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Lena's POV

Stef was the cutest human being that I have ever seen, and she was so funny -sometimes not even on purpose- and I was so happy that she was interested in me as well, even though I didn't expect her to be so nervous about it, but she was and she was as red as a tomato, so I decided to end her torture and I cut her off before she could even ask me out properly.

"Stef?" I said a bit sternly, so she'll give me her attention.

"Hum... yes?" she said hesitantly as I smile at her, amused by the fact that I could almost imaging her rehearsing what she wanted to say to me all day.

"I'll go on a date with you." I said simply as she looked almost shocked.

"Really?" she let escaped as she blushed even more if that's possible, and I giggled a little for the whole thing was very funny and so damn cute.

"I mean thank you... I mean okay! Great! Okay, now I sound stupid... I'm going to go now before you change your mind." She said smiling, but still not knowing what to do with herself as she turned around to open the door.

"Um... Stef?" I said again, smiling my widest as she looked into my eyes again.

"You didn't tell me when and where." I said softly as she gasped.

"Oh my God... I... I honestly didn't think about that... but hum... tomorrow night? Maybe? If you're free of course, and hum... we could go, hum... I don't know... cinema? No maybe you don't like cinema, hum..." she stated stuttering again as it feels like she was panicking for some reason which didn't make since for I do like her, so she doesn't need to impress me or whatever.

"Stef relax, okay? And I like cinema, I am free tomorrow night, and you don't have to be so nervous, and if it helps, well I... I like you." I said as she stops rambling for a second and I could feel her calm down a little.

"Okay... I'm sorry, I just... I like you too, obviously and I have never... well that's going to sounds weird for a twenty-seven-year-old, but... I've never liked anyone like that before..." she said slowly, and not so urgently anymore as my face soften when she put her head down and I approached her to take her hand into mine.

"That's okay, just be who you are. You don't have to impressed me or whatever, I'm already impressed, even though I think your cute when you're rambling." I said, finally making her smile and look up at me again.

"Thank you." she whispers as we locked eyes and at this exact moment, I really wanted to just kiss her lips. But I didn't. I wanted us to have our date first at least.

"Now, go get your girl, and tomorrow night, we'll go on our date." I said softly as she smiles wide at me.

"See you tomorrow, then." she said before bringing my hand to her lips before laying the gentlest kiss on it.

"See you tomorrow." I whisper before she let go of my hand, looked into my eyes one last time, and then she walked out of my office.

Stef's POV

God that was ridiculous. I seriously need to get a grip on myself and not sound like the biggest idiot tonight when I'll go out with Lena.

I asked my mother to babysit Frankie and she couldn't stop grinning and I know it took everything into her not to ask where I was going, which I appreciated because it would just have made me even more nervous that I already am.

Also, I was debating what to wear once again. Definitely not a dress but I wanted something a bit more classy than usual, even though we were just going to the cinema, but I was thinking that if it goes well, I could maybe invite her to diner at a restaurant or something.

I finally decided to go with an overall, but that was a stylish and a bit classy and some heels for once. I wasn't really one to wear makeup, but I figured that this was a date, so I'll make an effort. Nothing crazy though, for I want to be myself like she said.

I let my long hair be after I washed them so they'd be a bit wavy and the second I was ready, I couldn't stay in my apartment any longer, I needed to get out before I lose my mind.

It was a good thing that now I knew where she lives as I park there, not telling her that I was here already, to give her the time to get ready. Besides, it was nice to think about a few nights ago when she kissed my cheek right on this spot in front on me.

Her lips on me felt so amazing that I couldn't help but think about how it could feel on my lips. Her mocha skin also seems so soft and all I wanted to do was kiss her all over her body for that woman was gorgeous and sexy as hell.

I almost started to imagine what it could be like to make love to her when I heard a knock on my window that made me jump as I turn my head quickly seeing the most breath-taking woman in the universe.

I was staring hard as she looked at me staring at her like an idiot when I finally got my brain back.

"Oh sorry, I was... never mind. Hello. I mean hi!" I said stuttering AGAIN after I rolled down the car window.

"Hi! I saw your car from my window, why didn't you call me? I made you wait." She asks gently as I manage to move and got out of the car, admiring her all being, covert with just a light dress. It was so simple, yet on her it looked fantastic.

"Oh no, you didn't Lena, I was early, and I didn't want to pressure you to get ready." I said softly smiling at her, my eyes trying very hard not to go down to her chest.

"Oh, I was... well actually if I'm honest I was ready for kind of a long time..." She said a bit shyly as I smile wide at her.

"Me too... I mean you look beautiful Lena." I blurt out a bit blushing as it was her turn to smile wide at me.

"You're not bad yourself. I love how you did your hair, it's pretty." She said as I blush even more if that's possible, and we stood there a few seconds, just looking into each other eyes, as my heart was going out of control.

The night just began, and I was already melting in front of her.

"Should we...?" she said, breaking the silent.

"Oh yes. Of course, let's go, love. I mean... Lena. Sorry." I said without thinking, letting the pet name slide out of my mouth so easily.

"Stef, before we go, you really need to relax. And... I kind of liked it when you called me love." she whispers the last part, before smiling and walking to reach the passenger seat as I stood there again, not knowing what to do with myself for it's really the first time I feel something like this for someone.

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