Chapter 47

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Evangeline's POV:

I took a deep breath. One. Two. Three. Four. Inhale. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Exhale. One. Two. Three. Four. I screamed. Tears streamed down my cheeks. An electrifying red beam hit me. Again.

This was pointless. It didn't lead to me providing more answers. I had already told them everything I knew. I had betrayed my friends. I had become a damn traitor, and I hoped they would finally kill me so that the voice of my conscience would finally shut up. So that the guilt of my betrayal would no longer weigh me down.

Margaret Grimward stood a few meters away from me, grinning maliciously down at me. I sat on the cold cell floor. It was dark in here except for the light created by her two accomplices with their wands. I wished I could do magic without a wand, but even if I could, the cell walls were magically secured.

I observed the woman in front of me. Long blonde hair. A long, ugly scar stretched across her mouth. Her eyes were almost black. Probably as dark as her heart.

She enjoyed hurting me. She liked causing me pain.

I just couldn't take it anymore. I loved Elisabeth and Ominis, and I cared about the others too, and even Sebastian had somehow grown on me, but then I betrayed everything they had told me.

I told them that Elisabeth was a Keeper and that she had sealed away the old magic beneath Hogwarts to keep it from being touched again. I told them that Ominis hated his family and was the heir of Slytherin himself. I told them that Sebastian missed his sister and was trying to bring her back. I simply told them everything I knew.

They used it against my friends. They sent someone there. They forced me to write that terrible letter.

I would endure it. I would endure the pain for as long as I had to. They would find me. I had been stuck here for months. I hadn't even been to the ball, they hadn't allowed me that either.

They will find me. They will find me. They will find me.

I had lost track of time. After all, I was just in a dark cell from which I couldn't escape.

The blonde witch aimed her wand at me again, and a red electrifying beam shot out. It hit me like a lightning bolt. A pain that felt like a thousand hot metal rods being pressed against my skin. The pain and the panic of thousands before me raced through my head. How many people had she done this to before?

I screamed. I couldn't scream as loudly as I wanted to, to numb the pain.

Tears ran down, burning on my tortured skin. I wanted it to stop.

I wanted to die.

She let out a laugh. I screamed and screamed. I was sure my screams could be heard outside.

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