Book 3 - Chapter 19

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As December went on, Ellie saw less and less of her Quidditch loving friends. Slytherin was really starting to prepare for their first match. Ravenclaw had flattened Hufflepuff at the end of November and Wood became repossessed of his manic energy, working the GryffindorQuidditch team as hard as ever in the chilly haze of rain that persisted into December and refused to turn into snow. Harry was leaving Ellie alone, now with the promise of anti-dementor lessons over Christmas Holiday and it seemed that Dumbledore's anger was keeping the dementors at their stations at the entrances to the grounds.

Two weeks before the end of the term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, oplaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost. Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas in the air. Professor Flitwick had already decorated his classroom with shimmering lights that turned out to be real, fluttering fairies. Students were discussing their plans for the holidays and Ellie was quite excited for her first Christmas at Hogwarts, having gone home for her first two years. Harry, and Hermione were staying as well and Ellie overheard Ron debating with himself out loud if he should stay and have to see Ellie, or go home and have to see Percy for two weeks straight.

To everyone's delight except Harry's, there was to be another Hogsmeade trip on the very last weekend of the term.

"We can do all our Christmas shopping there!" said Hermione. "Mum and Dad would really love those ToothflossingStringmints from Honeydukes!"

Ron scoffed.

"I'm not going if she's going," he grunted, looking in Ellie's direction.

"Didn't think I was invited anyways. . . not that I wanted to go with you, Ronald," Ellie muttered.

"You're not going!?" Fred asked.

"Oh, I'm going, just not with them. I've already told Daphne and Pansy I'd join them."

"But what about me?" Fred asked, sticking out his bottom lip.

"I thought you'd want to go with George," said Ellie.

"But -"

"It's not like I won't see you there. Daphne and Pansy don't really like being outside. I'm sure we'll be in the Three Broomsticks all day."

"But I can't sit with you. Pansy will probably bite me if I do!" said Fred.

Ellie smiled at him.

"Then I guess you'll just have to sit there and watch me."

"Fine," Fred groaned.


Ellie was pleased to receive notice from Professor Snape that after his first lesson of December, Snape was giving her the whole rest of the month off from Friday lessons. Ellie was ninety-nine percent sure Snape wouldn't have suggested giving her a break, and the warm smile that continued to spread wider and wider on her father's face overtime Ellie lost a degree of tiredness from her face as the weeks of December went on told her it was probably his idea. Ellie wasn't complaining though, as she really did need a break. A few weeks was long enough for her cuts and scrapes and bruises to heal, and for her to try to catch up on some much needed rest. When the last weekend of the term arrived, Ellie was ready for the Hogsmeade trip to be over so she could spend the days of her Christmas Holiday sleeping peacefully in her bed.

"You need a coat!" Daphne said with the tap of her foot.

"She doesn't need a coat!" Pansy quipped. "Look at her."

Ellie was laying on the stone floor of her dormitory, limbs spread in every direction like a starfish. She was wearing a pair of jeans from Daphne's closet that had an odd fleece lining, as well as two layers of shirts and socks and a very, very thick sweater on top of her bundle. She was sweating and felt like a marshmallow.

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