She's Ours

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Stef's POV

I didn't expect that at all. I knew that I was going to hear a heartbreaking story, but this? That was horrible. I can't even begin to imagine how that must have felt like. I know that my heart wouldn't have survive, that's for sure.

"It's okay Lena... she's here now. Your baby is here, and healthy. She's here, love, it's okay." I whispered, over and over, keeping Lena close to me, as to protect her, because... well she didn't deserve this.

I know that it's because of this that I had my baby, but still... that wasn't right... I have mixed feeling about this, and it's hard not to feel bad about them... but I don't think this is worse than what Lena have been through. And I know now, I'm certain, that this would need to be repaired and the only way to do that is to let Lena have a real place in Frankie's life. A real role... no matter how hard this is going to be for me.

"But you know the worse... I... you know if only it was just a mistake, if it was just a random mistake... but it wasn't, it wasn't a mistake. My mother planed all this... she paid the nurse to tell me all this Stef. She knew all along that my baby was alive. I hate her so much... I hate her!" Lena said still very much crying and upset as my heart was breaking into a million pieces for her.

Her own mother. How could someone be so cruel? It pisses me off to know all this. I even feel like I should go see that woman... but that would be such a bad idea... I'm not sure I could control myself if I'm honest.

"Look at me Lena, look at me." I said, grabbing Lena's face between my hands, wiping her eyes with my thumbs as I looked into her tearful eyes.

"Hey, you know what? This is over now... your mother is cruel, and karma would get her... but you Lena, you are here, you found your baby. Destiny or universe or whatever it is, brought you two together and... well you'll have to do with me, but... we'll make this work, okay? You'll see your daughter grow up Lena. You will be... you will be her mother, and nothing will ever separate you again, I'll make sure of it, okay?" I said, my voice breaking, knowing that I'm not Frankie's only parent anymore, our lives are going to change drastically, and I'm not sure where is my place in this exactly... but I guess we'll figure it out.

"Thank you... thank you Stef... for taking such a good care of my baby when I wasn't there and she's happy with you. You make her happy and I feel a bit more at peace knowing that during those years, she wasn't alone, that she was loved and protected. I would never thank you enough for that and I'm telling you... I maybe gave her birth, but you're her mother, it's you Stef." she said, as my tears were falling as well, and I could very much sob right now.

"It's both of us. She has two mothers now, double love, okay? She's... she is our baby. And well... thanks for giving birth to her." I said, smiling at her as this made her smile as well, and I was glad for she deserves to start being happy now.

With that we hugged for I don't know how long. This was so emotionally exhausting. I don't really know how we are going to proceed, but I know that Lena is a good person, that she just wants Frankie's happiness and since that's the only thing I want as well, I guess we will make it happen together.

"Now we have to tell her." I said, pulling away a bit as Lena wiped away her tears and looked at me.

"Already?" she said, a bit taken aback for some reason.

"Well, yes... We can't lie to her. She needs to know her story. Maybe not all of it, because well... some parts are really too much for her age... we'll do that later. But we have to tell her who you are to her." I said, sure that this is the right thing to do. We can't live in secret. Besides Frankie is far from stupid, she'll figure it out eventually.

"No, you're right, you're right..." she said put her head down.

"Hey, what is it?"

"I... I'm scared she would hate me for abandoning her... she likes me fine right now, and I just got her back... I..." she said, her voice shaking a bit.

"Lena... she won't hate you. You made such a smart little girl. And I bet she would be very happy that it's you. You know, she knows that I didn't gave birth to her, she knows that someone did, and she never once indicate that she has an itch of resentment against this person. I'm not saying that it won't perturbed her a little. But that's why we are here. We will help her. We'll talk and everything. We'll do that together, okay?" I said, trying my best to reassure her for I know my Frankie.

"Okay..." she said with a small voice.

"You know you're not alone anymore, Lena. I know you didn't specifically choose me but..." I started, growing shy and hesitated for I kind of feel like an inconvenient... if it wasn't for me, maybe she would have just found her daughter sooner or I... I don't know... but I'm here. And I can't walk away. I love Frankie way too much to do that.

"I'm glad, it's you." she said, gabbing my hand as I look at them, then back at her... she still makes my heart beats faster...

"We'll tell her the day after tomorrow, if that's okay with you. It will be Saturday, we'll have time to talk, and she'll have the weekend to process, and we'll be here for her." I said, keeping her hand into mine.

"Okay. That... that sound like a good plan." She smiled at me.

"And, well... you'll see her tomorrow at school. We'll probably be early, she's so happy that you are her teacher again, that she's going to rush me tomorrow morning." I said smiling, knowing fully well that that's exactly what is going to happen.

"Was Shera that bad? I really thought she could handle it." Lena said as I smiled again.

"No Lena, Shera was good. But like Frankie said, she's not you." I said for I admit that seeing Shera every morning instead of Lena was driving me crazy. I missed her so much when she was gone... but I wasn't going to tell her that... not right now anyway.

"So... I should get going now... it's late." I said, standing up as Lena did as well, facing me.

"Well, okay... thank you for... for everything Stef." Lena said as I smiled for I didn't really do anything.

"Good night, Lena." I whispered, looking into her beautiful brown eyes.

"Good night, Stef." she whispered as well, before I turned around and left before doing something that I probably was going to regret...

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