I Don't Want It!

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Lena's POV

And here it this, I messed up. Now that I'm replaying all I said in my head, I get how insulting it was. I didn't mean it that way though. I didn't mean that she was broke and barely could take care of Frankie. I don't think that at all.

I just think that it must have been hard for her all those years to support herself and a child, while working long hours for not that much money. I didn't mean that she should be ashamed of her job, or that she could give better to Frankie, that's not it at all...

I'm not very good with people, I often say the wrong thing, and I hate it. Especially with Stef. But I understand. I offended her. Now I have this diner tonight at her place with her mother. I was very eager, for every moment with Frankie is a gift and I love spending time with her, and well... spending time with Stef wasn't that bad either. She was always trying to make things better, and easier for me and for Frankie...

Now I'm nervous. Frankie couldn't stop talking about it, and I wanted to come, and well now I want to apologies to Stef.

I didn't get to see her before because Sharon was the one picking up Frankie. And she told me to come by once I was ready, that I could take my time to rest a little at my place if I wanted, but that I could come by even before to spend time with Frankie.

I decided to quickly change my clothes and head to Stef's right after. I wanted to spend more time with my daughter as usual, but I also wanted time to talk to Stef, now that she was angry with me.

I arrived in front of Stef's door and took a deep breath before knocking. It's Sharon who opened the door and I sigh quietly, a bit relief if I'm honest.

"Hi darling. Come in, Frankie is so impatient to have you over." She said as I smiled wide at her for it's true that Frankie and I are growing much closer, and I love it more than anything.

"Hi, thank you Sharon. I was eager as well if I'm honest." I said, smiling at her and coming in.

"I bet, honey. Stef is not here yet. Got cough up at work, but she said she would be here soon." Sharon explains as Inod. I wanted to talk with Stef to release this tension as soon as possible, but I guess I was going to keep my anxiety a bit more.

"Lenaa!" in the meantime, I can spend some time with that one.

"Hey, my baby!" I said, pulling her into my arms as she kissed my cheek softly.

It was so sweet to have my baby back. My heart explodes every damn time I see her, and I love her so hard it hurts.

"Would you come play chess with me? Nana loses every time, I would like some competition." Frankie said, as I almost laugh for, she was so brutally honest. She can't help it at all.

"Well, thanks for that. And maybe I lose against you, but you're the one always losing against your mom. Just saying." Sharon said, pocking her little nose as Frankie giggled.

"Yeah, but it doesn't count because mommy learn from grand-pa, and he was a chess champion." Frankie defends as Sharon laughed.

"Well, I'll give you that one." Sharon said smiling at her tenderly.

"So, mo... I mean Lena, do you want to play?! Please say yes!" Frankie said, almost calling me mom which made my heart stop for a second as Sharon instantly looked at me and smile as I froze a bit.

"Of course, Lena's gonna play with you, baby. Why don't you go prepare the game, she's coming, okay?" Sharon said to Frankie who nod happily and ran in the living room.

"Hey, you're okay?" Sharon asks as I look at her, trying to compose myself again.

"Yes... yes, I'm okay." I said smiling at her softly.

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