Feast and Sorting

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The carriages that we rode up to the castle in, were, as always, pulled by Thestrals. Before we got in with two other classmates, I took a minute to pet the four magical creatures in front of our carriage. They may have looked ominous and scary to most people, but to me they were beautiful and majestic. I loved Thestrals, even though the reason I could see them wasn't a happy one.

I had seen someone die before my first day at Hogwarts, and that's how Thestrals work - you can only see them if you've witnessed death.

It was a burden as well as a blessing. When you looked into their dark eyes, you always knew why you could see them. You always knew that someone had to die for you to see them.

I gave them my attention because they reminded me not to be reckless with my life. I've been through a lot last year, and technically, I should be feeling pretty terrible. Of course, the events left scars, but I believed I was coping. I believed that somehow, these events had made me stronger.

Occasionally, I have moments when I remember something that I had forgotten. Now, I remembered that we were in a carriage when the dragon attacked us, and tore George Osric to pieces. I shuddered and turned away from the Thestrals. I had to get in this carriage.

Poppy held out her hand to help me get into the carriage, and even during the ride, our hands didn't let go of each other. I felt a little queasy. This was the first time I was in a carriage since the dragon attack exactly a year ago. Last school year, I managed to avoid it and just walked while my things were transported by the carriage. My friends watched over them. But now, I was sitting here with my eyes closed because I thought I might throw up otherwise. I knew that nothing could happen to us, but I was still a bundle of nerves. Poppy squeezed my hand tightly when she saw my face and ran her thumb over my hand. "We're safe," she said, as if she could read my mind. I smiled at her. She was trying to cheer me up, and the attempt alone made me feel good.

Apart from the memory, I was also excited, and Poppy felt the same way. After all, it was the sixth year of school. We were going to learn nonverbal spells, more advanced potions, and of course, apparition. We would be learning the Patronus Charm, which I had heard was really difficult to master. I was confident. I had the old magic on my side, which gave me an unfair advantage, but that shouldn't bother me. I couldn't help it.

There were also other things that we had planned, which had nothing to do with learning or saving Hogwarts, and I was glad about it. I was looking forward to the social dramas that I read about in books.

The sixth year was different from last year, many of us were just still children then, while now we were on our way to becoming adults. Muggles our age spent their time going to balls and tea parties, where young women dressed up especially nicely and acted demurely, while young men showed off their pride. I was glad I had to go to Hogwarts, even though people of my status weren't usually invited to balls.

Hogwarts would have a lot in store for us. I heard on the train how Violet McDowell had tried to give a Hufflepuff classmate Amortentia and all he had smelled was earth and a mixture of rare plants. Another had fallen hopelessly in love with Professor Garlick, but who could blame him? She was smart, talented, and beautiful, as well as kind and generous. A real Hufflepuff.

I really wanted to try the Amortentia on all of my friends. I just wanted to know what scents they would perceive, not trigger an obsession. I also didn't want any drama to ensue. Amortentia had its reputation because using the potion was not exactly safe. I wondered what I would perceive. I would probably smell old books and the scent of oil paints or ink, maybe even earth and the smell of forests and grass after it had rained, because I loved all these things.

It was said that Amortentia smelled like what attracted you, but nobody really knew what that meant. Did you smell what you liked or did you smell the things that reminded you of someone you liked?

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