The Announcement

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"A what?", I exclaimed.

"Summerball", Natty answered.

It was early May, the sun was shining, and no student had bothered to bring their cloak. My tie was loose around my neck, and I had skipped socks. It was early afternoon, and I had missed breakfast because I overslept, exactly when Professor Weasley announced a summer ball .

"Already in three weeks, I wonder why they're telling us only now," said Natty, falling back onto the grass where her dark curls spread between the daisies.

"Because it wasn't confirmed until recently," said Evangeline, who had just joined us and sat down, "Professor Weasley has been trying all year to convince the headmaster to honor Professor Fig's sacrifice after the terrible events of last year," said Evangeline now, laying down the books she had with her.

I looked down at the ground. Professor Fig had received a small funeral and a memorial service, but he had sacrificed his life to save mine, and nothing could make it right.

"But is a summer ball really the right thing for that? It's supposed to be fun for everyone, right?" Imelda asked uncertainly, looking in my direction. "Beth, you knew Professor Fig best, right? What do you think?" the usually self-assured Slytherin asked me now. I fiddled with my tie a little.

What did I think? Professor Fig wouldn't have wanted us to forget about him in eternal mourning and not see what life has in store for us. He probably would have wanted us to celebrate our success over Ranrok instead of mourning him. In the end, he was reunited with his wife Miriam, wherever that was.

He had wanted peace, he had supported me when I was in danger of losing myself, and had taken care of me as if I were his own daughter.

"Professor Fig would have been happy about a summer ball," I said after some thought. "He always advised me not to forget that I'm young and have an exciting life ahead of me alongside my duties," I added.

Poppy patted me reassuringly on the arm. "Yes, that's a beautiful way to look at life," she said. "We should take advantage of every beautiful moment given to us. You never know when it's the last one," she noted.

"We have to look for dresses together!" exclaimed Evangeline excitedly. "Gladrags surely have plenty of options, right?" Natty asked, sitting up. Suddenly, everyone was talking excitedly, figuring out which colors and cuts would suit them best, but I only thought of the dress I had hidden in my suitcase.

"Hello ladies," Omini's voice interrupted the conversation. He and Sebastian stood next to each other, also having skipped their cloaks. While Ominis still wore a vest in his house colors, Sebastian hadn't even bothered to close all the buttons on his shirt.

"Is there a reason why you don't feel the need to dress properly, Sebastian?" I asked, my voice taking on a sharp tone. He looked at me with a tempting smile, but I could see the other girls' glances as they walked past us.

I clenched my fists and jumped up, went to him, and tried to close the buttons on his shirt.

"Are you jealous, darling?" he asked, holding my hand tightly as I heard my girlfriends giggling behind me.

"I hardly think so," I said, raising my chin as I continued to fiddle with his shirt. "Besides, I'd prefer it if you opened up more than shut down," the freckled Slytherin whispered in my ear. My blood rushed to my cheeks and I took a step back.

"Pull yourself together, Sallow," Imelda said, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"Oh, please, Imelda, everyone knows that you and Poppy don't just go to the library to study," Sebastian snipped back.

"Say that again, Sallow, I dare you," Imelda snapped. "Stop it now," Poppy said, throwing Imelda onto her back, which made her laugh loudly.

"Sebastian and I are going to look for appropriate festival robes at Gladrags tomorrow, and I was hoping my companion could help me choose," Ominis said as he sat down next to Evangeline in the grass and put an arm around her shoulders. She grinned and kissed him on the cheek. "It would be my pleasure," she replied.

I looked expectantly in Sebastian's direction, but he looked everywhere but in my direction.

He's doing it again.

Although everyone knew that Sebastian and I were now an official couple, it was difficult for him, apart from making suggestive remarks, to show affection. Not that I felt any different, behind closed doors, we could hardly keep our hands off each other. In public, however, it was as if we were dancing around each other to avoid causing a public spectacle.

"We should all go," Evangeline said, and I gave her a grateful look. "I need a dress, and I don't think I'm the only one," my housemate added, earning nods of agreement from three heads, but I wasn't one of them.

I had a dress waiting to be tried on.

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