Book 2 - Chapter 2

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Ellie's bedroom door clicked behind her. It was July 31st and she had waited all day to receive an owl back from Harry after sending him a birthday card. She threw herself face first onto the large black four poster bed, the blankets and silk sheets crumbled and twisted. A large, half grunt - half sigh escaped her mouth as she lay under the bed's canopy like a starfish. 

The room was silent, the only noise being the quite patter of rain on the window outside. Ellie had begun to drift off to sleep, forgetting to put on her pajamas or even brush her teeth. Images of dancing bowtruckles and spinning nifflers began to float behind her eyes - until: crack. 

Ellie bolted upright, awoken by the sudden loud sound that had filled her bedroom momentarily. Her hair was going in every direction, her eyes were a bit gunky, and her arms were shaking slightly under her weight as adrenaline pumped through her veins. She was looking around the room wildly for the source of the sound and upon spotting it, her muscles loosened but brows furrowed. 

Ellie was looking at a small creature standing in the middle of her bedroom. It had a large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes. She instantly recognized the thing; it was house elf. 

"Tucker? I thought you were dead." Ellie asked, baffled. Tucker was the name of her family's house elf. He had died a few years prior and her father never bothered to replace him. 

"Oh no....not Tucker Miss Dracula..." 

Ellie rubbed her eyes to get a better look at the elf that was standing in her bedroom. After a second look, she could recognize that the elf standing in front of her was indeed, not, Tucker. Tucker was much older and more wrinkly and had big bushy eyebrows. Ellie climbed down onto the floor and sat with her back against the foot of her bed, now eye-level with the elf. 

"Who are you then?" Ellie was quite delighted to see a house-elf standing in her bedroom and was not the least bit surprised, though she probably should have been. After her first year at Hogwarts, a house-elf standing in her bedroom was nothing.

"Dobby miss. Dobby the house-elf," said the creature meekly.

"Ellie. Ellie Dracula. Pleased to meet you Dobby," said Ellie, holding out her hand in the direction of the small elf. 

Dobby's large eyes stared at the hand that was extended towards him. A small whimper filled the silent room as he looked nervously back up from Ellie's hand to her face. Ellie awkwardly lowered her hand, rubbing it on her shorts before scratching the side of her neck. 

"Erm - Dobby. Is there any particular reason you are here, in my - bedroom?" 

"Oh, yes, miss... it is difficult, miss....Dobby wonders where to begin..." Dobby was speaking earnestly but nervously. He had a quite squeaky voice. 

"Well, make yourself comfortable then. I'm ready whenever you are." 

At that, the elf burst into tears - very loud tears. 

"Such kindness....never, ever...comfortable..."

"I'm - I'm sorry Dobby. I - I didn't mean to offend you," said Ellie speaking quietly but quickly, trying to console the sobbing elf. 

"Offend Dobby!" the elf choked out. "Dobby has never been treated as an equal, by a wizard - " Dobby was crying very hard. 

Ellie was trying to shush the elf and comfort him back into quiet. The rain outside was dying down and Dobby's loud sobs were echoing off the walls of her bedroom. She feared the elf would wake her father who was sleeping quite comfortably just across the hall. Eventually, Ellie had calmed Dobby down enough to where he was no longer crying, but instead was sat on her bedroom floor hiccoughing. He was looking at Ellie with large eyes, watering with adoration. 

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