Book 1 - Chapter 3

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Remus had spent an excruciating week digging through filing cabinets, folders, chests of drawers, expertly hidden safes, and just about every other place you could possible hide a key to Gringotts. The death of his daughters parents was sudden and fast. Neither he nor them had time for a 'goodbye' let alone a 'Before I die, here is the location of all the important documents and artifacts concerning the daughter that you will now be raising.' Therefore, whenever the time came for Remus to find one of these long lost treasures, he endured what could only be described as the worlds worst Easter Egg Hunt. Searching through a mansion this size was torture enough, but the added stress of the monsters hiding in the unoccupied rooms and closets, the thick layers of dust that coated every surface, and the small girl who kept asking 'Can we go today, Dad?!' every time he entered the room she was in, was enough to make anyone go positively mad. 

After excavating the key from the a desk in an office he wasn't even sure he had ever entered before, he was positive that during that week he had battled enough boggarts certifying him to teach a class on the most efficient method of dealing with the creatures. Exhausted, and his nose and clothes laced with dust, he stepped into the large back garden to see his daughter siting under a tree, shielded from the sun, reading what looked to be a book she had read before, tattered with sticky flags poking out on almost every page. He patted his sweater down, dust clouds erupting around him, and walked over to the girl. Focused on the book, a few seconds passed until she looked up at the man standing in front of her. Her eyes met his and then slid down his arm, where his hand stood still in the air, holding a small gold key.

"Tomorrow," was all he said, before turning back towards the house and enjoying the rest of his boggart-free day.


"Knock Knock," Remus said while simultaneously rapping on the door opposite the door to his bedroom. After receiving no response, he entered quietly. Leaving the door slightly ajar, he moved towards the large four poster bed on the opposite wall. Poking his head into the black curtains, he reached a hand towards the hair of the sleeping girl who occupied the bed that was 3 times her size. The girl stirred at the soft touch of a hand ruffling through her hair. She opened her eyes, blinked a few times, yawned, and now fully aware of the presence of her father, smiled a sleepy smile. 

"Morning," the girl grunted, beginning to stretch her limbs, wriggling around in her blankets. 

"Good Morning, Ellie, darling. Time to get up, get dressed. I'll get some breakfast round." 

Remus kissed the girl on the top of the head and turned to exit her bedroom. Upon closing her door, he stood outside of it for a moment, listening to the sound he was sure to come. After a few more seconds of silence, apparently the time in which the girl was still waking up, a thud of feet hitting the floor and bounding over to the room's closet echoed through the walls. Remus chuckled. He knew it. That was the sound of realization and excitement; she had realized today was the day she had been pestering him all week about.  

Ellie flung her closet doors open and started rifling through the mounds, stacks, and long line of hung up sweaters, t-shirts, pants, and skirts that regularly spilled out onto her bedroom floor. Despite the fabulous wealth her parents left to her, up until yesterday, she had zero access to it, meaning that her closet was filled with secondhand jeans and jumpers that were taken from her father, patched up, and shrunken to fit her smaller frame. Ellie was always her father's number one priority; whether that meant spending what little extra money he had on a new book for her, or spending hours sizing up every pair up jeans she owned when she grew an inch taller, it was all for her.

Bounding down the stairs, sporting some dark jeans and one of her fathers old sweaters that hung loosely off her frame, paired with her favorite pair of brown high-top sneakers, she met her father in the kitchen. She had never eaten breakfast as fast in her life and her excitement for today's activities was threatening to return the breakfast back up as soon as she put it down. Clearing her plate and depositing it into the sink, she turned to face her father, smiling wildly. 

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