Book 4 - Chapter 12

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Hello Everyone!

I'm am going to try and keep things short and sweet as I bring you this update. (oh look, it wasn't short, smh)

1.) I missed you all and really appreciate everyone who sent me love or checked up on me while I was not updating. You all mean the world to me! Some of the comments really made me want to get back into Ellie's story after putting her on the backburner for a minute.

2.) Ellie Dracula and Make Me. is not ending, I'm not ditching them - and like I said, they have just been on a backburner of my life for a moment. I have been spending a lot lot lot of time working on my debut novel and have been putting so much love and energy into that - I didn't want to have that compete with Ellie because they both deserve my full attention! That being said, I am at an editing stage for that and have hit a point where I need a little break - so here I am! I'd be happy to share more about that with anyone who's interested!

3.) Last point - In working on my novel, my writing has evolved so much in the last few months, to a point where I actively see the difference. This chapter and the next (12 and 13) were written months ago, so they should sound similar to the way you are all used to hearing my voice. HOWEVER, I do have to warn - they may be poorly edited and poorly worded, because they sat unedited for months until I decided to read them over real quick and just release them. THAT BEING SAID, any chapters that come in the future may sound different. They may have a different cadence, they may have a different style, they may be shorter, and they may just be a more refined version of how you expect me to sound! IT'S STILL ME THOUGH! I am just evolving! (It was really quite cringe reading over these two chapters and hearing just how different my writing was a few months ago lol - I guess practice does make perfect and I would probably spontaneously combust if I went back and read the first Book of this whole project, which I will never do for my own sake LMAO - it's like a little (not little at all) diary of how my writing has grown as I've gone) 

I may have a few more updates when I release a fresh chapter or I may not. I really don't know, but until then - I hope these hold anyone over who has been itching for more Ellie! Thanks for the love!



"I can't believe you did that," Ellie said with a light laugh. Smoke poured out of her mouth into the air.

"It was your idea," Remus replied, copying her breath out.

They were sitting outside in the grass. The sun had dipped past the horizon long ago, leaking clouds in the sky overhead. Neither Ellie nor Remus seemed to mind that it was pouring outside. They were right in the spot Ellie had had a breakdown in, just the week before.

"You're supposed to be my dad."

"I am your dad."

Ellie raised her eyebrow at Remus, looking between him and the cigarettes in their hands.

"I never that said I was a good dad."

"You are a good dad," Ellie replied causally.

Remus laughed a dry laugh.

"You know, I've been waiting for this moment. . . pretty much since you could walk on your own. I thought it'd happen a bit father off than it has, but - I guess near fifteen is good enough."

"Okay. . . maybe I should take what I said back," Ellie hummed.

"Maybe, darling," Remus laughed. He took another drag and then looked at Ellie through his cloud of smoke. "You know I love you more than anything, right?"

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