Declared enemies

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"Beth, what is that?" he asked, kneeling down next to me, wiping away tears and examining my leg. I had several open cuts in my skin from which blood was oozing.

"That's nothing," I said quickly, but his gaze was full of concern and also some anger.

He said nothing, instead he put his hands under me and lifted me up. "Hold on tight, we need to clean that up," he said and I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep from falling. I didn't like the situation at all but he had caught me, so I had to go with it.

The freckled Slytherin went down the stairs of the Astronomy Tower. On the wall where the door to my Room of Requirement usually appeared, another door appeared now, and he carefully pushed it open with his foot.

In front of us was a small room with a sink and a medicine cabinet.

Sebastian gently placed me on a bed that was also in the room, it looked like the one in the hospital wing. He took some cloths out of the cabinet and dampened them.

"This is going to hurt a little bit," he said as he knelt in front of me and stroked carefully along my wounds. He made a few movements with his wand and removed the dirt from the wounds. I didn't say anything the whole time and just tried to hold back the tears.

Sebastian was very careful in taking care of my wounds. It was like last year, this had been one of our rituals. After fighting giant spiders and nasty wizards, we had taken care of each other's wounds. I had sewn the scars on his back, and then he had dabbed my shoulder while we made fun of our clumsiness.

"Why do you hurt yourself?" he asked me now, laying a gentle bandage around my cleaned leg, his tone was strict, almost as if he was going to scold me for it.

"What's it to you?" I asked, turning my head away so I didn't have to look at him. "Oh, really? Now I'm the one who doesn't care?" he asked, his tone had changed from strict to sarcastic.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said coldly, what was I doing? He had helped me and tried to be a friend, sought my company, and I was behaving like a huge bitch.

"Beth, please, what else do I have to do for you to forgive me?!" he asked, agitated. "I attacked Nerida Roberts because she hurt you, damn it!"

"Yeah, and before that, you hurt me yourself," I spat at him.

His gaze was unfathomable.

"Fine, if that's what you want, then I won't try anymore, no matter how much I love you, you'll just push me away," his words made me look at him again and he smiled triumphantly. "I knew that would get you." he whispered.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from saying something stupid.

"What do you mean?" I asked, trying to hold back the hope in my voice.

He loves me?

"You're my best friend, Beth."


I looked down at the ground, no, I didn't like the answer.


His hand slid over my healthy leg and stopped in the middle of my thigh. "I don't want to lose you, please," he said now.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian, I just can't forgive you," why didn't I give in?

His gaze turned dark and he removed his hand from my thigh. "So you want to be my enemy? You know what I do to my enemies, Elisabeth," my face became expressionless at these words.

"I don't want to be your enemy, Sebastian," I said.

"If you're not my friend, then you're my enemy," he stood up and looked down at me. I frowned, that was the only two options? Friends or Enemies?

Okay fine.

"You don't want to do that," I said sharply, his gaze was contemptuous, "I'm not afraid of you, Hawkins."

But you should be.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you, Sallow?" I asked now, my voice carrying a challenge, a threat.

"You know what I'm capable of.", he said.

It was foolish, we were here all alone and I didn't have much room to cast any spell that would keep him away from me, he, on the other hand, could have snuffed out the light with only one hand.

"And you know what I'm capable of, Sebastian, you were there when I tortured Rockwood's soul out of his body," I pressed out, a glimpse of fear could be seen in his eyes. He had seen how I enjoyed seeing Rockwood suffer.

Unlike him, I didn't regret using the Unforgivable Curse.

"I'll stay out of your way, Elisabeth," Sebastian said now, "But if you get in my way, you should pray that I'm in a good mood," said the tall Slytherin, and with those words, he disappeared from the room.

Sebastian Sallow and I were officially archenemies, and the worst part was that my heart was craving him.

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