather and he needs to put his ego aside and be there for them, for me too. I have no idea what I'm doing. Her soft voice interrupted my thoughts.

"M'sorry, did you say something?" I asked after swallowing the food that was in my mouth.

"Yeah, I asked why you got yourself one that has carrots while mine has cucumber."

I looked at both of our bowls and sure enough, hers didn't have carrots. I shrugged my shoulders, "I didn't even notice."

I stuck my fork into the bowl, but before I could eat it she told me to wait. I looked at her questioningly, but before I could ask why, she leaned closer and ate it off of my fork. Watching the way her lips wrapped around the fork put a different image in my mind. I shook my head and cursed myself, of all things, these dirty thoughts should not be what I'm thinking about. We're finally on good terms again, I can't let my hormones get the best of me.

"Thanks, H. You're too kind." She teased.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied, shoving more food in my mouth. Without giving a second thought, I added, "You're lucky I love you."

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