Expecto Patronum

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"It's important that when summoning the Patronus, you think of a happy memory. It must be something strong, something simple like drinking butterbeer with friends is not enough!" said Professor Hecat.

So far, no one had been able to produce a reasonable Patronus and we had been practicing for a month.

"Mr. Gaunt! Excellent!" exclaimed Professor Hecat and I turned around. A white-blue glowing hawk flew out of Ominis wand, illuminating the entire room.

"Wow," I whispered.

Everyone had their eyes on the Slytherin heir, a grin appeared on his face. He couldn't see his own Patronus, but we could, and it was breathtaking.

I had expected a snake, after all, he was a Gaunt, not exactly their predator, but it made sense.

As much as Ominis hated being a Gaunt, it should have been clear to me that he wouldn't have a snake as his Patronus.

"What is it?" Ominis asked eagerly.

"A hawk, Mr. Gaunt," said Professor Hecat. She applauded him and we followed suit. He was the first in our year to successfully summon a Patronus and one with a form.

Ominis bowed and laughed, Sebastian patted him approvingly on the back.

Our eyes met.

There was a challenge in his eyes and I returned the gaze. It was as if the air between us was burning. I squinted slightly and the corner of his mouth lifted.

Suddenly, I felt exposed and turned my gaze away. Ever since he caught me on the platform and tended to my leg, there had been several staring confrontations like this, and he had won every time.

"It's like he's undressing you with his eyes," Imelda said at some point during a class when she observed the whole thing.

I was no better, amidst all the hostility, I wanted to drag him into the next corner and rip his school uniform off his body, but that was unreasonable.

"He's not," I protested and turned back to my Patronus exercises.

I still hadn't managed to summon a corporeal Patronus. Almost everyone else had already summoned one. Imelda's Patronus was a peregrine falcon and Poppy had a Hippogriff, which was probably the most impressive Patronus Professor Hecat had ever seen. She was almost beside herself when the large creature flew through the classroom.

Only I didn't have one, and of course, Sebastian did not too, which is why we got extra lessons from Professor Hecat where we practiced like crazy.

Putting us together in a room was probably the problem. I wanted to rip his throat out, and judging by his looks, he probably wanted to do worse to me.

"Do neither of you have a happy memory that is strong enough? Mr. Sallow, what do you think of when you try to summon the Patronus?" asked the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, and Sebastian's gaze rested on me for a moment.

"When I was with Nerida Roberts-", Professor Hecat cut him off before he could say more. "Oh please, Mr. Sallow, spare me the details," I had to hold back my laughter and received a venomous look from the tall Slytherin.

"Miss Hawkins," Professor Hecat turned her gaze to me, "what do you think of?"

I had always thought of my friends, how we laughed and spent time together, so I told her exactly that.

"Miss Hawkins, while that is a lovely memory, your Patronus must have substance to function, and that memory has no substance, I'm afraid," I slumped my shoulders and dug into my thoughts, "I'm sorry, Professor, I was never happier than when I was with my friends," I said, slightly frustrated.

"Well, Mr. Sallow, I would ask you to pull out another memory from your thoughts that has nothing to do with one of your female classmates and try again," said Professor Hecat.

I sat down on a bench for a while. Sebastian leaned back and thought for a few minutes.

I watched him, wanting to know if he could do it.

His gaze met mine again, and he furrowed his brow, then closed his eyes and spoke the words.

A bright light burst from his wand, followed by a beautiful thestral. A smile spread across his face, and he looked at me with shining eyes.

He did it.

I smiled at him for a moment, happy for him, but then I remembered that we were sworn enemies, and my smile was wiped away by a bitter look to the side, and his expression changed too.

"Very good, Mister Sallow!" said Professor Hecat. "I must end the class for today, Miss Hawkins. You can come to me at the same time tomorrow." I nodded and then left the classroom at a respectful distance from Sebastian.

I walked past him quickly, my face down. "I thought of you," he said.

I stopped.

He's doing this to see how much power he has over you.

The voice in my head was right. I should keep going, but I didn't. I straightened my shoulders and turned to him, my gaze cold.

"Oh really?" I asked, my tone indifferent.

He snorted contemptuously. "You're-" He wanted to say something mean but stopped himself.

"I'm what, Sallow?" I asked harshly. He wrinkled his nose and looked at me bewildered. "Stop it, don't pretend like you hate me," he said.

"I don't have to pretend," I said coldly. He shook his head slightly. "Wow, Elisabeth, I didn't think you could be like this. I thought you needed some time and then you'd calm down,"

I made an indignant noise. "Calm down? Sebastian, you attacked me. I could have fallen off that damn platform and died!"

"But you didn't."

I breathed audibly. "After that, I still held on to you. I asked Ominis to stand by your side even though you could have killed me up there," I said with an expressionless voice, "I've done so much for you, but I just have to go my own way."

"What about all the things we've been through together? Are you just throwing that away now?"

"I just can't trust you anymore, Sebastian."

"I never wanted to hurt you."

"But you did."

"What am I supposed to do?"

"I don't know, it's not my job to tell you what to do, just leave me alone, please," with these words, I turned on my heel and walked away.

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