Happy Birthday Elisabeth

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Today was February 8th, 1892. It was my 17th birthday. Since the party in the Room of Requirement, I had only left the dormitory for meals and classes. The rest of the time, I spent there, not even going to the Room of Requirement. I had stopped speaking, only saying the bare minimum. My friends didn't know what had happened because I hadn't told them, but everyone could see it. Sebastian looked at me with a guilt and sadness that even the teachers avoided us.

My gaze was empty, just like my heart.

My best friend had attacked me, no, he was no longer my best friend. Within a few minutes, he had gone from being a friend who had been difficult to catch up with lately, to an enemy.

My nemesis.

I lost track of the lessons again because I couldn't listen. Sometimes I skipped class and drank Garreth Weasley's horrible brew or some Firewhiskey that I had been saving to celebrate with. I was becoming more and more convinced that Sebastian had wanted to hurt me back then, or rather, I convinced myself of it. I wanted to believe that he was the villain because what he had done on the Astronomy Tower had shattered me.

He had attacked me.

Because of Nerida Roberts.

Because of Evangeline.

Because of his stupid jealousy.

He had lied to me.

Of course, he had been angry because my statement in the hospital wing had also rejected him, but that was no reason for what he had done next.

A Day after the party, Evangeline had told me what she could read in his thoughts. That he was only with Nerida to make me jealous.

He wanted me to see him with another girl and to boil with anger like he did, which I did.

It had already occurred to me after our argument, but when Evangeline confirmed my suspicion, the coldness in my heart spread even further. I hated seeing them together, and the thought that they had done more than just kiss made me clench my hands into fists and dig my fingernails into my palms until I bled.

But Sebastian had attacked me. Who told me he wouldn't do it again? Who told me he wouldn't do the same thing to me as he did to Solomon?

I paused.

Did I really think that? Was I really so far gone as to believe that Sebastian would silence me with the Killing Curse, or was this just another product of anger and disappointment?

"Elisabeth," I heard my name being called, and I turned around. I had been on my way to the Ravenclaw common room.

Ominis Gaunt stood before me. "Please come with me," Ominis said softly, withdrawing his hand, not quite in my direction, but almost. "Ominis, please," I said, my voice a whisper, a croak. It was just a shadow of itself, just like me.

"Its your birthday, I know you don't want to talk much right now, but we have something for you," he tilted his head slightly, his hand still outstretched.

I took a few hesitant steps towards him and placed my hand hesitantly in his. Ominis' skin was soft and warm. We left together, and he led me towards Hogsmeade. I looked at the scenery, trying to put on a smile, but I couldn't. I was too empty, too exhausted, and too sad.

In Hogsmeade, he led me towards the tavern where we regularly drank butterbeer. Of course, they had prepared something there; it was the perfect place.

Ominis took me into the Three Broomsticks and as we entered, everyone shouted congratulations all at once. I smiled briefly, it was a nice idea. Poppy quickly came to me, hopping a little, and hugged me. "We've been waiting for you!" she said happily and then let go of me, handing me a small box, "This is from all of us!" she said, pointing to the group gathered behind her, among whom Ominis had now joined.

I opened the box and found a golden chain with a small pendant, in which a stone was embedded. A moss agate. My favorite stone. It was dark green. "It's beautiful!" I whispered and looked at Poppy gratefully.

"When you touch it and close your eyes, it shows you your most beautiful memory!" said Poppy and I looked at her happily. That was a truly wonderful idea.

"You have to try it!" she said excitedly, I was unsure, what was my most beautiful memory? But then I thought I had to remember my first kiss and touched the green stone, closing my eyes.

"No, but your shoulder is softer than a tree," Sebastian said, "And I wanted to ask you to dance."

I opened my eyes abruptly, my throat tightened, and tears burned in my eyes, I turned away so no one could see how I was feeling. That couldn't possibly be my most beautiful memory? What about Evangeline?

"Beth?" Poppy asked uncertainly, stroking my shoulder, I put on a fake smile and turned back to her, "Forgive me, but the memory was so beautiful, I didn't even know I still remembered it," I said, Poppy asked me what I remembered and I made up a story, claiming it was from my childhood.

The rest of the evening was filled with people hugging me and congratulating me.

Finally seventeen.

That was a big number in the wizarding world. It meant that from now on I could use magic outside of Hogwarts without getting into trouble. I wished I could celebrate just as much, but all the lightness and fun I should feel, it was all clouded by loneliness, grief, anger.

I needed to get some fresh air, I could hardly breathe and needed a moment to myself, so I let Ominis know that I would take a walk through Hogsmeade.

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