Book 2 - Chapter 12

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"Wake up. Dracula. C'mon, wake up." 

Ellie's slithering nightmare was interrupted by Pansy's voice and a violent shake to the shoulder. Ellie bolted upright in bed, breathing heavy, face to face with her roommates.

 "What time is it?" Ellie asked frantically, beginning to move the covers from off of her legs. Daphne gently pushed her shoulder down, forcing her body back into bed. 

"Ten. Herbology was canceled. There's a snowstorm. You were out when we woke up, so we let you sleep in, thought you needed it," said Daphne. 

"Right. Okay." Ellie rubbed her eyes, hoping to erase the memories of her dreams. "Thanks." 

Daphne and Pansy were watching Ellie, uncertain whether or not to bring up the elephant in the room. Ellie inhaled a shaky breath. 

"Sorry if my nightmares are keeping you guys up," she said earnestly and quite annoyed with herself. 

"Not as much as they keep you up," said Daphne with a smile.

"But, we would like to know if this is going to be a permanent thing. Because if it is, I'll need my mum to get me some earplugs, so I can make it though to next five years," said Pansy with a chuckle as she lightly shoved Ellie's shoulder. 

"You know, it may help if you talk about it. Get a little bit of it off your chest, maybe?" Daphne said, sitting down on the edge of Ellie's bed. 

Ellie scrunched up her nose and shuffled around, sitting up slightly, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She wasn't sure whether to lie or tell the truth. She didn't quite think Pansy and Daphne needed to know what she did, or at least what she thought she did. 

"Keep dreaming about the sun. You know, the whole burning alive thing. It's like my version of being scared of being buried alive, I guess." Ellie sucked in a breath as she spouted a lie.

Thankfully, neither Pansy or Daphne questioned her, as she received a few empathetic pats on the shoulder and pity filled gazes. 


Ellie exited her dormitory, her mind considerably lighter after listening to her friends talk back and forth about their Christmas plans as she dressed and readied for the day. The thought of going home in a few days, where she could hopefully sleep peacefully, and the thought of being away from Harry, Ron, and Hermione's suspicions about Malfoy, were lifting her spirit. However, her soaring spirit came crashing down as soon as she reached the bottom of the dormitory stairs. 

The Slytherin Common Room had about as much life this Friday morning as a morgue did on any given day. There were usually games of exploding snap popping across the room, laughter echoing off the walls, and an occasional yell or spat coming from one of the corners, but this morning, it was silent. It was especially odd considering it was the last day of classes before Christmas Holidays, which usually meant the student body was even rowdier than usual. Ellie exchanged a few confused glances with her friends before scanning the room.

Standing by the Common Room door, she found the reason for the quiet. 

It was Snape, stood in his usual black robes. He was standing silently, watching the room and the students were watching him back, waiting for him to do something. Ellie knew as soon as she saw him, what he was there for. 

"I'll see you guys around," Ellie said, leaving her friends and crossing the room, heading towards the professor. Once she reached him, she stopped and readjusted her school bag on her shoulder. 

"Headmaster Dumbledore would like to speak to you," said Snape, in his usual greasy tone, and he didn't wait for a response before turning on his heal and exiting the Common Room, Ellie right behind him. 

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