The Truth

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Everyone had dressed in their best clothes. This time I wore a dark blue dress. It had a similar cut to my green dress, but the sleeves were long and flared. I had laced a corset over it again to accentuate my waist. My hair had been braided overnight, which now hung in waves. I wore flat, open shoes with laces. I wished I could afford shoes with heels or at least walk in them. I admired the other girls who went to the party in neat, high-heeled lace-up shoes or open ones with patterns. But it was okay, someday I would have enough galleons and be able to dance in them like the others.

Evangeline came out of the washroom, where she had just finished fixing her hair. She had braided it and pinned it up on top of her head. She wore a light blue dress that accentuated her complexion and made her eyes sparkle. "You look stunning," I said, smiling at her. "And so do you!" she said softly and hugged me, our faces just a few centimeters apart. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks; she made me so nervous that I couldn't think straight anymore, and the worst part was that I never knew if she read my thoughts in those moments. She didn't say anything about it, so I assumed she respected my privacy that far. "Shall we?" she said, offering me her arm. I hooked my arm in hers, and we headed to the Astronomy Tower, where we wished to get to the room where the party was taking place.

As we walked out, the festivities were already in full swing. Garreth Weasley offered a sip of his homemade whiskey to everyone who passed by him. Poppy and Imelda were already dancing wildly to the music, and Ominis was sitting in a circle with some of our classmates. They were spinning an empty bottle of fire whiskey between them, and when two were selected, they had to kiss. I let my gaze wander and looked for Natty, who seemed very busy teaching Leander Prewett new kissing techniques. I would attribute that to alcohol-induced mistakes.

Sebastian was nowhere to be seen, and neither was Nerida. Maybe they didn't feel like being there. I was pulled out of my thoughts as Evangeline dragged me into the center where everyone was dancing. She spun me around and caught me when I lost my balance. She was about the same height as me, maybe a few centimeters taller, but her grace made her look taller. The room seemed to belong to her; she just had to take it.

The evening continued wonderfully, and we danced and danced. Here and there, I took a sip of wine or downed a fire whiskey, my thoughts were full of happy memories, and this would be a beautiful memory too. At least that's what I thought.

Sebastian and Nerida stumbled out of a small chamber, laughing, their clothes wrinkled and their hair tousled. Sebastian's shirt buttons weren't even properly done up. They held hands and I felt my throat tighten.

No. No. No, please not.

I looked at him, pleading in my gaze, I wanted to drop dead on the spot. My world was spinning. I didn't want to feel this, but I did. I had no claim on him, none at all. Nerida's gaze was challenging, as if she wanted me to rush at her and blast her clean into the wall with a spell. I wanted to, I wanted to see her suffer in pain, her gaze set my anger ablaze and when she turned to Sebastian and pulled his face towards hers, I took a step forward.

But a gentle but firm hand pulled me back. Evangeline turned me towards her, "Just do the same thing as he did," she whispered softly and lifted my chin, her movement was hesitant but purposeful and as her lips touched mine, I closed my eyes.

She was soft and tasted like honey and lavender. I let myself be drawn into the kiss like into one of my books. My first kiss and it was with her. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me towards her. I put my hands around her neck, a tingling sensation ran through my body and I wanted to sink into the moment. It wasn't how I had imagined it, it was better.

When Evangeline let go of me, she had a mischievous smile on her lips. She had done it because she had seen the pain in my eyes, because she had recognized my feelings. She had done me a favor and she didn't know what she had awakened in me with it.

"I knew it!" Imelda shouted loudly and whistled, I stared at her in disbelief, Natty handed her a galleon. Had they made a bet?

Everyone had witnessed the scene, which surprised me, because ever since Poppy and Imelda had become a proud couple walking through the halls of Hogwarts, it shouldn't be anything special anymore, right?

Maybe it was also because Sebastian was staring at me as if I had punched him in the face and Nerida had pursed her lips into a thin line. Evangeline took my hand in hers and Sebastian followed the movement, Nerida's gaze was fixed on him, full of anger and disappointment.

"You can't be serious!", she hissed and pushed him back. Sebastian stumbled slightly, but caught himself again. Nerida stormed out and slammed the door loudly behind her.

If anyone hadn't looked this way before, they certainly were now.

I bit my lip, what was happening here? The music had stopped and we were the center of the party. Sebastian looked at me, no, he looked past me. He looked at Evangeline and his gaze was full of contempt. I stood protectively in front of her as he approached us and his dark green eyes challenged mine.

I had slipped my wand out of my sleeve.

"Sebastian, what is this supposed to be?", I hissed. How had this situation escalated so quickly? Why was he behaving so poorly when he had just gone into a closet with someone else? He stood right in front of me, just like at the creek, but this time he was intimidating and not cautious.

He looked into my face and his gaze was full of pure jealousy.

You damn bastard.

"We're gonna talk.", I said cold, pushing him back, his gaze fixed on Evangeline. "Beth", she said worriedly behind me, but I knew how to reason with Sebastian.

I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of the Room of Requirement. Everyone in our year who was at the party noticed.

He let me pull him, although his steps sounded sluggish as if he were a stubborn child. Our journey ended up on the platform where the telescopes stood. I turned to face him.

"Explain yourself", I said blankly and there was guilt written all over his face. I had to look away because on the one hand I knew I would melt under this gaze and forgive him everything. On the other hand, I wanted to punch him in his face. In his beautiful, freckled face that I loved so incredibly much.

He just looked at me, pressed his lips together, and crossed his arms in front of his chest. I took a step towards him.

"'I said explain yourself, Sebastian", my voice was softer, but I tried to appear intimidating. He didn't seem impressed, but he took a step back. I saw his hands clenched into fists and out of fear of what he would do, I tightened my grip on my wand. Did I have to be afraid of Sebastian?

He turned around and paced back and forth, I rubbed my forehead because I felt like I was losing my mind. "I just don't understand what's wrong with you, Sebastian", I said and he looked directly at me.

"What's wrong with me? I haven't done anything wrong!" he exclaimed.

"And what was that just now?" I asked in anger. He had threatened me and Evangeline because of something he had been doing for weeks. "You're asking me? You just showed off with your new trophy in public!"

I snapped.

"Watch what you say, Sallow!" I aimed my wand at him. "Oh, and what are you going to do?" he pulled his wand out of his pocket and aimed it at me too. "You're not going to blame me when you've been disappearing with Nerida Roberts in every corner of Hogwarts for weeks to do God knows what!"

"Oh, I can tell you what we've been doing!", he laughed, I wanted to throw him off this balcony, "I am pretty sure i already know!", I said sharp.

"At least Nerida doesn't pretend to be an innocent lamb!", Sebastian added. What did that mean? I looked at him confused. "What does that mean now?", I asked, lowering my wand a little.

He seemed to be boiling with anger.

"You tell me, you wanted to kiss me at the creek!" 

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