Don't Take Me Away

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Lena's POV

The conversation I had with Stef the other night really reassures me. She really seems willing to make this work and just her saying that we were both Frankie's mothers, was enough to warm my heart.

I wasn't so sure that we should tell Frankie right away that I'm her birth mother. I was scared that it maybe wasn't the right time, but at the same time, when is the right time? I have no idea. Besides, maybe Stef is right. We lost enough time, so I think it's for the best.

The day I spent with Frankie yesterday was really amazing, and I admit that I wasn't concentrated at all. I couldn't stop observing her, it was stronger than me. Now that I know that she is my daughter, I need to know every detail about her, about her personality, about everything.

Frankie was also very excited that I was her teacher again, and it was heartwarming. We were both in our little world, both for different reason, but I was glad that she was here with me and that I get to see her everyday now, even if it's during class...

If I'm honest, I couldn't help but want more, but that would have to wait. First, we need to see how she would handle the news.

Today is the day, and I'm nervous. Stef tried to comfort me, but it's hard to keep my calm.

We decided to do this in a neutral place. In the nature, around trees and fresh air.

*Ding Dong*

I heard as I took a deep breath and open the door, smiling instantly when I saw Frankie in her little adventurer's costume.

"Hello Lena!" she said happily giving me a hug as I did as well, kissing her forehead.

"Hey baby. I love your outfit." I said smiling wide as I catch Stef looking at us smiling.

"Thank you! Mommy help me choose it." she said looking at Stef smiling as Stef winked at her.

"Your mommy as good taste, huh?" I joke as Stef smiled at me.

"The best!" she said, hugging her mother now.

"Hi Lena. You're ready?" Stef asked softly.

"Um... yes."

"Cool! Let's go, let's go, let's go! I want to see the trees!" Frankie said excited running back into the car as Stef shake her head, amused.

"Seems like someone is excited." She said, smiling at me again.

"Yes..." I whispered as I could feel myself getting sick. I was so damn nervous about all this. I was scared of her reaction. I have no idea how this is going to go down.

"Lena don't worry. It's gonna be okay. You'll see." Stef said as supportive as she could as I gave her a smile for it was nice to have her support in this.

"Okay... you're right. Let's go." I said, closing my door and we walk together to her car.

We drove, singing song and chatting a bit. It was very joyful and fun to be with them and I like that Frankie has some of Stef's personality. That she's a jokester, that she's just fun and outgoing like her. I really love it.

Arrived at the giant park, we looked for a place under a tree that could shelter us from the sun. Somewhere a little isolated, where it would be quiet to talk.

Stef found the perfect place under a giant green oak tree, just beside a little river. It was honestly beautiful and right here, with those two I felt at peace. I wasn't so nervous anymore, and I could breathe peacefully again.

So we sat down and prepared our little place, with our picnic blanket and our food. It was time for lunch, so we decided to eat first as Frankie was killing my ears about what she did with Shera in class when I wasn't here. It didn't seem like it was torture, so I guess she does prefer me as her teacher which is comforting to know.

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