247 Seconds

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Lena's POV

I was screwed, I didn't mean to get so carried away with Stef this morning, and well... I can't say that I regret it, because feeling her like that was just amazing, but I was a bit scared.

I know Stef is not playing around, if I get involved in a relationship with her, it would be something real, and she has a child. At some point we would have to discuss our lives, our past and what we want for the future, and I guess I don't really know how I'm going to spell my gut to her, for I never did with anyone, and I don't know if I'll do it period.

My past is not something that I like to talk about, my teenage hours were pretty dark and even though I got through it, and I'm good now, there's things in life that can scar you forever. There are losses that you can't ever forget or heal from, and I'm not sure I'm ready to share that with anyone.

Not that Stef is anyone though. She is special. She has something in her eyes, there's something about her that just makes you feel safe. And I was craving for that.

That's why I want to keep what Stef and I have right now, I want to have something with her even though I've always sworn that I'll never date anyone with children, or anyone that want children for that matter. But Stef, and also Frankie, they were different, they felt different. Both of them.

Stef is supposed to come get Frankie in any minute and I can feel the excitement invading my body. Thing that I didn't feel since forever and it makes my heart beats faster and my belly tingled.

As I was saying goodbye to little Mariana, one of my purples, I saw Stef in the corner of my eyes, and I couldn't help that smile that grew across my face.

I turned around and she instantly smiles at me and winked at me which made me blush.

"Hi, Miss Adams." She said playfully with a silly grin on her beautiful face as I smiled even more if that's possible.

"I wasn't just Miss Adams this morning, or was I?" I whisper teasingly as I watch her hazel eyes fill with lust, certainly thinking back of our make out session of this morning.

It was totally inappropriate for me to do this on my place of work, but I admit that it was worth it, and I couldn't help myself. She makes me feel like I could break the rules for her. She was trouble and I didn't know if it was a good thing or not, but it sure does makes me even more attracted to her.

She steps a bit closer to me and was about to respond when her little girl came running.

"Mommy!!" she said throwing herself into her mother's arms as Stef catch her, picking her up.

"Hey, my baby love! Did you have a good day?" she exclaimed looking at her baby with such love in her eyes. I could tell that one was her all life and soul, and it was bittersweet for some reason, but so beautiful to watch.

"It was awesome, miss Adams told us about flowers and plants because she said she loves them, and then she taught us how the leaves breathe, right miss Adams?" Frankie said excited and glancing at me as I smile wide at her as I could feel Stef's eyes on me.

"That's right honey, and I know you understood all of it." I respond just as excited that she was adjusting very well to the class and to school in general which made her mother smiled proudly.

"That's my baby!" Stef said kissing her cheek as Frankie giggle before sliding down.

"Does that mean I can get ice cream for dessert tonight?" Frankie said looking into her mother's eyes, smiling softly knowing exactly what she had to do to melt her mom's heart as I almost giggle for she was very, very smart.

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