I'm Choosing You!

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Stef's POV

It was nice that Lena and I did have some kind of a date after we made love for the first time. It was honestly magical, and I still can't get her moans out of my mind, which is fine by me. But really, we did learn a bit about each other and that was a good thing.

However, I sensed that what she told me was just the little piece of a far bigger picture. There's... I don't know... pain in her eyes at time, and yeah, maybe the way her parents treated her has something to do with it, but maybe there's even more to it.

In any case, I won't press, and I won't pry. This is her story to tell, and she will tell me when she's ready, or maybe she won't, and that is fine as well. All I need to know is if she's a good person, because I do have a daughter, the rest, her past, it doesn't matter, it won't make me love her any less.

So far, the words I'd use to describe Lena are patient, kind, funny, beautiful and some more. That said, I know I trust her and love her. All I want to do is to make her happy and feel good, make her laugh and just... be with her.

Now, I know this is going fast, and I have to be careful because I have Frankie to think about, but I'm not worried. I know Lena respect the fact that I'm a parent and she made it very clear that she would let me handle my daughter.

I don't know the exact point in a relationship when you can actually talk about your lover to your kid, but I guess we'll figure it out with time.

In the meantime, I have a little surprise for my Frankie. Since they are working on nature at school, she's killing my ears about all of it, how this works, how that communicate, how whatever grow and stuff. And I'm not complaining, I love earing about it, about what she thinks, why and things like that. I don't mind a bit of silence some time, but that's only when I'm very tired.

Anyway, at work yesterday, my partner Bruno got into the car so pissed off. I had never seen him like this, and I was hesitant to even ask for he didn't seem like he was going to even respond.

Eventually I did ask what was wrong, and he took an entire hour to explain to me how his twins got in trouble at school, apparently stealing, bulling and all kind of stuffs, it was crazy, and honestly scary for just two seven years old.

He was supposed to take them to a fancy plants' museum this weekend, the thing looks like a giant vivarium with enormous trees and just this atmosphere in that kind of place feels magical, for I've seen the commercial on TV more than once and Frankie always has her eyes sparkling when she looks at it, but never dared asked me to go, simply because she's aware that we are far from rich even though I try my damn hardest not to impact her too much with that.

So, Bruno already bought the 3 tickets for that museum, but apparently that was out of the question because the kids were punished and that's not even the only thing that he has been taking away from them.

Anyway, he insisted to give me those tickets. Or course, me being me, my first reflex was to refuse but he insisted, saying that at least he wouldn't be waste and that he knows my baby girl would possibly like it.

Saying that Frankie would love this was an understatement for the girls lives to learn stuff, so in that kind of places, her little brain could possibly explode from excitement. So after a little resistant I gave in, and accept the gift.

Finally, I waited until this morning to tell her. If I had told her last night, she wouldn't have gotten any sleep, because she would have been way too excited. Now, I can't wait to see her reaction.

"So baby, even though it's not your birthday, I have a surprise for you! Do you want to see?" I tease as her hands was in mine while we were walking towards the school.

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