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Run, don't let them catch you.

The voice in my head wasn't mine, yet I knew I had to listen to it, or else I wouldn't live much longer. I gasped, I wasn't in control of my senses or my body.

Keep running, Elisabeth, I'm waiting for you.

My breath caught in my throat, I could hardly breathe, my endurance was nearing its end, but if I stopped, they would catch me. The forbidden forest was illuminated by the full moon, not far away you could hear the howling of a wolf. At least I hoped it was just a normal wolf.

Where is your wand, Beth?

The voice confused me and I hurriedly searched for my wand. I wasn't wearing my school uniform, but a light green dress with stains on it. Blood stains. As I looked at my arms in panic, I saw that there was blood on them too, it was fresh. It was mine and it was coming from the cuts on both of my arms. I wasn't wearing any shoes.

I looked behind me, they were there. Figures cloaked in black, so fast that I could barely gain distance from them.

Elisabeth, you know what I taught you.

The words echoed through my head like the tolling of a bell, where was my wand?

In your hand.

Confused, I looked at my right hand where I was holding my wand.

They were almost upon me, I had no chance. If I stopped, I wouldn't have time, there were just too many of them.

I just kept running, I ran for my life, but there was no way ahead of me. In a few meters, I had to decide whether to stop and try to fight or jump off a cliff, with no guarantee that I would survive.

Jump, I'll catch you.

The voice was seductive and I knew I could trust it, it would always save me.



My bare feet left the ground and in mid-air, I tried to see my opponents. Large dark mouths that wanted to suck out my soul.

I extended my wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

A light shot out of my wand and then I fell down.


I woke up, looked around confused, I was still in the hospital wing, in front of me were a few confused faces. My friends had gathered here.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked, looking at my friends.

"When we came back with the food, you were already asleep and we've been sitting here for about two hours now," said Evangeline. Poppy and Imelda must have told the others what had happened.

"I'm so hungry," I said, and Natty handed me a tray with a mix of today's food on it - some chicken and potatoes, as well as some shortbread. "Thanks," I said and bit into one of the cookies. The others looked at me with concern.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused. They were silent. "So..." began Evangeline.

What was going on?

"Sebastian," said Natty, but Poppy cut her off. "Let her eat first!" the little Hufflepuff hissed, but I put the cookie away.

"What about Sebastian?" I asked sharply and my friends exchanged glances. "What about Sebastian?" I asked, now slightly irritated, Evangeline flinched and even Poppy seemed nervous.

"He attacked Nerida," Imelda said now. It felt like a stone had sunk into my stomach.

Was this guy out of his mind?

"Why?" I asked, appalled. "He wanted to avenge you," said Evangeline.

I frowned. "I'm not some damsel in distress who needs to be avenged!" I said with desperation in my voice.

"You should have heard what he said," Imelda said now, she seemed amused. Poppy nudged her in the side. "She deserves to know everything," said the Slytherin, raising an eyebrow.

Oh, spare me, please.

"What did he say?" I asked, and I was afraid of the answer, but I needed it. "He said that if she ever dares to attack you again, it won't just be a normal curse," said Imelda, and I widened my eyes in horror.

Sebastian, you stupid idiot.

"Well, it's probably an empty threat, he probably doesn't know any of the unforgivable curses," said Poppy. I had to swallow.

But Poppy, he knows them all. And so do I.

"Where is he?" I asked and got up from the bed.

At that moment I was glad that my ankle didn't feel like it was still sprained. "He's in Professor Black's office," said Natty. "He's probably going to get in a lot of trouble for the threat, but they won't kick him out of school, at least that's what my mother said. Students say stuff like that all the time when they're angry."

Yeah, but they're not Sebastian Sallow.

"I have to go to him," I said, grabbing my things.

"No!" said Imelda, her tone was sharp.

"Elisabeth, you can't keep pulling Sebastian out of the dirt when he's face down in it. You left everything last year to come to his aid at the slightest peep from him!" She was right. It didn't matter what he wanted from me, even after he called me ignorant and behaved like a giant asshole, I still stood by his side.

"He's my best friend, Imelda!", I said emphatically, but when I tried to leave, she stood in front of me. "No, he attacked you. Best friends don't do that, best friends protect each other," she said, her words were like salt in the wound he had left behind.

You can't even hate him when he hurts you.

I wanted the voice in my head to shut up.

"That's what he tried to do, he attacked Nerida to protect me," I said, was I really so devoted to him that that was enough for me?

"Elisabeth, you sit down now and reconsider your impulsive actions for a moment. Sebastian is a big boy, nothing will happen to him, but you are losing yourself in this devotion to him!" said Poppy now. She and Imelda were a match made in heaven.

I sat down defiantly, pouting, and looked at my friends annoyed.

You know they're right.

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