Book 2 - Chapter 11

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Hello everybody!

Chapter 11 nearly marks the halfway point of book 2! I hope you are all enjoying so far and thank you to those of you who have stuck with me thus far!

I wanted to write a quick little note, an apology and thank you mixture. I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for an update to the story, but also thank you for being so patient with me. Here was my October in a nutshell for those of you who are wondering where I went.

On Monday, October 2nd, my father was admitted to the hospital, ICU, for the second time in the last few months. He had been battling cancer for the last ~3 years and it was beginning to catch up with him. He was admitted, vitals looking good, just in need of monitoring, hoping to be out by the end of the week.

On Friday, October 6th, my entire family and I rushed to the hospital to be by his side, as he had taken a turn for the worst. Sparing the details, it was now just a waiting game.

Saturday, October 7th, was his forty-ninth birthday.

On October 9th, my father passed away. His celebration of life was held a week later.

I 'celebrated' my birthday on Monday, October 23rd, which was quite honestly, a shitty day.

I felt I needed some time to recoup and quite honestly felt no motivation to write anything, so I didn't. I tried picking back up where I left off several times, but nothing I wrote felt right, or felt like me. So, I gave myself more time and probably watched more hours of Supernatural on Netflix than is good for the human brain (Supernatural was one of my dads favorite shows and we would watch it together when I was a kid).

I wrote the first, ~2,000 words of Chapter 11 a day or two before he passed and some small chunks here and there over the month until I felt ready to finish the chapter, so I apologize if this one is a little rocky or disjointed.

Thank you all for the support, the love, the votes, the comments. They all really do mean so much to me, more than words could ever describe. So! Here's to the comeback of Make Me.! Here's to chapter 11!

Cheers Loves <3

~ Erin

(PS. If the Ellie and Remus father-daughter relationship was emotional before, I pray for you who have to read it now.) 


Ellie didn't have to wake on up Sunday morning, though she wouldn't have gotten much sleep if she had tried, so it didn't matter much.

After Dobby's late night arrival, Ellie had spent the rest of her night vaguely answering Daphne and Pansy's questions, about Dobby, about her father, about Harry Potter, the list went on and on. Before any of the three girls noticed, the night had swirled into day, and they were off to an early breakfast, Ellie still in her sweater from yesterday, and her bag slung over her shoulder, glass jars and phials clinking softly inside.

After a few pieces of toast and some sleepy goodbyes, Ellie was sat on the floor of Moaning Myrtle's second floor bathroom.  

Moste Potente Potions was opened on the floor in front of her. Next to it, a small collapsible cauldron that she had managed to shove into her school bag, unnoticed by both Daphne and Pansy. Ellie attributed it to them being half-asleep, as the cauldron sprung open the first time she tired shoving it in ,and it landed on the floor with a clang.

Ellie had just lit a fire under the cauldron when the bathroom door squeaked open slowly.

"Mornin'," Ellie called lazily, not looking up from her wand-work, careful not to burn herself.

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