Not That Crazy

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Lena's POV

It was amusing to see Stef's reaction when Frankie said she wanted to be a cop just like her. It was so sweet though. I could tell she didn't expect that at all, but I guess Frankie is just so proud of her and admirative of her that it's normal that she's saying this now. She's just five and nothing is decided yet. But I get why Stef was a bit worried. When it's your child, it's always different than if it's yourself or anyone else.

Anyway. It was getting late and after saying good night to Frankie, Stef offered to bring me back to my apartment which I accepted.

"Did you have fun today? I hope I didn't scare you or anything, I can't help myself when it's a baseball matter, or a Frankie matter, so when it's both, well... you saw." She laughed at herself as I laugh as well.

"No you didn't, you're just... well... a proud mother! And I did have a lot of fun. Thanks again for invited me." I said smiling ear to ear.

"It was nice to have you with us Lena. Frankie was very happy you were here and well... I was glad as well." she said a bit shyly at the end as I was still smiling.

"That's nice of you to say." I said softly, blushing again just a little bit since it seems it's the only thing I can do when I'm around her as she smiled.

"We're here, lady." She said joking as usual and I giggle like a teenager, it was honestly ridiculous, but those butterflies in my lower belly was telling me something else.

"Thank you, Stef." I said getting out of the car, as I saw her doing the same, which surprised me a bit.

"I'll walk you to the door. It's dark. I rather be sure you're safe." She said gently.

"Oh it's not necessary, I..." I stated, but she cut me off.

"Don't even try Lena. I'm pretty stubborn." She smiled at me as I gave in for after all, I wasn't going to say no to spend even just a few more minutes with her.

"Well, thank you then." I said as we started walking after she winked at me again, and my heartbeat picked up a little just like every time she does that.

"Now, my job is done." She said when we reach my doorstep.

"Thank you, Stef, really." I said facing her and looking deeply into her eyes as she stood there for a few seconds, just staring deeply into my eyes.

"Lena I... I wanted to say, I'm sorry for my mother's indiscretion. She really can't help herself sometimes and she just has this crazy idea to set us up... but hum... I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable." She said sincerely as my face soften even more for, she was a kind soul.

I admit that I didn't expect those questions coming from Sharon, but I wasn't really uncomfortable. Besides, if I'm honest it was kind of nice to confirm that Stef was single and a lesbian on top of that.

"No, don't worry, I wasn't uncomfortable, you don't have to apologies." I said smiling softly as I could see the relief on her face.

"Okay... great, then." she said smiling but still not moving one bit, like she didn't want to go, and it was getting just a tiny bit awkward, when she cleaned her throat.

"Well... I... I'll get going now." she said nervously as she giggled, and I did as well.

"Good night, Lena." she said almost in a whisper as her piercing hazel eyes were doing such things to my heart; I have to do something about it, or I'll regret it.

"Stef?" I utter just as she was about to turn around.

"Hum?" she said looking right into my eyes again.

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