Book 1 - Chapter 10

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Ellie woke on Friday morning of her second week at Hogwarts considerably refreshed, despite the events of the previous day and how exhausted she was from her late night escapade the previous night. It seemed she was not the only one who needed catching up on sleep though, as today was the first day in the first two whole weeks that she woke up to find the beds of her dorm-mates still occupied.

As she sat up in bed, Ellie looked at the silhouettes of the other girls still fast asleep under their blankets. Her first thought was that maybe she had just woken up in the middle of the night and had time to go back to sleep. But, as Ellie looked at the water outside her dorm's windows, the glittering sunlight that filled the room with a light green tint told her otherwise.

For the last two weeks, Ellie had not paid much attention to the other girls that shared her dormitory, seeing how they much preferred having nothing to do with her. So, this morning, Ellie took the opportunity to try and get to know them, to the best of her ability. However, she was unsure of how well this would work, seeing as though Pansy Parkinson had a head of garlic sitting on her bedside table and what looked like a large wooden stick with a suspiciously pointy end, sticking out from under her mattress.  

Moving quietly as to not wake the other girls, Ellie dressed and concealed her scar, now a habit in her morning routine. She grabbed her schoolbag, which was hanging off of one of her bed's posts and rummaged through it, making sure everything she would need for the day was inside. She threw in a couple extra books and spare bits of parchment from her trunk and slung the bag over her shoulder. Then, set on the idea of making acquaintances of the girls in her dormitory, sat down on top of her trunk and waited for the other girls to wake up, watching a few fish lazily float by the window from time to time.

Daphne Greengrass was the first to wake, getting out of bed quietly. Ellie had her head turned away from Daphne's bed and assumed the girl thought if she moved quietly enough, Ellie wouldn't notice her. She questioned what would be the best way to greet the girls who hated her so much. 

"Morning, Greengrass," Ellie said, her voice calm but clear.

Her words made the girl jump, knocking into her bedside table, a glass falling to the ground and shattering. At the noise, the two sleeping girls woke with a start. Ellie's eyes flashed to Pansy's bed as her curtains whipped open and she saw the girl fumble for the stick that was lodged under her mattress. Pansy, brandishing the stick in Ellie's direction, sat on her knees on the edge of the bed, hanging onto one of the posts, looking at Ellie with a wild expression on her face. 

"You know you have a wand right? A real one, not a stick." Ellie chuckled looking at the girl. However it seemed speaking to her only made Pansy more afraid, her eyes widening and her hand, and stick, beginning to shake at a Neville worthy level.

From behind her, Ellie heard Daphne shuffle, moving to get a better look at the situation.

"Pansy. Pansy, put it down." Ellie heard Daphne's voice say, soft and cautious, as if she was saying so only to diffuse the situation despite thinking Pansy's stick to be their best weapon against the girl they feared.

Ellie watched as Pansy's shaking arm lowered the stick, but kept hold of it with white knuckles. She sighed, looking around the room at the three girls who remained frozen watching Ellie's every move. She moved her gaze back to Pansy and then to Daphne, concluding that speaking to her would be her best bet.

"I don't want to be enemies with you guys. You know that, right?" Ellie asked, looking genuinely at Daphne. "And if I were to have hurt you, or attack you, I would've already done so by now, don't you think?" Ellie questioned looking back to Pansy and her stick.

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