Book 3 - Chapter 27

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Hello Everyone!

I'm here bearing virtual hugs and thank yous! Make Me. has just about reached 8k reads! All because of you! So thank you! Especially thank you to the handful of people who always slam the vote button as soon as I post (you know who you are and I see you) and the people who are always leaving nice sweet comments on the chapters! 

I also wanted to say a very special thank you to everyone on here for simply being so nice, and kind, and genuine to me with their support. 

You may or may not know that I SHAMELESSLY cross-post this fic on my Ao3 account. When I a started writing it, I had an out-pour of people who wanted to see it over there because they liked the site better - so I obliged. And recently, I have come to find that Ao3 is really the wild west of fanfiction. People are over there saying whatever they want, criticizing other people's writing, and backseat writing in my comments - SO TO EVERYONE ON HERE WHO IS SO NICE AND SWEET - YOU MEAN ME THE WORLD TO ME AND I GENUINELY APPRECIATE EVERYONE OF YOU AND YOUR NICE COMMENTS - THEY MAKE IT SO MUCH EASIER FOR ME TO STAY MOTIVATED TO WRITE. <3 (sorry for shouting at you)

Anyways, this chapter fun and cute and made me smile and I hope it makes you smile a little. After this, the ball is going to start rolling downhill very fast towards the end of Book 3. 

~ Erin :)


The night before the Quidditch final, Oliver Wood plastered a large poster on the wall next to the Fat Lady that said, in big bold letters:


Underneath the the words he had drawn a very crude picture of a bat with scary white eyes.

Ellie, Daphne, and Pansy had a full dormitory that night. Blaise was looking sick, sitting on the spare bed in the girls' room, trying to work on an essay to distract himself. Theodore was making a lot of very loud whooping noises as he jumped around, exuberant, hyping himself up. And Malfoy, was sitting on top of Ellie's trunk, looking around the room for things to complain about.

Daphne, Ellie, and Pansy were all cuddled up in one bed, looking at the back of Malfoy's head.

"I can't work. I can't concentrate," Blaise said nervously, slapping his book closed.

"We're going to be fiiiiineeeee," Theodore drew. He jumped and rolled across the floor, like he was practice catching a ball. After he caught it he stood up and went 'ahhhhhh,' quietly, as if there was a crowd cheering for him. He flexed his biceps and winked at the non-resistant crowd.

"Not with Potter and his mangy Firebolt," Malfoy muttered sharply.

"You have to remember what Flint said," Theodore started, looking at Malfoy. "Potter is one guy, with one Firebolt. Our whole team has Clean Sweeps Two Thousand and Ones, the newest model. All's we have to do it outplay them at the game - or at least not let them play the game. . . Let Potter catch the Snitch - doesn't matter as long as we have more points. The Gryffindork's have no chance." Theo swung his hands through the air in a slashing movement.

"You sound like such a bro," Ellie said across the room, "bro."

"Don't disrespect him like that, Dracula, remember - he's your girlfriend - not your bro," Pansy snorted. Ellie chuckled as she and Theo made hand hearts at each other from across the room.

"Ugh," Malfoy said loudly, standing up, wiping his pants off. Marshall plopped off of his lap onto Ellie's trunk. "Dracula, I've told you to keep your smelly rodent away from me," he groaned.

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