Book 1 - Chapter 2

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Immediately upon the owl's landing on the kitchen island, the girl tore towards it, skidding to a halt, face to face with the small owl. One thousand thoughts were flying through her head at that exact moment. This was the moment she was waiting for, for what seemed like forever. She had dreamt about this moment every night and spent her waking days replaying the events of her dream in her head. However, ironically enough, this was the moment that occupied Remus's nightmares, leaving him choked up and longing at the idea that maybe the moment would just never come. 

Remus moved to stand behind the girl, now both looking at the owl intently, and both with shaky, sweaty palms. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. The awe, terror, excitement, anticipation, and mixture of a hundred more emotions between the two seemed to occupy every crevice of the very large kitchen; the air was heavy, dripping like a sink at the bottom of a To-Do list. 

"Can I untie it?" The girls voice cut through the silence like a hot knife though butter. Remus cleared his throat at an attempt to compose himself. "That is my letter, right? I mean, he looks quite tired. It's probably a long flight from Hogwarts, all the way out here." She added, looking longingly at the owl who was now desperately shaking its leg in attempt to rid itself of the letter.

All that seemed to escapee Remus's throat was a soft, yet approving grunt. He watched the girl lift her shaky hands up and gently clasp them around the owls small body, in attempt to soothe its, at this point, thrashing movements. The owl stilled. Carefully the girl began to work at untying the heavy envelope from the owl's leg. Upon its release, she set the letter down on the counter and gently placed the owl next to it. The girl looked briefly at the curly writing on the letter, where the front read:

"Miss. E. Dracula

New Dracula Manor

An Island 


Her excited gaze then quickly shifted to the tired looking owl. The girl turned on the spot, maneuvering around her father who was still standing motionless behind her, and made way for a small cupboard in the kitchen's corner. Pulling out a shallow bowl, she them moved to the sink, holding the receptacle under the faucet, she allowed it fill with cool, clean water. Returning back to the owl, she placed the bowl to its right and then crouched down, reaching into the island cupboard. Pulling out a small packet and standing up, she shook a few small owl treats onto the counter next to the bowl and returned the packet to the cupboard. 

Remus remained motionless, watching her series of movements in caring for the small owl. He had always admired her love and care for the creatures around her, big or small, magical or not. But, he had expected her to tear into the thick yellow envelop immediately upon its retrieval from the owl's leg. Movement and air began to return back into his body. Seemingly, his daughters restraint in tearing open the letter gave him enough time to process the events and ensure him that everything would be alright. 

The two had returned to their original positions, the girl standing at the counter, her father behind her. Remus moved to the left and forward, planting a kiss on the top of his daughters head and leaning his back against the counter, now standing next to the girl. Finally, the girl reached for the envelope. Holding it in her hands, the largest smile Remus had ever seen spread across her face. The girl looked to her father, eyes wide, eyebrows raised, and cheeks round, and began to bounce excitedly where she stood. 

"Now remember," Remus said, looking knowingly at his daughter, "you've got to read it out loud. Every bit of it. Or else, how would I ever know what it says; I've never received a letter quite like this before." He winked, crossing his arms in front of him, and earning a small giggle mixed with a groan from the girl.

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