What else should i do?

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The hospital wing was empty except for two Gryffindors in Quidditch gear.

Madame Blainey and Madame Porter seemed to be engrossed in a conversation when we entered. They didn't react immediately, but we didn't have to wait long as the head nurse was already on her way to us.

"Ms. Hawkins, you look so attacked again, child. If I didn't know better, I'd almost say you're throwing yourself head first into fights!"

Apparently she did not know any better.

Her voice was a little upset, but her face was marked by concern. "Sit down!" she said, and I limped over to one of the beds, which she watched and immediately knew where the shoe pinched. Imelda and Poppy sat down on the free bed opposite.

"That bitch will pay for this!" Poppy exclaimed, but I shook my head immediately, "No, she had her reasons," I said, even if her reasons may have been absolute crap, there were reasons.I guess.

I took off my shoe and sock on the injured side. My ankle was swollen, and already, some bruises seemed to be forming.

"Elisabeth, I'm on your side, but she had no reason to attack you!" Imelda exclaimed, "We all know who really deserves it!"

After I asked Ominis to watch Sebastian, I finally told my friends what had happened on the platform. Natty and Poppy had drawn their wands almost simultaneously to go to the Slytherin table and give my nemesis what he deserved. I was able to reason with them, but my friends were still angry with Sebastian.

"She just shouldn't attack anyone," I said, trying to stay calm even though I wanted to run to Professor Weasley's office and throw Nerida off the next bridge.

"I know you all want to punch Sebastian in the face one after the other," I said, "But that won't lead to anything. He's already suffering enough, and I won't let him be hurt anymore," my words were firm, I wouldn't let this situation turn from a house fire into an inferno.

Sebastian was my problem.

Yeah mean crush

Madame Blainey returned with a bottle and a glass, "This here will heal a bone," she said, beginning to feel my ankle. "Yes, it's sprained," she said, the matter would be resolved quickly.

"Who did this to you?" she asked, concerned.

Actually, Nerida Roberts, but also Sebastian, because he was responsible for her attacking me in the first place. In the end, I was probably the most guilty because I had been so cowardly.

"I stumbled stupidly," I said, and the nurse's face showed disbelief, but she said nothing more and handed me the glass with the clear liquid.

It was like drinking vinegar, and I had to shudder with disgust. Poppy and Imelda said nothing, as my gaze was warning. Nerida would get her punishment, it was enough for her to help the house-elves with cooking.

"It will be okay," Madame Blainey said now, "In about an hour, the bone should be fully healed, but you will still have some bruises," she noted, then stood up to put the bottle away, but turned around briefly, "Miss Hawkins, you were here much more often last year, and I'm glad that's no longer the case, but perhaps you'll come see me alone later," her forehead was wrinkled, but the head nurse said no more and left us to ourselves.

I wondered what she could want from me.

"I just don't understand how you can protect him when he's hurt you so much," Imelda whispered, upset. I let my head hang down annoyed, "Because I'm in love with him, Imelda," I hissed now, looking back at the pretty Slytherin, she opened her eyes in surprise.

"Oh," came out of my friends' mouths in unison.

"He's been through a lot, and I've forgiven him a lot, but when he attacked me, I couldn't continue like that, but that doesn't mean I want him to suffer. He's broken and traumatized and probably pretty angry at the whole world, so no one will harm him," I said firmly, "I'll talk to Ominis later, he promised me to look after Sebastian and report back to me on how he's doing."

My two friends said nothing, but their expressions spoke volumes.

Time seemed to pass slower than usual, and the pain in my ankle didn't make it any better. I never expected it to hurt to heal a bone, but it was hell. When my stomach started making noises, I remembered where I was going before Nerida interrupted me.

"You should eat something," I said to my friends, "And maybe bring me something here?" I asked, pouting my lower lip. Imelda nodded, "Yes, we'll bring you something," she said, taking Poppy's hand to pull her along.

When they were gone, I fell back onto the mattress. The ceiling was enchanted, like all at Hogwarts, so I could watch the clouds a bit.

After a while, I felt the fatigue overtake me, I slept so poorly that it was no wonder I fell asleep.

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