She's Mine

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Stef's POV

Three weeks since Lena left town and still no sing of her. When I drop Frankie off to school and didn't saw Lena, I couldn't help but go ask for more information. She was my daughter's teacher after all. So I asked, and I clearly didn't like the answer I got for they told me she took a leave of absence and that they didn't know when she was coming back. That both reassure me and infuriated me at the same that. Now I knew she haven't been kidnapped or had an accident or whatever. But that also mean that she ran away on purpose, and that she didn't bother to keep me in the loop, even though we were a couple, or so I thought...

I'm still confused and also mad by now. But mostly, I'm hurt. I miss her, and I'm mad at myself for missing someone that left me with no explanation whatsoever. She basically ghosted me at this point, and I have no idea what to do with myself anymore. She doesn't answer to my calls and texts and it's driving me crazy. Frankie is asking me daily where she is and when she was going to be her teacher again... and all I could say was that I didn't know, but not to worry...

I honestly was a fool to fall so hard for her, so quickly... now, for Frankie's sake I have to act like I'm okay, even though my heart is broken. I had never cried for anyone in my live, but for Lena, I swear... I was a mess, and my mom could see that. I was trying my hardest to hide it though.

Anyway. It's been a week of break for Frankie, and she has one more to go. So for her, I took lots of day off as well so we could do things together. My boss is never really happy with me when I do that, but it wasn't negotiable. Plus, I do a lot of overtime hours to be able to have those moments with Frankie, so if he has a problem with that, he can fire me. I love my job, but my baby is first.

Lena's POV

It's been a month now, since I left Charleston. A month since I left Frankie and Stef, and I admit that I miss my little girl, and well... Stef. But it's not the same anymore. Everything is different now.

The past two weeks, I had no choice but to take some time for myself. When I almost called Barry, I knew that I wasn't okay at all, and that I needed to get myself together if I ever wanted a relationship with my daughter.

So that day, I called Ms. Leroy instead. The same woman that saved my life three years ago, once again kept me in track. She listened to me on the phone, as I spill my gut to her. She wasn't live in San Diego anymore, so I couldn't just go see her, but she suggests me to go back to that rehab center I was in for my addiction. So, that's exactly what I did. They accepted me, and I was glad for I wasn't feeling okay at all.

I rested there for two weeks, I went to group, I talk to the therapist who advised me to get a regular therapist back at home for it was time now...

It's time that I go face my past, my present, and my future all at once.

I don't really know how to proceed though. I didn't receive any text from Stef since the last saying that it was actually the last... I understand, I can't blame her at all. In fact, I was almost relieved that she stopped because it was killing me to know that she was worried and confused and probably angry at me.

Now that I'm back home, I have to let Stef know that I'm here before school start again. I don't want to trick her. I want to do things right. I can't just come back, have Frankie in my class and tell Stef: "hey- by the way- she's my daughter, bye!"

I really can't do that. She's going to be chocked I presume, and I really don't know how she is going to react when I'm going to tell her, but I have to tell her, that's for sure. No more secret around my baby, I won't allow it anymore.

Also, I have no idea what we will do when Stef knows. Would we tell Frankie right away, would we wait, or is Stef not going to want to tell her...I don't know... and it's stressing me out to no end.

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