Book 2 - Chapter 4

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Ellie was stumbling down The Burrow's stairs, the sleeves of her sweater looked a little singed and she had a bit of purple looking liquid splashed on the tip of her nose. As she reached the bottom, she joined her father in the living room, who was sitting back in a large, comfortable looking armchair. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were on the couch. Before she could say anything, her father spoke. 

"You've got something on your nose," Remus said, lightly pointing to the girl. 

Ellie quickly whipped a hand up to wipe her nose. Her singed sweater flickered through the air and left a quite noticeable trial of smoke behind. Mrs. Weasley squinted at the girl, rising from her seat. 

"What were you doing up there -" Mrs. Weasley began to ask. Ellie quickly threw her hands behind her back and looked to her father with a look that said 'please help me.' 

"Oh, I'm sure it's nothing, Molly," Remus said with a small smile, looking up from the chair to the woman who was eyeing his daughter. "Now," he started as he stood from the chair. 

Ellie was feeling quite intimidated. There were three adults and one of her and they were all standing in front of her and she knew he father was talking about her when she left the lunch table earlier that day. She wasn't used to having this many adults around (that weren't professors) or being around people who knew more about her than she did. But even more, Ellie knew that the Weasley's were trusted by her father, and she didn't know what he had told them about her, and she hated being out of the loop. 

 "Ellie, darling. I was just - discussing - with Mr. and Mrs. Weasley about tomorrow, and - "

"You're not going with us?" Ellie interrupted her father speaking quickly, an air of fear in her voice. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were looking wildly at the girl. 

"Right, I forgot you could do that now," Remus chuckled, but he was the only one laughing and quieted down after a second. "You'll be safe with the Weasley's, I promise. And if you need anything, anything at all, just come straight to Arthur and Molly and they can help you or they can help get me, and I'll be there with you in a heartbeat." 

Ellie was so confused as to what was happening.

"Why? Aren't you the one who was scared to even let me go back to school? And - and now you're just letting me go to London with a bunch of strangers!?" Ellie's face was pulling a contorted look and the Weasley's looked a bit offended when she called them strangers. "Sorry," she muttered quietly to the pair or red-heads.

"Well - something's come up, and I need to be away for the day. And - aren't you the one who keeps saying everything will be fine and always trying to convince me to let you leave the house?" 

Ellie squinted at her father. She knew there was something he wasn't telling her but she didn't know what it was. 

"Look, I'll be back tomorrow night to pick you up, okay?" Remus pulled Ellie into a hug. "You can trust the Weasley's. They'll be right there for you not matter what, just like I am, always," Remus whispered into the girl's head of hair. 

Ellie nodded, but could not swallow the growing feeling of concern that was in her stomach. 

"You'll be okay?" Ellie whispered back to her father. 

"Yes, I'll be perfectly fine. Okay? I love you, darling." 

Ellie squeezed her father tightly. 

"I love you, dad." 

Remus kissed the top of Ellie's head and released the girl from the hug. 

Ellie watched as Remus said a small goodbye to the Weasleys and made his way to their fireplace. She turned, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley standing behind her on either side, and watched her father step into the fireplace and become engulfed in green flames. 

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