Book 4 - Chapter 23

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Ellie and Malfoy had both silently agreed to go back to normal, ignoring the fact that for one shining moment that had actually gotten along. But, their new normal was not the usual normal that they most often had, full of insults and jokes at the other's expense. Of course, those were still being slung around jovially here and there, but neither of them seemed to get too upset with the other for doing so. They were being civil to each other. Maybe it was some civil silence, or a few exchanged looks, or perhaps a normal friendly conversation, but it was civility nonetheless.

They had just left Hagrid's class and were returning to the Entrance Hall, finding themselves unable to proceed owing to the large crowd of students congregated there, all milling around a large sign that had been erected at the foot of the Marble Staircase. Ellie, being the tallest of the group of her Slytherin friends, stretched her neck out to look over the heads in front of them and read the sign aloud:


The Delegations From Beauxbatons And Durmstrang Will Be Arriving At 6 O'clock on Friday The 30th of October. Lessons Will End Half An Hour Early -"

"Hey!" said Theodore. "It's potions last thing on Friday! Snape won't have time to poison us all!" He looked over at Blaise and shrugged. "Just have to make sure Drac goes first!"

"Students Will Return Their Bags And Books To Their Dormitories And Assemble In Front Of The Castle To Greet Our Guests Before The WELCOMING FEAST."

"Only a week away," Daphne mumbled, trying to stand on her tiptoes and see the sign.

"Excited for your birthday, bloodsucker?" Pansy asked, starting to usher everyone forward, paving a way through the crowd by slamming people to the side and hitting them with her bag against the back of their knees. Her hands were on Daphne's shoulder, guiding and directing her, also using her like a shield.

"Yeah," Ellie said loudly so Pansy could hear her through the chatter. "I guess. . ." She was no more or less excited for her birthday than she had been any other year, but it was hard to be enthusiastic when it felt like your eardrums were about to Skrewt level explode. Ellie threw a hand out behind herself to grab Theodore's arm and drag him as she followed behind Pansy; she didn't want him getting lost.

"I wonder if Cedric knows?" a loud voice called out as they passed through the hall. It was Ernie Macmillian of Hufflepuff, weaving his way toward the sign, his eyes gleaming. "Think I'll go and tell him. . ."

"Cedric?" Ellie said, more to herself than her friends. She hadn't talked to Cedric since the World Cup.

"Diggory," said Theodore from behind her.

"I know, Diggory. . . I didn't know he wanted to enter the Tournament. . ." Ellie said, now sounding a bit nervous. She didn't like the idea of any of her friends putting themselves in danger for a bit of money and five minutes of fame.

"That dunce, Hogwarts champion?" said Malfoy loudly, pushing his way loudly through the crowd behind Theodore.

"He's not a dunce," Ellie said. ". . . Theodore. . . come on. . ."

"Don't say that any louder, bloodsucker. Can't let Weasel know you think Cedric's handsome."

"What's it matter if he's handsome or not?" Ellie scoffed up to Pansy. "And can everybody stop calling Fred, Weasel?" she asked, looking now behind herself to Malfoy. He had a big smirk on his face.

"Dracula. . ." said Theodore. His voice sounded like he really didn't want to say what was about to come out of his mouth. His finger poked her in the right shoulder blade and something cold and metal pressed through her robes against her skin. "You've got. . . one of those. . ."

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