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Stef's POV

I admit that getting shot wasn't something to check on my to do list. I know I took a huge risk and that I could have die. Yet, it was for a kid... I can't say that I completely regret it.

In the meantime, I know I scared the hell out of my mother even though she tried not to show it, and Lena got a bit scared as well witch I understand.

Luckily, we got time to tell Frankie when I was home, so we explained to her with simple words what happened and assured her that I was completely fine, so she didn't seem to be too chocked or whatever and that was a good thing. Also, I got to have some extra kisses from my baby and that was the best medicine ever.

My mom was the one helping me for the first two days to get dress and undressed and I hated it with a passion. I know she's my mom and I love her to death, but she was driving me crazy, treating me like a child all over again. And I know why she's doing this, I know she was very scared for me, and that's why I didn't yell at her yet, but I really needed a break so I asked, no I begged Lena to tell my mom that Frankie wanted to spend the night at her place and that she would come look out for me instead.

I obviously didn't impose her to take care of me, I could move around just fine now, and I just needed some space. Also, I'm not gonna lie, having Lena here is always a pleasure.

So she came here not long ago, when I was about to go take my shower that takes forever in order not to wet the bandages too much. Then the rough part is to put some clothe back on...

"Lena?" I called out.

"Yes, coming." She yelled back as a few seconds later she came into the bathroom as my towel was around me. However, the towel didn't keep her eyes from roaming my body up and down as this was awfully familiar.

"See something you like?" I said, smiling as she directs her eyes in mine and manage to focus.

"Um... sorry. Do you need something?" she said softly as my mind was going wild thinking about the time that woman blessed my whole body with her mouth. She could do things to me that were incredible, and my body still remembers it.

"I would need a little help to put on my shirt and my splint, if you don't mind of course." I said as she smiled at me.

"Of course. Where is your shirt?" she asked as I point out behind her and when she turned back around, I admit that I may have lost my towel on the floor, leaving me fully naked in front of her, exactly like the first time she said she wanted to make love and the blush on her face right now is saying so much.

"Wonder where I get this idea from." I joked as she shook her head.

"You're incredible." She sighs as she came near me to help me put my shirt on.

"What? It's not like you didn't see all of that before." I protest, as she ignored me and just kept dressing me up.

"You really should stop this." she said very seriously, as she was buttoning my shirt, now helping me with my splint.

"Why should I? I think you got by now that I'm still in love with you, and I want to be with be with you Lena." I said, getting serious as well for as much as I love flirting with her, as much as I don't mind that much chasing after her, I am getting a bit tired of her hot and then cold then hot again style.

"Foot up, please." she said as she was helping me with my pants as well, even though I could have done it myself.

"Did you even ask yourself if that's what I want?" she said, now looking back into my eyes.

"Well, as I recall, you kissed me first. So I have good reasons to think that you want something with me, why would you do that if not?" I asked for I'm really wondering that daily.

"Because I'm stupid, I told you I shouldn't have done that." she said, starting slowly to drive me crazy.

"I think you're just scared." I blurt out as she flashed me a look.

"And I think that you believe what you want to believe. But that doesn't mean that it's the truth."

At this point, I'm getting angry for she was really playing with my nerves.

"Then what is the truth huh? Tell me. You're not in love with me? You don't love me?" I finally asked as she paused and looked at me, dead in the eyes, but not saying a single thing.

"Just answer the question, Lena. Because at this point, I really don't know what to think. You kiss me, then you push me away, then you got near to fuck me, and reject me again, I mean what am I to you, huh?" I asked, my voice rising and my heart beating wildly into my chest for her silence was killing me.

"Am I a freaking toy to you, huh? Answer me for God's sake!" I finally scream as I saw her eyes getting on fire and I knew by now she was very much angry as well.

"I just don't want to be with you, okay?! And you keep pushing and pushing! I told you to stop! I never played with you, okay! You just don't want to see that this could never work! We would never work because we are not equal! You have all the freaking power! You're happy?!" she screamed in my face, as this was making absolutely no sense to me.

"What the hell are you talking about? What... what power? I don't understand, Lena." I asked, completely lost.

"Frankie! I'm talking about Frankie! We keep saying that she's OUR daughter, but that's bullshit! She's YOUR daughter! I have absolutely no rights over her! I don't even exist on the paper! And one day, one day, I'll say the wrong thing, or I'll do something wrong and hurt you and you can just decide to take her away from me and I would have no power! I won't be able to even fight! We are not equal, and we'll never be!" she blurts out completely out of nowhere. I mean I had never ever said that I was going to take Frankie away from her. What is this?

"You are talking nonsense Lena. I told you, I even promised you that I wasn't going to keep Frankie away from you! And I did just that so far, why are you saying this?" I asked completely confused and quite hurt that she thinks that still.

"It's nothing you haven't did before! So, you could do it again. Taking her, pack your things and just move out of the state, sounds familiar?!" she yelled again.

"That is not fair! You can't blame me for panicking when someone come out of nowhere and said that she's the mother of my daughter. I didn't know the whole story; I didn't know anything and at the end of the day I came back and did everything so you could have a relationship with her, the second I was sure you were saying the truth! Now we know each other, we know that the other want what's best for Frankie, come on."

"Yeah, I know how impulsive you are." She split as I paused for a second, feeling my heart become so damn heavy.

"So you don't trust me with Frankie?" I asked, knowing that the respond was going to be breaker deal.

"I don't trust anyone with Frankie. My own mother took her away from me, why wouldn't you? That's why I don't want to be with you Stef. I want to have a neutral relationship with you, so you won't even have a reason to take my daughter just to hurt me." she said, completely out of her mind if you ask me.

"Wow, I guess you're right. This could never work. But not because I have all the so call power, but just because you're incapable of trust. And you know what? You didn't want to hurt me so I wouldn't take Frankie away from you, well guess what? You are hurting me right now. Now, watch me not being the monster you think I am. You know, I wouldn't have blame you to think that I didn't love you enough to respect that you're Frankie's mother. But I will never forgive you for thinking that I don't love my daughter enough to put my hurt feelings aside for her well-being, which is being around the both of us." I said, calmy yet, furious and hurt like I've never been hurt before.

"Stef..." she said, probably feeling guilty judging by her face, but I don't care.

"I'm done. You can get out. And don't speak to me for a while, unless it's about Frankie. Because I really can't see your face right now." I said, leaving the bathroom and going into my bedroom, waiting for her to just get the fuck out of here so I could cry alone.

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