Ice cream dates & important meetings

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Ariana's POV

"You want some more pancakes or are you full?" I asked my son. He shook his head no. "Okay, c'mon. Let mommy wash your hands."

Before I made it to the restroom, there was a knock at my door and I went to go answer it.

"Good morning, Ari." Said Anne and Gemma.

"Mommy!" Said Mia, while stretching her arms out for me to grab her. I wasn't strong enough to carry both Mia and Danny, so me and Anne switched.

"Good morning, everyone. Thanks again, Anne. I'm sorry for leaving so fast last night." I told her.

As they were walking in Anne said, "It's really no problem at all. I love watching them."

"And it was our fault you left early, we're really sorry Harry was there. We didn't mean to just surprise you like that-" Gemma said, before she got interrupted by her mother.

"Yeah, he just wouldn't leave it alone. He was determined that we make it safe all night and the only way he thought that would happen was if he was there."

"It's fine. It was bound to happen anyways, right? I was just surprised it happened to be during one of my biggest nights. Didn't think it would be soon either."

After that, we just started talking about normal things, such as the weather, work, etc. Three hours passed, and suddenly Mia and Danny both wanted ice cream. It was pretty sunny in London, so I thought why not. Gemma had work in an hour so she couldn't stay and Anne had to get back to Holmes Chapel. It turned out to be an ice cream date with just me and the kids. When we got back, they both took a nap and I got a phone call from an unknown number. Once I answered the person on the phone said,

"Hello? May I speak to Miss. Ariana Grande, please."

"This is she."

"Hello there, Miss. Grande. I'm Kendra, calling from Syco Records. I got your number from your mother. I'm calling to ask if you would be able to attend a meeting here later on today with Mr. Cowell. He personally asked me to call and invite you."

What? Simon fucking Cowell personally asked for me. This is crazy. I had to be dreaming.

"Yeah, of course I'll be able to attend. That'd be lovely." We discussed details and she told me that my meeting with Simon was at five pm. I looked at the clock and realized I had 2 hours to get ready. I called my mom and asked her to babysit, when she agreed I decided to get dressed. I ended up wearing a dress and heels. Time passed by quickly and next thing you know I'm walking up to a receptionist at Syco.

"Hello, I'm Ariana Grande. I have a meeting with Simon Cowell at five o'clock." I told the women.

"Oh yes, hello. I heard about your meeting. Go ahead and take the elevator to the fifth floor and someone will help you once you get there."

"Okay, thank you." Once I got in the elevator I got very nervous. This meeting can only mean one thing. Before I could over think anything, the doors flew open. When I told another receptionist that I was here for a meeting, she told me to go ahead and knock on his door.

"Come in." He said.

I walked in and introduced myself.

"Ah, yes. Miss. Grande. I've been looking forward to meeting you since you agreed to come in."

"Wow, thank you."

"I've seen that you've covered Mariah Carey. That was a big risk, seeing as you'd be compared to a great artist like her." Great. He called me in here to tell me that I didn't do it justice, that I ruined the song for him. Or so I thought, until he continued, "That risk payed off, you have a very beautiful voice Miss. Grande."

"Oh wow, thank you. That means a lot coming from you."

"I was also at your show at the 02 last night. A friend of mine suggested I go and I'm glad I did. You were absolutely fantastic." Simon Cowell was at my show. How didn't I know this. This is mental. He then continued, "While I was there I heard of all the success you've had so far, and that you weren't even signed to a record label. So I thought to myself, 'Hmm, let me get a meeting with this girl before another company snatches her up."

"Wait- are you saying what I think you're saying?" I asked, getting very excited. He then begins to start smiling. Simon Cowell just fucking smiled at me. What. The. Fuck.

"How would you like to become an artist here at Syco?"


My mother had left me a message letting me know that she took the kids and all my stuff back to her house. I took a tube back to Holmes Chapel and was now walking up the path to my mom's house. Once inside she called me into the kitchen to ask me how things went. I had this sad look on my face so she pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry, Ari. I didn't think things would go like this." She said, she obviously thought things had gone wrong.

"I'm sorry, too, mom. I'm sorry you're going to be at home alone more often because I just got signed to one of the most well known record labels in the world." I said with a smile.

"Really? Ariana I am so happy for you! You have no idea how proud I am! Tell me how things went."

I told her how the meeting went and how afterwards he had asked me to do a short acoustic set for the people in his office.

"We're going to celebrate. Yup, we're going to throw a big party and celebrate." My mom said after I finisher telling her everything.

"No, mom. It's fine. We can just have a little dinner here, and invite Gemma and Anne, and a couple close friends."

"Ariana are you crazy? Your dreams just came true! Of course we're going to go all out! Next Saturday, we're having a party, invite all your friends. This is huge news."

So it's set, then. Next Saturday, January 26th, we're having a party to celebrate that my dreams came true. That I am now a Syco Records recording artist.

Enjoy. x

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